I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: Locker Room Diaries
Published by Entangled: Brazen on August 13, 2018
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Shy and reserved, good girl Ellie McDonald is determined to break out of her shell–and her relationship rut. First order of business, woman up and finally ask her longtime secret crush, Jake Armstrong on an old-fashioned date. She's not at all his type–which is great. Once Jake turns her down she can finally move on. Except he says yes...
MVP short-stop Jake Armstrong has tried to keep his bad boy nature under wraps. But there's nothing he likes more than tempting sweet Ellie to the dark side. No one need know.
But when the hotel catches fire and their rescue–while nearly naked–is caught on camera, the two have a PR problem. Jake's solution is a fake relationship, just for the season. Only for Ellie, there's nothing fake about it…
Infatuation, lust and happily ever afters! While this story is a bit light on the topic of baseball, the characters are quick to draw you in. Jake is your typical “spread himself around” athlete until he meets Ellie and they settle into their own version of a relationship. She’s able to help him see another side to his family issues, and he’s able to make her see a part of herself she’s never stopped to realize before. I enjoyed it!
Ellie McDonald is tired of being the good girl who doesn’t speak up for herself and lets people walk all over her. She’s vowing to change her ways, and to kick it all off, she’s doing things she knows will make her face rejection so she can toughen up her spirit. Next on her list … ask out the baseball player who has been the object of her lusting for some time now!
Short-stop for the Indianapolis Bobcats, Jake Armstrong isn’t sure what to make of Ellie all of a sudden asking him out on an old-fashioned date, but he’s game! One date turns into debauchery and disaster, but leads to a connection they don’t want to break. Jake has his own issues that he doesn’t enjoy facing, but time with Ellie makes him be willing to stand up for better treatment as well.
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