5 STARS A lovely, family-oriented read! Jane Garland returns home to her Grandfather's ranch for a family wedding. While there, her Grandpa schemes … [Continue reading]
Quiet day

I believe it is going to shape up to be a fairly quiet day on the Homefront today. Dave is in an all day seminar, Lucy is outside on the deck basking … [Continue reading]
REVIEW: Country
5 STARS! Loved this book! It shows you can find love again after death, and even after being unhappy for years as well. I always love Danielle's … [Continue reading]
REVIEW: Wild Heat
4 STARS! Caitlin (Kitty) Grant flees California to move back home to small town Alaska life. She's a broken bird, escaping an abusive ex-husband, and … [Continue reading]
Starting a new blog! Welcome to my life. Every day living, pics of the cats and miscellaneous stuff, Book Reviews, cross-stitch projects and … [Continue reading]