I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: Sutter Creek, Montana #8
Published by Harlequin Special Edition on June 28, 2022
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This is one fire
He never wants to extinguish
Since childhood, firefighter Graydon Halloran has been secretly in love with Alejandra Brooks Flores. Now, with Aleja working as the building contractor near to where he's staying, it’s becoming impossible for Gray to hide his feelings. But Aleja's situation is complicated. She’s pregnant with IUI twins and she isn’t looking for love. Can Gray convince his lifelong crush that he can make her dreams come true?
Heartfelt characters, adorable connections and just a really fun return to Sutter Creek, Montana! With the eighth book in this small town series a childhood crush finally pays off when firefighter Graydon Halloran finally gets the attention of contractor Alejandra Brooks Flores and sparks flare and ignite.
Gray is adorable and I adored every minute of him on the pages.
Aleja is a real go getter who isn’t afraid to take chances to get to where she is today, but she’s afraid the chance she might take on her heart and career by falling for a younger man who is wrapped up in the heart of the town might be more than she can handle.
I highly recommend this book as well as the entire series to anyone who enjoys a fast paced small town romance that’s always filled with love, laughter and family as drama paves the way towards forever.
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