* Spotlight * A RING TO TAKE HIS REVENGE by Pippa Roscoe


A Ring to Take His Revenge (The Winners’ Circle)


He’ll do anything to settle the score…

…even fake an engagement!

To secure his revenge against his cruel father, billionaire Antonio Arcuri needs a fake fiancée—fast! He demands his shy PA, Emma Guilham, wear his diamond. In return, he’ll help fulfill her dreams—starting with a jet-set trip to Buenos Aires! It’s a simple charade, until the burning tension between them erupts into irresistible desire. Now Antonio must decide between vengeance and Emma…

A powerfully intense revenge romance!.

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What are your favorite sources of inspiration when you are wanting to settle in and write a new book?

It’s funny, ideas and inspiration can come from anything from a film, advert, newspaper article or an overheard conversation in a coffee shop. It could be just a little snippet that when combined with ‘what if’ becomes a whole other narrative. But it will always start as a question in my journal. And one question leads to another and another until I’m happy with the outline of my next book. I’ve discovered that I’m much better at handwriting the planning stages than diving straight onto my laptop. There’s something about the time it takes for my hand to write the words that allows my brain to think things though a bit more than when I type. I have thousands of journals at home lining my shelves.

Do you travel to the places that you center a story around or is your research mostly done from books/internet, etc.?
I’d LOVE to travel to all of the places I center a story around, and for the most part I do try to explore some aspect of the location or culture personally. I’ve spent a fair bit of time in Europe and more recently America and Canada, but one day I’d love to see the Sahara Desert – and I will get to Hong Kong eventually, I promise my self every year. 

Do you have any upcoming projects that you can tell us about to look forward to?
Ohhh, no spoilers! But I can say, that I really loved Dimitri’s story, which is the next in the Winners’ Circle Trilogy. Both Dimitri and Anna, have had their share of heartache and betrayal, so they’ve got a lot stacked against them, but one very good reason forcing them together!

Mills & Boon author Pippa Roscoe lives in Norfolk near her family and makes daily promises that this will be the day she will leave the computer and take a long walk in the countryside. She can’t remember a time when she wasn’t dreaming of gorgeous alpha males and misunderstood heroines. Totally her mother’s fault of course—she gave Pippa her first romance to read at the age of seven! She is inconceivably happy that she gets to share those daydreams with her readers.

Pippa Roscoe on the web:

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