I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: Smokejumper #1
Published by Entangled: Amara on February 25, 2020
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Willa Frank has one simple rule: never go on a date with anyone more than twice. Now that her business is providing the stability she’s always needed, she can’t afford distractions. Her two-date rule will protect her just fine…until she meets smokejumper Grady Billman.
After one date—one amazing, unforgettable date—Grady isn’t ready to call it quits, despite his own no-attachments policy, and he’s found a sneaky way around both their rules.
Throwing gutter balls with pitchers of beer? Not a real date. Everyone knows bowling doesn’t count.
Watching a band play at a local show? They just happen to have the same great taste in music. Definitely not a date.
Hiking? Nope. How can exercise be considered a date?
With every "non-date" Grady suggests, his reasoning gets more ridiculous, and Willa must admit she’s having fun playing along. But when their time together costs Willa two critical clients, it's clear she needs to focus on the only thing that matters—her future. And really, he should do the same.
But what is she supposed to do with a future that looks gray without Grady in it?
Highly entertaining! With the first book in her Smokejumpers series, Tawna Fenske delights readers with a delightful cast of characters, a steamy connection and so many laugh out loud moments in THE TWO-DATE RULE. I was hooked from the start and delighted time and again as this couple weaved their way into each others hearts.
Willa is easy to understand. She is a major workaholic, but as the reader is introduced to her past, we easily understand her motivation. She needs to keep things simple so she keeps her eye on the prize of maintaining stability … but she never expected a guy like Grady.
Grady is delightful! He’s from a large family, he has deep roots in his smokejumping community and he’s just a joy to be around. He won this reader’s heart as soon as he showed up on the pages.
I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a book that while touching on serious hang-ups still brings a lighthearted, fresh style to the mix. I’m looking forward to more in the series!
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