* Author Spotlight * COLTON AND THE SINGLE MOM by Jane Godman

Colton and the Single Mom (The Coltons of Red Ridge)


This Colton cop falls for a ready-made family

A Coltons of Red Ridge story

A serial killer is on the loose, and true-crime filmmaker Esmée da Costa is on the case. K-9 cop Brayden Colton, the prime suspect’s half brother, works hard to stop her prying, but sparks fly as he falls for Esmée and her son. When Esmée and Brayden’s little family comes under siege, can they save all they love?


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JANE GODMAN writes paranormal romance for Harlequin Nocturne and SMP Romance and thrillers for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. She also self publishes her historical and gothic stories. She has been a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Nominee and The Romance Reviews Readers’ Choice Award Winner.

Jane worked in a variety of shops, bars, and offices before settling into a career as a teacher. She was born in Scotland and has lived in Germany, Wales, Malta, South Africa, and England. Jane still gets the urge to travel, although these days she tends to head for a Spanish beach, or a European city that is steeped in history.

When she isn’t reading or writing romance, Jane enjoys cooking and spending time with her family. She is married to a lovely man, has two grown up children and has recently discovered the joy of becoming a grandparent (to two gorgeous boys).


 Connect with Jane Godman on the web:

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1. When did you first know that you wanted to be an author?

Ever since I could hold a pencil, I’ve written stories, so I suppose the answer to that question could be “always”! My mum talks about one of the stories I wrote when I was about eight. In it, I was standing on a cliff top, staring down at a girl on a beach. When she finally looked back at me, it was me! So I guess it’s also safe to say I’ve always enjoyed writing stories with twists and turns in them.

I wrote my first book when I was fourteen. My best friend and I had just read “The Wolf and the Dove” by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss and we used to sit in her bedroom and write our own romantic tales of conquering Norman heroes and feisty Anglo-Saxon heroines. I still have that book. It’s written in felt-tip pen and I’m very proud of it.



2. What was it like the day you got “the call” to being published for the first time?

My call story is a long one! It started in July 2013 and ended in January 2015! Let me explain…

I already had a few historical romances published with a small company, but I wanted to write a gothic romance, encompassing all the best elements of the tradition–brooding, atmosphere, setting as character, dark secrets–with some newer touches including increased edginess and sensuality.

I had no idea, when I started writing it, that Harlequin were looking for gothics. I’d finished writing and was just polishing my book, when, quite by chance, I read an interview with Malle Vallik at Harlequin, who said she wanted to see more gothic romances. 

I submitted my book and sat back to wait the 12 to 14 weeks Harlequin said on their website was standard. Exactly a week after I submitted it, I was in work and checked my phone. I had two missed calls from an unknown number and a voicemail. I never gave Harlequin a thought.

The voicemail message started: ‘This is Malle Vallik, calling from Harlequin in Toronto about your submission which we loved …’ I had to listen to it about five times before it sank in. 

That was the start of my career with Harlequin. I had five gothic romances published with Shivers, which was part of HarlequinE, the digital only line. Sadly, HarlequinE came to an end and I thought my time as a Harlequin author had ended with it.

Then a wonderful lady named Denise Zaza, who is one of the Harlequin Senior Editors, asked if I had considered writing paranormal romance. I hadn’t, but a few months later, Otherworld Protector, my first paranormal romance, was born. I submitted it to Harlequin Nocturne and began the lengthy waiting process all over again.

My second Harlequin ‘call’ wasn’t a call at all. It was an email, again just a week after submission. It was from Denise Zaza saying that she and Ann Leslie Tuttle, the Senior Editor who oversaw the Nocturne line at Harlequin, both loved my ‘wonderful’ and ‘fascinating’ story. They wanted to offer me a three book contract. Yes, three. After I picked myself up off the floor, I naturally accepted!

Now, I write paranormal romance for both Harlequin Nocturne and SMP Romance and thrillers for Harlequin Romantic Suspense and it’s still the best feeling in the world to be able to share my stories with readers.

3. Who are some of your favorite authors to read when you have some down time from your writing?

I read a range of authors and styles. Georgette Heyer’s Regency romances are my all time favorites. Her wit and charm are second to none. I’ve read them all several times, but they are like old friends. I never get tired of them! At the opposite end of the scale, I love thrillers. Not blood-and-guts, but clevel stories that keep you guessing. Chelsea Cain’s Gretchen Lowell stories have been a real favorite and I always read my fellow Harlequin Romantic Suspense author’s books. I also really enjoy Stephen King. His books are masterpieces but I have to read them with the light on!

When I read contemporary romance, I like feel good authors such as Jill Shalvis and Susan Mallery. 


  1. Hi Jane, Hello Lynn!

    Congratulations on this new book, Jane! And this was an awesome interview. I loved reading your ‘Call’ story!

    Thanks for posting Lynn!

  2. Love the blog, great interview and the book is A+

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