Series: Top Dog Dude Ranch #1
Published by Harlequin Special Edition on August 24, 2021
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They’re about to step into a parent trap of their twins’ making!
Nina and Douglas Archer are on the verge of divorce. He’s retreated from her since his brother’s death, and their dairy ranch is on the brink of bankruptcy. But they’re both determined to keep it together for one last family vacation, planned by their devious ten-year-old twins. They’re surprised to find themselves giving in to the romance of evening hikes and family cookouts. Still, Nina knows she needs an emotionally available husband. Will a once-in-a-lifetime trip show them the way back to each other?
A reunion to remember! The first book in Catherine Mann’s Top Dog Dude Ranch series brings an emotional start with LAST-CHANCE MARRIAGE RESCUE. The back story of this family had me up in the feels quickly and getting to know how each of them felt as their marriage was crumbling before their eyes while their precious daughters watched made for an emotional journey of healing. I am excited to see where the series takes us next.
The adorable twin daughters in this book took center stage as they finagled a family trip out of their parents as one last hurrah before the end they all could see coming. I enjoyed them very much.
Nina was my least favorite character as I felt she was a tad too unforgiving, but had I been in her shoes I might have felt the same, so she was easily redeemable.
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