Published by Harlequin Romance on July 1, 2017
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Her lawfully wedded husband…again?
When Angeline Scott's business is in trouble, she turns to the one man who can help—RJ Davet. She needs him to pose as her husband to secure a vital deal. Surely that shouldn't be too difficult, seeing as RJ played that role spectacularly well until their marriage fell apart!
Opening the door to RJ again makes Angel realize something immediately: she's never gotten over him. But can she convince him of that before this deal is struck and he walks out of her life once more?
An unexpected reunion story! Keeping secrets in the past only led to them falling apart, but can being forced together again work in their favor? The plot is interesting, but I found it hard to connect totally with the characters. Not a disappointing outcome though, so overall a solid read!
Angeline Scott finds herself in need of a husband … and since she has an estranged one, she decides to cash in on that and ask him for a huge favor!
R.J. Davet never got over Angel, and tries his best to turn down her request, but he just can’t make himself hurt her. He never thought he was good enough for her, but if something he can provide will help her business, he will risk the heartbreak he knows he’ll be going through when they part again.
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