Published by HQN Books on May 12, 2020
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Maisey Yates’s new novel introduces the women of the Lighthouse Inn B&B. They might not have it all together, but this summer, they’ll discover that together, they might still have it all…
Rachel Henderson’s family is falling apart. Becoming a widow—especially at this age—is heartbreaking. With her teenage daughter, Emma, leaving soon for college, Rachel needs a friend—but local diner owner Adam is the last person she ever thought she’d lean on.
From the outside, her little sister, Anna, has a picture-perfect marriage. But the weight of it is suffocating her. The only way for her to breathe again comes at a high price, one she’s not so sure she can pay.
After raising two daughters on her own, their mother, Wendy, knows just how hard life can be. She’s done things she’s not proud of, things she desperately wants to keep from her girls—until keeping quiet is no longer an option.
As long-held secrets bubble up and their old lives unravel, this family will need all their strength to start again and open their hearts up to the possibility of more. But most of all, they’ll need each other…
A culmination of relationships old and new tear at the seams of this family’s dynamic! Maisey Yates has the reader’s attention quickly with SECRETS FROM A HAPPY MARRIAGE. As one marriage shows true love even in the darkest days, another self-destructs before our eyes and we’re left watching the pieces crumble. I really enjoyed getting to know these two sisters, their mother and the teen daughter of one try to figure out life after all is said and done. I would have liked a little more closure to the endings for some of them, but overall I enjoyed the characters a lot.
Rachel Henderson was one of my favorites in the book from the start because I could sympathize with her loss, but see the beauty of her growing friendship with Adam as it developed into more.
Rachel’s little sister Anna will resonate with anyone who has ever felt unseen in a room full of people. She has a good heart, and she feels so much, but she self-sabotages instead of standing up for herself and what she needs.
Rachel’s mother Wendy has a smaller presence in the book, but her teachings and beliefs bring a strong structure to what her daughters built their relationships on, so when secrets are uncovered, things become a bit dicey!
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a close knit family who readily admit they aren’t perfect as they traverse the every day road of life and hope against hope for a happily ever after. The characterization was rich and the plot was thick with emotion.
Sounds very good thank you