I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: Butterfly Harbor Stories
Published by Harlequin Heartwarming on March 1, 2018
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He never relied on anyone but himself...
But he needs her now!
Butterfly Harbor deputy Matt Knight wants two things: to date Lori Bradley and the chance to adopt Kyle, a troubled teen. Wounded in Afghanistan, Matt knows he can't move forward anchored to the past. But once he regains the guarded hotel manager's trust, will his need to protect those he loves cost him a future with this extraordinary woman?
It’s always a joy to visit Butterfly Harbor! A close-knit community where neighbors help each other and life is idyllic is everyone’s dream … but even ones as kind and good-hearted as Butterfly Harbor have their drama. Lots of familiar faces fill the pages of the next installment in this series. We get to join in the fun of planning the big Monarch Festival to benefit the town while we follow along in Matt & Lori’s fledgling relationship to see if it’s cut out to last or flounder. Great story!
Deputy Matt Knight is interested in two things … a relationship with Lori Bradley and adopting troubled teen Kyle Winters. In order to be in the right mind-set to offer Lori the person that she deserves by her side, he backed away and internalized some problems he needed to figure out. She assumed he no longer wanted to date her when he stopped calling and returning texts. Now Matt has to scramble to make it up to her and hope she’ll give him another chance!
Lori Bradley knows she has her own issues in life, but she didn’t just imagine that Matt was pulling away from her. When he explains the details, she has to decide if she’s willing to start fresh with him again, and makes it clear she can’t tolerate secrets. Things are going well … until another secret arises that makes her doubt Matt … and herself … even more!
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