** Book Review ** THE SUMMER OF ANNAH: A MIDSUMMER’S WISH by Tinthia Clemant

The Summer of Annah

3 1/2 STARS!

I enjoyed the main plot of the older woman meeting the man of her dreams in a younger man in this book quite a bit, but for me, there was too much “busyness” to the story.  I could have stood for there to be fewer friend issues, co-workers, distractions, etc. and more of them actually enjoying their romance together.  It was still an enjoyable read though.

When practicing Wiccan Annah-Belle Henderson cast a spell for love, she didn’t expect it to be a younger man crossing her path that caused an instant zing of attraction and revelation that he was the one.  She tried to fight the attraction because she was really hung up about the age, but Eric Ashworth wasn’t going to let her push him away so easily.

Nephew to one of Annah’s best friends, Eric enjoys the attraction he feels for Annah and is willing to jump in head first with her.  When family issues and a past evil resurrects to attempt to keep them apart, they have to decide whether it’s worth fighting for each other or not.

ARC received via Author/VA

** Book Review ** ONE DOM TO LOVE by Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob, Isabella LaPearl




One Dom to Love



A sexy journey into the world of the Alpha Dom of Shadows, a private BDSM club in California.

Raine Kendall has been in love with her boss Macen Hammerman for years … almost since he rescued her as a teen runaway from the dumpster behind his club.  He took her in, took care of her, taught her the ways of the world and offered her his protection for years.  The only thing he won’t give her is his love.

Hammer refuses to give in to his feelings for Raine and uses anything and everything else to hold him back from her.  His best friend Liam O’Neill watches from the sidelines as he tears himself up time and time again instead of just giving in and being with her.

Circumstances arise that drive Liam to offer his services  as a Dom to train Raine to be the submissive that she wants to be, even though it estranges him from Hammer.  Will these two friends ever find their way to making up or will it forever be a fight over the “the one”?

ARC received via InkSlingerPR



01-ODTL-v6Raine Kendall has been in love with her boss, Macen Hammerman, for years. Determined to make the man notice that she’s a grown woman with desires and needs, she pours out her heart and offers her body to him—only to be crushingly rejected. But when his friend, very single, very sexy Liam O’Neill watches the other Dom refuse to act on his obvious feelings for Raine, he resolves to step in and do whatever it takes to help Hammer find happiness again, even rousing his friend’s possessive instincts by making the girl a proposition too tempting to refuse. But he never imagines that he’ll end up falling for her himself.

Hammer has buried his lust for Raine for years. After rescuing the budding runaway from an alley behind his exclusive BDSM Dungeon, he has come to covet the pretty submissive. But tragedy has taught him that he can never be what she needs. So he watches over her while struggling to keep his distance. Liam’s crafty plan blindsides Hammer, especially when he sees how determined his friend is to possess Raine for his own. Hammer isn’t ready to give the lovely submissive over to any other Dom, but can he heal from his past and fight for her? Or will he lose Raine if she truly gives herself—heart, body, and soul—to Liam?

AMAZON  ***    AMAZON UK  ***   B&N  ***  iBooks  ***    Kobo ***  Smashwords


** Book Review ** PLAYING FAST by Melanie Scott

Playing Fast


HOT!  Troublemaking pro ball player Finn Castro has finally calmed down after being thrown back to the minors and meeting his match in a lady!

Sexy as sin Finn Castro is trying to redeem himself and show the NY Saints that he can be a team player and isn’t living only for the party anymore.  The team owners sent him back down to their minor team for a year to see if he can straighten himself out, and he’s determined to do it.  Will meeting someone he’s interested in within the Preachers back office change his concentration?

Eva Harlowe has had a huge crush on Finn for a long time, but she wants nothing to do with the bad boy and tries her best to ignore him even when she’s having to get him set up with all of his admin stuff with the team.  When he continues to be nice and ease his way into conversations with her and it becomes obvious she likes him too, will she decide that a no strings attached fling is just what she needs?

ARC received via NetGalley

** Book Review ** HER DARKEST NIGHTMARE by Brenda Novak

Her Darkest Nightmare

4 1/2 STARS!

The first full length novel in Brenda Novak’s new series is electrifying!  We’re treated to a trek through the unknown as murder occurs in Hilltop, Alaska and scandal breaks at Hanover House.  We’re left wondering who the culprit or culprits are right up until the end!

Evelyn Talbot knows a psychopath’s mind better than she ever wanted to, but she wants to know more. She has successfully opened Hanover House in Hilltop, Alaska which is the first facility of it’s kind which she hopes will lead to great insights into the minds of the biggest criminals in the country.

Alaskan State Trooper, Sergeant Amarok has been opposed to this facility coming into his quiet village, and he fears it’s his worst nightmare coming true when a couple of mutilated bodies show up.  He cares for Evelyn a lot and still wants a relationship with her even though she tries to keep her distance … if he can help her figure out who is setting this all into motion, he will!

ARC received via NetGalley

** Blog Tour / Book Review ** CALLED UP by Jen Doyle

Called Up


A fun follow up to Calling It!  I enjoyed the book, but I did feel like there were a lot of characters, relatives and past relationships thrown at us in the first paragraph or two which was a bit hard to follow, and I even recognized some already from the first book, but still found it hard to keep up.

Max Deacon AKA Deke and Angelica Hawkins AKA Fitz adore each other.  They have been the best of friends for years and year and know the other one is always there for them no matter what. Neither of them has been willing to admit to their past crushes on each other, but when attraction finally rears it’s head between them, they have to admit they are interested in each other.  They attempt to fight it … she is his best friend’s little sister after all … but the fighting doesn’t last long!

Deke has a huge reputation for his player ways, and Fitz isn’t interested in a relationship at all … but will adding this aspect to their relationship make them both dream of forever?

ARC received via Tasty Book Tours




Called Up
A Calling It Novel
By: Jennifer Doyle

Releasing August 29, 2016
Carina Press



There are two things Max “Deke” Deacon can always count on: his old high school teammates and Fitz Hawkins. But no matter how much Deke might secretly fantasize otherwise, a relationship with one of his best friends is off limits. Until one unexpectedly smoldering encounter has Deke and Fitz looking at each other in a whole new way.

Angelica “Fitz” Hawkins knows for a fact that it is not better to have loved and lost. After losing her parents, she’d rather lock up her heart and throw away the key than endure that kind of pain again. If that means giving up any hope of a lasting relationship, then so be it.

With Deke, Fitz finally feels like she’s back in the land of the living. But she won’t risk another broken heart—even if it means saying good-bye to Deke for good. It’s up to Deke to convince her that the safest place she could ever be is right here with him.



Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2016/06/called-up-calling-it-novel-by-jennifer.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30237695-called-up

Buy Links:      Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Called-Up-Jen-Doyle-ebook/dp/B01EEWCEG2
B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/called-up-jen-doyle/1123671383?ean=9781459294356
iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/called-up/id1104823239?mt=11
Kobo:  https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/called-up-1





“Hey, Dorie,” she heard from above her. “Do you know where Fitz wants these bottles of water?”

Speak of the devil. Fitz brought her head up a little too suddenly, banging it on the underside of the table. “Ouch!” Her hand going to the back of her head, she came up frowning, and…

Oh, God, was he this gorgeous before? Had he always smelled amazing?

Doing everything she could to keep herself immune from his physical charms, she spun on her heel. “Back here.”

Very specifically not looking in Deke’s direction so that she didn’t give anything away, she forced herself to act exactly as she always did around him. Except she suddenly couldn’t quite remember how that was. Did she flirt with him? Did she flat-out ignore him? Did she generally just go around in a state of low-level irritation? Because right now she had absolutely no clue.

She had even less of a clue as she bent down to open up the lid to the cooler and he crouched down next to her, his head so close all he’d need to do was turn it slightly to the left and his mouth would be on her breast.

And was that…?

Oh, hell, no, her nipples had not just hardened. She slapped her arms over her chest.

Because they had. And Deke, with his superhero sex god extra sensory perception, had definitely noticed. He at least had the decency to look down at the ground as he grinned.

“It’s the cold,” Fitz snapped. “From the cooler.”

Pushing the bottles down into the ice, Deke just answered, “You’d be amazed at all the bits and pieces I can warm up with my tongue.”





A big believer in happily ever afters, Jen Doyle decided it was high time she started creating some. Jen is a member of the Romance Writers of America, as well as a member of the New England, New Jersey Romance Writers and Music City Romance Writer chapters of RWA. She is represented by Sarah E. Younger of the Nancy Yost Literary Agency. She has an M.S. in Library and Information Science and, in addition to her work as a librarian, has worked as a conference and events planner as well as a Communications and Enrollment administrator in both preschool and higher education environments (although some might say that there is very little difference between the two; Jen has no comment regarding whether she is one of the “some”).

Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

Website:  http://www.jendoyleink.com/
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/jendoyleink
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/jendoyleink
GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7093094.Jen_Doyle




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** Book Review ** RUN TO YOU by Rachel Lacey

Run to You


I am really enjoying this new series by Rachel Lacey!  I read the prequel novella ROCK WITH YOU, so it was fun to see a hint of Carly & Sam again in this book.  Lots of flirty romance, quirky laughs and sexy men floating around!  Can’t wait for the future stories!

Gabrielle Winters is visiting Haven, North Carolina for some down time away from real life.  She happens upon local Ethan Hunter by accident and proceeds to humiliate herself by stumbling into a bees nest and requiring him to take her for medical attention … talk about embarrassing!

Ethan is a fun loving ladies man who isn’t planning to ever settle down.  He’s going into business with a couple of his buddies and enjoying life close to his Gram, Dixie.  When she catches wind he was seen with a beautiful woman, she’s convinced he’s got a new girlfriend.  Extenuating circumstances leads Ethan to get Gabby to agree to play along with that thinking for awhile.  Will it be more truth than fiction when all is said and done?

ARC received via NetGalley

** Book Review ** HANOVER HOUSE by Brenda Novak

Hanover House

4 1/2 STARS!

I’m hooked!  This prequel to the new series by Brenda Novak takes us into the world of Psychiatrist Evelyn Talbot to learn why she has been fighting so hard to make her dream of Hanover House a reality.  I can’t wait to delve further into the series and see what comes of Evelyn & Amarok!

Evelyn Talbot was kidnapped, tortured and left for dead by her high school boyfriend when she was just a teenager.  She has spent her lifetime studying the mind of a psychopath to learn what makes them tick.  To study why they feel no empathy.  To study whether there could ever be a warning sign.

She is thrilled to have finally gotten the government funding she needs to build Hanover House in Hilltop, Alaska where she will have a large number of the world’s worst psychopaths moved into this high security medical health center.  People in Hilltop are not thrilled that this new facility will be moving in … especially Alaskan State Trooper, Sergeant Amarok.  He’s worried about having such dangerous people in his town, but he can’t help but like Evelyn and feel sorry for what she’s been through at the same time!

** Book Review ** WHISPERS UNDER A SOUTHERN SKY by Joanne Rock

Whispers Under a Southern Sky


A little bit of everything greets you when you make your way through the pages of this newest voyage into Heartache, Tennessee!  We have reuniting of past loves, family break-ups and reconciliations, teen angst and a big mystery in the works of trying to find out who’s been terrorizing young girls around town for years.  Great read!

We finally meet that long lost Finley sister when Amy returns to town after a 10 year absence.  She’s finally put the past behind her enough to be able to face her family, the town and all of it’s triggers.  She’s not expecting to meet back up with her high school sweetheart again though!

Sheriff Sam Reyes had his own reasons for fleeing town all those years ago, and he’s back in town now with his baby son to try to put some of those issues to rest and get justice once and for all.

Amy and Sam can’t deny their attraction is still there … and they both need some happiness in their lives … but will he be able to get past a secret that she wants to keep buried?

ARC received via Author/NetGalley

** Blog Tour / Book Review ** CAROUSEL NIGHTS by Amie Denman

Carousel Nights


Feels like a homecoming when you read a book that portrays such a sweet reunion!

June Hamilton left her hometown 7 years ago for the bright lights of New York City in order to fulfill her dreams of dancing on Broadway.  She’s enjoyed her life, but has one inkling of a regret … former crush/boyfriend Mel Preston!

Mel enjoys his life as head of maintenance at June’s family amusement park, Starlight Point and dearly loves his son.  When he sees June is back, he can’t help but spend as much time by her side as possible.  He hasn’t forgotten her either.

While June spends time falling for Mel and his little boy over the summer, will it make any difference in her plans to head back to NYC once summer is over?

ARC received via Prism Book Tours




On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Carousel Nights (Starlight Point Stories)Carousel Nights
(Starlight Point Stories #2)
by Amie Denman
Adult Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
August 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Every first love deserves a second chance

June Hamilton left home to pursue her dream of dancing on Broadway. Seven years later, she has one regret: Mel Preston, her teenage crush and onetime summer love. Now a single dad and the head of maintenance at Starlight Point, her family’s amusement park, Mel’s easy smile still makes her heart beat in triple time. But June came home with a plan. She would spend the summer revitalizing the park’s aging theaters, then make a graceful exit back to the big city. Until Mel and his young son start making a powerful claim on her emotions, and June faces an impossible decision…

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & Noble

Other Books in the Series

Under the BoardwalkUnder the Boardwalk
(Starlight Point Stories #2)
by Amie Denman
Adult Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
January 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Everyone’s counting on him

With the sudden death of his father, Jack Hamilton finds himself running the family amusement park, Starlight Point. His first job? Balance the books, and that means raising the rent for vendors like baker Augusta Murphy.

Gus won’t accept the new contract…not without a fight. She rallies the other vendors and sets out to negotiate with Jack. At least, she tries. How do you play hardball with a man who’s charming and kind and still grieving? Gus needs to figure it out fast, because the closer she gets to Jack, the more she risks losing everything.

Amie Denman lives in Ohio with her husband, sons, cats, and dog. When she’s not reading or writing, she enjoys walking and playing outside. Born with an overdeveloped sense of curiosity, she’s been known to chase fire trucks on her bicycle just to see what’s going on. Amie believes that everything is fun: especially roller coasters, wedding cake, and falling in love.

Tour Giveaway

10 copies of the first book in the series, Under the Boardwalk (print if US, ebook if outside the US)
Open internationally
Ends September 2nd

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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** Blog Tour / Book Review ** TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY by Jeannie Moon



Sweet & satisfying!

It was fun to return to Mimosa Key with Jeannie Moon again to pick up the DeMarco family drama!

We previously saw Josie DeMarco get together and head towards her happily ever after with Tony, and this time we jump into things with Josie’s brother and her best friend!

Lila Novak had a quickie affair with Nick DeMarco the last time he was in town, but it ended suddenly when he was called away on one of those covert operations he’s always doing!  Now he’s back and finding out for the first time that they are expecting a baby!

Lila loves her job as a teacher at Mimosa High, but it’s being threatened because of the scandal.  Nick might tuck and run a lot for his job, but he’s man enough to step up to his responsibilities and offers to marry her … not only do they have a baby on the way, but it could also save the job she loves!

Will these two loners be able to find a way to make forever work?

ARC received via Barclay Publicity




Truly, Madly, Deeply by Jeannie Moon

 Kick off your shoes, stick your toes in the sand and indulge yourself in a sweet second chance romance on the island of Mimosa Key.  Nick DeMarco is back in Barefoot Bay and is hoping for Lila Novak’s forgiveness. Little does he know, he’ll get a whole lot more than that. Fans of Roxanne St. Claire’s Barefoot Bay will love meeting new visitors and residents of Mimosa Key in this Kindle Worlds Barefoot Bay romance by Jeannie Moon.

Release Date:
Publisher: Kindle Worlds
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: Digital


Nick DeMarco was a covert operative who breezed in and out of the lives of the people he cared about often without warning. This included his sister Josie’s best friend, Lila Novak.

Nick and Lila had a torrid affair the last time he dropped into Barefoot Bay, and now that he’s back, possibly for the long haul, he hopes she’ll forgive him for disappearing without a word.

Lila loves her life as a teacher at Mimosa High School, but her affair with Nick has thrown her a curveball she never expected. Carrying his baby, she’s faced with the loss of her job unless she agrees to do the last thing she wants to do – marry him.

Get More information at: Goodreads  | Amazon






There were few things that ticked off Lila Novak more than busybodies. And when said busybodies were making her life difficult, that really chapped her ass.

She sat at the district office, having been summoned from Mimosa High School by the superintendent of schools, and while she waited she saw a parade of people enter the conference room. Her principal, the vice principal, the personnel director, and her department chair were all part of the group that was going to see her. This wasn’t good.

Nothing like kicking a girl when she was down.

Her department chair, Mary Chavez, poked her head out and motioned to Lila. “We’re ready for you. Don’t let them upset you, and don’t lose your temper.”

Mary was a sweet woman, a joy to work for. Because of her, the math department at Mimosa was a fun place to be. Her colleagues were friendly, and unlike some departments, they all liked each other. However, Mary knew Lila could have a smart mouth, and this wasn’t the time for wit. Even if some people deserved her wit shoved up their butts.

The superintendent sat at the far end of the table, and the other administrators flanked him left and right. This wasn’t going to be easy.

Lila stood at the other end of the large oval table. Alone.

“Lila, have a seat,” the big guy said.

“Thank you,” she replied. That was a load of shit. She had no reason to thank them.

“So,” he began. “We hear you’ve gotten yourself in a bad spot.”

This was really making him uncomfortable, and based on the scowls from a few others in the room, she was in more than a bad spot.

“Sir, I am pregnant, yes.” Lila took a deep breath before continuing. “I’ve tried to keep it private, but that’s hard to do in such a…close knit community.” It’s full of nosy women with nothing else to do, is what she wanted to say. But Lila held her tongue, knowing that sassing the superintendent and his minions wouldn’t help her cause. “While I’m sure it might make some people uncomfortable, it isn’t something I want to talk about.”

“Unfortunately, that’s not an option,” the personnel director broke in. She was new to the district, and Lila didn’t catch her first name, but her last name was Smith. “You have to talk about it. There is a clause in your contract regarding morality…”

Bile stuck in her throat. Sweet baby jeebus. A morality clause. It was the 21st century, wasn’t it? “I don’t understand.”

“We hold our teachers in very high regard,” the woman drawled. “And we’ve gotten a number of complaints about the situation. Parents are extremely upset about having an unwed, pregnant teacher in front of the classroom.”

A knot formed in Lila’s chest. Crushing breathlessness made her audibly suck in air, but she didn’t cry. No, she wouldn’t give this pit of vipers the satisfaction, but there was no hiding how this was affecting her.

No one seemed to care that she was in distress. They were all sitting very still, apparently awaiting Lila’s response.

“I see y’all staring at me, but I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“We thought you could offer some clarification, or explanation, so we can better understand how this all came about,” the nameless personnel director shot at her.

“Ma’am, if you want an explanation for my pregnancy, may I suggest you speak to a health teacher.” Yep. She just snapped at someone who held her fate in her hands.

“There’s no need to get snippy, young lady.”

“I’m sorry, but I believe there is.” Lila wasn’t going to be intimidated. “This is a private matter.”

“Who is the baby’s father?” Ms. Smith blurted out.

BOOM. There it was. That’s what they were driving at. There had been an ugly rumor about her and the father of one of her students. He’d made some unwanted advances in a bar. It didn’t matter that Lila had told him to buzz off; people had talked.

“I haven’t told the baby’s father yet, and I’m not comfortable telling you before I tell him.”

“Lila,” her chair began, “taking a hard line here isn’t going to help.”

“I’m sorry, but he’s overseas on assignment.” That was all Lila could come up with, and it might or might not have been true. She didn’t know where Nick DeMarco was. She hadn’t heard from him in months. “That’s all I can say.”

When she said he was overseas, everyone came to attention.

“Is he in the service of our country?” the superintendent asked.

Lila nodded. She didn’t know what Nick was doing, but he did work for the government. “I think I should tell him first, don’t you?”

“Lila, I don’t like this any more than you do, but something must be done. I have parents calling for your job.”

“Well, sir, with all due respect, you can tell them this is none of their business. I’m sure you’re aware that I am a very good teacher. My students are engaged and do very well.”

“I am. Your reputation in the classroom is excellent, but regardless of how accepting society has become of single parents, our teachers are held to a different standard. Parents are very upset.”

“Am I being dismissed?” There was no use in beating around the bush. If the decision had already been made, the time would be better spent polishing her resumé.

“I don’t want to do that, but I am in a difficult position.”

Of course. His contract was up for renewal. The last thing he needed was a bunch of parents complaining that he wasn’t responsive. If they started calling for his head, who knew how the board of education would respond? Lila didn’t know what she was expected to do. The baby was already in the picture.

“I guess you’ll let me know if I have a job, then?”

She started to get up from the chair when her department chair came to her defense. “Lila is one of our best teachers. Surely there’s a way for this to work out.”

Silence settled over the room, because no one seemed to have any answers. They were looking everywhere but at each other. Glancing off into space or keeping their eyes trained at the table. Except for Ms. Smith, who was staring at Lila. Now she didn’t know if she should leave or stay.

“Lila?” Her principal, Joe Alex, broke the quiet. “How is the clean-up from the fire going?”

That got everyone’s attention. Being a pity case wasn’t her first choice, but Lila would take it. She couldn’t be without a job. Especially not now.

The superintendent’s face dropped. He wasn’t a bad person, but he was a puppet. Now his conscience was getting to him. Lila just hoped it worked in her favor. “I’ll be in touch,” he said flatly. Then he stood and left the room, leaving Lila in the same place as she’d been before, without any answers.


“Motherfucker, that hurts.” Over the course of his career, Nick had been shot, stabbed, beaten, and thrown off the roof of the building. But the searing pain from the injection into his injured shoulder was like nothing he’d ever felt. Of course, he’d been unconscious after the stabbing, and the shooting, and during the beating he managed to throw a few punches himself. Getting thrown off a building? Not something he would recommend.

But he’d recovered from every injury. He’d come back to duty stronger than ever, almost like he had to prove himself. Rumor was some people wondered if he was even human. Nick had to laugh at that. Of course he was human, he just took his work seriously. There were a lot of bad people out in the world, and it was Nick’s job to make sure they didn’t hurt anyone.

This time, however, his shoulder had been almost completely ripped out of the socket. The damage had been repaired as much as it could be, but for the first time in his career, Nick didn’t know if he was going to be able to do his job like he had before.

There had been mutterings about a desk job. A fucking desk job. He couldn’t see himself settling into a regular routine, making assignments, even if it did carry a promotion. He was an adrenaline junkie, pure and simple, and if he wasn’t out in the field chasing bad guys, he didn’t know what he was going to do.

“So will the cortisone fix what ails me?”

The doctor shrugged. It was another resident, another no-name who didn’t know anything about him. To the guy in the scrubs, Nick was just another case. He didn’t understand that Nick’s life as he knew it was on the line.

“Dr. O’Neill will be in in a minute. He has more details about your next step.” Without another word, the drone doc left the room. At least he would get to talk to the guy who did the surgery. Maybe he would finally give Nick a straight answer.

His cell phone beeped, and he glanced at the screen. His sister. The text was short. Are you alive?

Nick smiled. Josie, as always, got to the point. This time, he answered. Sent back a simple: yes. But that was all she was gonna get for now.

He was still figuring out how he felt about her relationship with Tony. Never in his life had he suspected his best friend and his sister had been having an affair. Now, Josie was going to be a queen. An honest to God, crown-wearing, scepter-wielding queen. Okay, maybe that was too dramatic. But she would have a crown. His little sister would have a crown.

Nick lay back on the table, knees bent, arm folded over his eyes. Jesus. What if he couldn’t go back in the field? He’d never thought about life after fieldwork, but now it was the only thing on his mind.

He tried to focus on something good, something positive, and immediately Lila Novak’s face flashed in his memory. Talk about secrets. The four days he’d spent in bed with Josie’s best friend had been just what he needed. The woman was a contradiction; on one hand she was full of piss and vinegar, but on the other she was beautiful, smart, sweet, and the sex had been a friggin’ miracle. Nick thought about her a lot, probably too much.

Still, he wanted to see her. He figured whatever the doctor said, he’d head to Florida for some R&R. His grandparents’ house was empty, and while he was there he was sure he could get Lila to see him. As long as she wasn’t too pissed off. He’d left without saying goodbye, and in his experience women really hated that.

He expected Lila was no different.

The door burst open and Dr. O’Neill entered the space. A big man, career Army, Nick peeked out from under his arm and the doctor tossed a wry grin in his direction.

“Hiding, Colonel?”

Colonel. He wasn’t used to being called by his rank. “Just trying to figure out what kind of bullshit you’ll be feeding me about my shoulder.”

“No bullshit,” the doctor said. “Truth only. Your shoulder was a hot mess. I was able to do some repair on the ligaments and tendons, but at this point it’s not stable. I can’t recommend you be allowed to go back to fieldwork at this time.”

“So, I’m going to be a desk jockey? I can’t do that. I’ll go crazy.” Nick’s fear of desk work was what drove him to volunteer for a special covert ops unit. He went where he was needed, working sometimes for the CIA, the NSA, or different branches of the military. When people asked what he did, he said he was a “security consultant”. It wasn’t a lie.

“You can stay in the Corps,” the doctor reassured him. “There are plenty of things a man with your knowledge and talents can do. You’re just not going to be swinging from trees or jumping off buildings anymore.”

“Should I retire? I mean, if I can’t do the work…”

“I didn’t say never, but not now. There’s a lot you can still do. Hell, with all your experience, you’ll be running the Joint Chiefs inside of six months. But you aren’t indestructible. You may recover enough to get back to the insanity you call a job, but I don’t recommend it.”

That particular statement made him think—and the conclusion wasn’t good. Lately, every injury meant a tougher recovery. He knew he was getting older, but his body was finally telling him what that meant. “Shit.”

The doctor took a seat across from him. “Nick, I’ve treated your last two orthopedic injuries. Your missions are more dangerous because that’s the way of the world right now, but even you have limits; you’re almost forty.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” Forty was still a couple of years away, but one thing Nick couldn’t deny was that he was feeling it.

Nick wasn’t a quitter, but he also wasn’t stupid. He knew when there was no point in arguing. He placed his feet solidly on the floor, stood, and extended his hand to O’Neill. “Thanks, Doc. I appreciate it.”

Shaking his hand, the older man wore an expression that told Nick he wasn’t the first to possibly have his career cut short and he wouldn’t be the last. But it still sucked.

Leaving the exam room, he took the stairs five flights down. He didn’t talk to anyone; it was raining, but he didn’t hail a cab, hoping the walk would clear his head. Finally, soaked to the bone, Nick jumped on the Metro. He was sure he looked sketchy, but he didn’t care. It would keep people away. He got off in Foggy Bottom, walked past the White House and down the mall, ending up on the steps of The Capitol. A security guard gave him the eye, suspicious. As he should be.

Nick was a dangerous man.

He was lighter—leaner—than he’d been before the injury. Not surprising, and probably a good thing.

It was pouring now, reminding him of an op that had dropped his team in the middle of a South American jungle.

God, what he wouldn’t give to be back there again.

Looking up, he felt like the heavens were taunting him.

He had to get out of town. He had a couple of options. He could head to an island and decompress in a tiki hut over a lagoon in Fiji. He had a friend with a chalet in the Alps. It was beautiful and secluded, but there would be no skiing or climbing.

The last idea was the one that really appealed to him. Barefoot Bay. He’d head to his grandparents’ house in Florida to regroup and figure out what to do next.

Sure, people knew him, but most of them wouldn’t ask questions, and the tiny coastal island of Mimosa Key was about as far away from work as he could possibly get. Sure, there might be nosy neighbors, but no one would be shooting at him.

And he’d try to see Lila. If she was still speaking to him.

Yeah, no doubt about it. Thoughts of Lila alone made Florida a very good idea.


Moon_Headshot_2015 (1)

Jeannie Moon has always been a romantic. When she’s not spinning tales of her own, Jeannie works as a school librarian, thankful she has a job that allows her to immerse herself in books. Married to her high school sweetheart, Jeannie has three kids, three lovable dogs, and resides on Long Island, NY. If she’s more than ten miles away from salt water for any longer than a week, she gets twitchy.

Connect with Jeannie at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | GoodReads| Amazon


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