I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

Series: Texas Cattleman's Club: Fathers and Sons #6
Published by Harlequin Desire on March 29, 2022
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“All of Royal, Texas, wants to know who the father is.”
And a beautiful outsider knows the truth.
Rancher Colt Black is stunned to learn he has a secret son. And he owes Sierra Morgan big-time for bringing him together with baby Micah. What Colt feels for the intense reporter goes beyond gratitude, however—and that’s a problem. Indulging in the connection with Sierra is an irresistible risk, especially after she moves onto the ranch to help him with the baby. But soon Colt learns Sierra’s life-changing secret…and their newfound arrangement may never be the same.
Long awaited answers arrive in this fast paced, addictive tale! With the final book in the Texas Cattleman’s Club: Fathers and Sons series Joanne Rock is pouring on the feels when a long lost father is united with the son he didn’t know existed. Emotions are high, mistrust is at the forefront and a solid foundation into fatherhood begins to build. I highly enjoyed this series!
Sierra has been a complex character throughout this series. I had a bit of a hesitation regarding her initially because everyone feared she was only out to stir up drama, but in the end she became an endearing force in this reunion.
Colt is a character who has family ingrained into the heart of his very soul, so it doesn’t take any convincing to have him step forward.
I highly recommend this book as well as the entire series to anyone who enjoys high drama, romance and mystery all mixed into one.
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