I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: Montana Mavericks: The Lonelyhearts Ranch
Published by Harlequin Special Edition on November 1, 2018
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All She Wants for Christmas is a Cowboy!
Rust Creek Ramblings
A few weeks ago, local wedding planner Caroline Ruth took a tumble off a ladder, and when she came to, she believed Thunder Canyon cowboy Craig Clifton was her boyfriend. Trouble was, they’d never met before. What was an upstanding rancher to do? Now, until Caroline’s memory returns, Craig is acting as reluctant faux fiancé. But with Christmas around the corner, dear readers, we’re hoping for a real-life happy ending for this unexpected couple!
She’s all mixed up! With a fun little jaunt into an unusual situation, Christy Jeffries takes us to Rust Creek Falls, Montana for the next in the Montana Mavericks series. The book has a touch of humor to it since they’re in a bit of a forced situation, and the characters are interesting and keep our attention throughout the story line. Enjoyed it!
Wedding planner Caroline Ruth is convinced she’s engaged to the hunky cowboy standing next to her! Of course the fall off of a ladder and knock on the head could explain her confusion.
Thunder Canyon cowboy Craig Clifton has never seen this woman before, but she’s friendly with some of his friends and she seems so convinced, so how can he be a mean ogre and blow her mind at this sensitive time? He reluctantly finds himself staying by her side and letting her believe they are engaged until her bruised mind safely realizes the truth … only problem is, he actually starts to enjoy his time with her along the way!