Published by Harlequin Medical Romances on February 1, 2018
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Raphael’s heart was lost…
Until he found Maggie again!
Brooding surgeon Dr. Raphael Boucher finds his way to Sydney and the one woman he could never forget. Working together it’s clear Maggie Louis is the only one who can make him feel alive again. But first Raphael must return to Paris and resolve his past before they can finally be together.
A man haunted by his demons has nothing to lose! With her latest, Annie O’Neil goes a little darker than we might be used to from her, but she makes it workl! From the beginning we’re faced with a man who it seems almost hates himself for his perceived failure in the past and is flitting from place to place trying to find salvation. Maggie comes in as a saving grace for him in that she shows him that he still has a place and that things can happen to anyone and we have to pick back up and go on. The beginning of the story was a little slow, and even a tad confusing, but once Maggie came into the picture and we got a good feel for what had happened, things began to move along more smoothly and it gave an enjoyable story. I enjoyed seeing them relive some of their happy times together and see not only their love develop, but also see her family reconnect in a positive way!
Surgeon Raphael Boucher can’t forget the one decision he made that has changed his life forever … nor can he forgive himself. He took leave from his successful career and has been traveling the world trying to find a purpose, but nothing seems to be able to overcome the despondency he feels. He finally decides to go to the one person that he has never been able to forget, no matter how many miles or years have been between them.
Paramedic Maggie Louis has thought of Raphael fondly throughout the years. One magical year in his company has been enough to fuel her memories in the less happy times that have followed. When she sees Raphael, she can’t believe it’s the same person … he’s obviously troubled by something, and she’s not going to take no for an answer in finding out what it is and getting him on the way towards overcoming it!
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