I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: The Billionaire's Legacy
Published by Harlequin Presents on February 1, 2017
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"I want that painting. It is my last Lost Mistress. My Lost Love."
Alessandro Di Sione is renowned for being cold and unsentimental, but even he can't deny his grandfather's dream of retrieving a painting steeped in royal scandal. Yet the key to its return is the outspoken Princess Gabriella.
While traveling together to Isola D'Oro to locate the mysterious painting, Gabby is drawn to the man tortured by guilt from his past. Her innocence makes her untouchable, as Alex is convinced his Di Sione blood is tainted. But could their passion be his salvation?
A satisfying conclusion to The Billionaire’s Legacy series! We’ve been seeing all of Giovonni Di Sione’s grandchildren be sent off to hunt for one of his “lost mistresses”, a sentimental object that meant a great deal to him that he wanted to see one last time before he dies. With this story, Maisey Yates brings us the story of the last grandson, Alex and we get to learn the story behind it all finally. Alex and Gabby had a fun depth to their relationship when they first met with neither hesitating to speak their mind, therefore bringing a good bit of humor to the plot.
Alessandro Di Sione is the last of Giovonni’s grandchildren to be asked to hunt a treasure down for him. He knows what’s been tasked to his siblings, so he’s been expecting his time to come. Now he’s being asked to find a painting that is only rumored to exist, and is beneath a shroud of royal scandal.
When Alex shows up asking about the painting, the Queen sends her granddaughter Gabriella D’Oro to accompany him on his search for it to their old estate on Isolo D’Oro. Alex is the cold, uncaring member of the family and he doesn’t hesitate to show Gabby that side of him during their journey, but she gives attitude right back to him and amused, he actually likes it. Can she get him to see that the past that haunts him isn’t the man he is today or will he continue to punish himself and withhold any happiness from his future?
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