I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: Souls Chapel Revenants MC #8
on November 9, 2021
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Wanted: someone to hand feed me Doritos so my hands don’t get orange. No weirdos.
Belle Pena was an editor. Not a writer.
When her brothers challenge her to create a dating profile, she makes up the most random biography she can think of. She never, not ever, thought she’d find anybody to respond. But she was sorely mistaken.
Sadly, she finds that she has way more interest than she ever could’ve imagined.
But only one profile catches her eye.
Bruno never meant to take the dating app seriously. Being the last single man in his band of misfits, he’s happy being the odd man out. Women spelled trouble, and he had enough trouble in his life to last him through the next decade.
Only his newfound family doesn’t feel the same. One innocent ‘sure’ has the women of the Souls Chapel Revenants MC creating him a dating profile that is too spot on to be comfortable. And just when he decides to delete the app entirely, a particular face catches his eye.
One innocent question of ‘Belle is that you? Do you remember punching me in the throat in high school?’ has him stepping into trouble neck deep, and he doesn’t even realize it until it’s too late.
Bruno is all we ever wanted and more! With the final book in Lani Lynn Vale’s highly addictive Souls Chapel Revenants MC series SHAKEDOWN brings love to Bruno and rounds out the circle of misfits that became a family throughout the series.
Belle is sweet, snarky and the best friend type you never knew you wanted. She fits right in with that crazy fun family of hers and it was so satisfying to see them all again.
Bruno hasn’t had an easy life, but he knows a good thing when he sees it and is happy to sweet Belle off her feet and become her man.
I highly recommend this book and the entire series to anyone who enjoys a close knit group of unlikely friends who come together and make pure magic in everything they do to make the world a better place. I enjoyed the series a lot.
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