I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: Miami Heat #3
Published by Harlequin Dare on December 1, 2020
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Gemma Rexford is not only talented, quick witted and sexy as hell, she’s also Tom Cain’s business rival and sworn enemy. So he can’t suppress his surprise—or delight!—when she pulls him into a supply closet to blow off some steam at an awards ceremony.
Tom knows the gorgeous distiller will never forgive his family for stealing her recipes. But once he gets a taste of sultry, complex Gemma, there’s no going back. The heat between them is as potent as her finest rum. And soon they’re jetting between New York City and Miami, keeping their forbidden affair top secret and savoring every delicious encounter.
From a steamy photoshoot to a wild desktop romp, Gemma’s the sexiest kind of distraction from his tense family. And watching her work reawakens his own passion for distilling. But when her brothers target his business and his father tries to publicly humiliate the woman he’s coming to love, Tom wonders if they can ever work past their ancient grudge and turn pleasure into forever…
Forbidden temptation steals the show as the final book in the Miami Heat series by J. Margot Critch comes to life! This has been a really fun series centering around a group of siblings running a rum distillery together. TURNING UP THE HEAT is Gemma’s story and ties the series up well, and though the ending was a bit quick, I whole-heartedly enjoyed seeing her find her happily ever after!
Gemma has been a shining star throughout the entire series. She puts her heart and soul into perfecting every batch she creates at Rexford Rum Distillery and adores the brothers working at her side.
Tom is a sweet guy who’s been handed an impossible situation trying to clean up his father’s messes. Giving in to the desire that flares every time Gemma is in the room is fun and exhilarating, but when love comes into the picture all bets are off.
I highly recommend this book and the entire series to anyone who loves a close knit group of siblings who while they have drama surrounding them, let the love they feel for each other always shine bright. A series of love, passion and family.
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