I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: The Enchanted Bridal Series #2
on May 10, 2017
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The Friday Night Brides are back! And this time, it’s their first season running the business! It was one thing to just model in a weekly fashion show, it’s quite another to be the ones calling the shots and making future brides’ dreams come true. Their first client has them wondering if they’re really prepared for their new roles!
The Bride: Julianne is big on fitness, small on patience. And planning her wedding is grating on her every last nerve. As a Zumba instructor, she loves the freedom to create and choreograph her routines and help others achieve their goals, but having to stand back and let others choreograph her big day has her wanting to hip-hop toward eloping!
The Matron of Honor: As the only married member of the bridal party, Natalie considers herself the aficionado on all-things weddings. And even though her time in the spotlight is over, that doesn’t mean she isn’t full of ideas on how her best friend’s wedding should look and feel and be! And it doesn’t take long for her to realize that maybe it’s not so much that she’s wanting to help as it is that she’s afraid of her own honeymoon ending.
The Bride’s Sister: Nothing screams unwanted relationship advice than when your younger sister gets married before you. It’s not that Harper doesn’t want to get married, after three failed engagements she really does! But finding the right man to walk down the aisle with is proving harder than she thought. And it gets even harder when constantly being compared to the perfect couple!
The Reluctant Bridesmaid: There is nothing Kayla wants more than to see one of her best friend’s get married…if only the whole process wasn’t so exhausting! Travel and adventure and being on the go fuels her. Having to stay in one place for an extended period of time while wearing taffeta? Not so much. Her job tends to take her away on a moment’s notice and this is one time she may have to pass up the trip of a lifetime in the name of friendship.
A heartwarming story about friendship and the toils of life! The characters were all interesting and watching them evolve into more assured people was enlightening. It was fun to get sort of get 4 stories instead of one.
Julianne Burke just got engaged to the love of her life, Gavin. She’s excited to kick off the wedding planning, and is bringing along her 3 best friends for the ride. Her big sister Harper and two of her best friends since childhood, Kayla and Natalie. As the story unfolds, we get a delve into each of their lives and relationships and watch them all go through their various turmoils.
Julianne knows that she wants to marry Gavin, but this wedding stress is really getting to her. It’s making her feel an anger she’s not used to. She has to somehow find a way to get these bickering people off her back and get to just enjoy loving her man again!
Big sis Harper adores her sister and wants nothing but happiness for her, but the constant sniping from Mom about her own three failed engagements is driving her crazy! It’s demoralizing enough to have her little sister get married before her already … and to constantly have her past thrown in her face on top of it? GRRRRR!
Self-named matron of honor Natalie loves to talk up her own wedding of a year ago and considers herself an expert. As she spends time with the girls and sees the various things going on in their lives, she starts to doubt that honeymoon lifestyle she thought she had going on with her own husband.
Free-spirit Kayla … the sporty nature photographer who lives her life jumping from one assignment to another all over the world, no matter how dangerous it is. She’s a no commitment, no plans type of gal and really enjoys it … until the things she was taking for granted suddenly aren’t there anymore and she has to decide if she wants to change her way of living to make room for them.
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