** Book Review ** SURVIVAL TIES by Trisha Leazier

Survival Ties

3 1/2 STARS!

You get a bit of a “been there, done that” feel with this book at first, but the more you read, the more you like the actual characters.  There’s definitely a good bit of monotony as it seems to take days and days to drive 150 miles, and the story goes on with it seeming like they are going to just keep adding to their crew and never see any resolution.  Without knowing what the other books in the series hold, I can’t speculate on whether the outcome will be worth it.  Overall, not bad, you have a vested interest in the characters as you read but it could stand some more excitement.

Ashlyn Glass’s life changes in the blink of an eye when her older sister goes through an experimental medical treatment that turns out to not have been a good thing.  She watches her die in front of her eyes, come back to life, and die again.  She barely escapes from danger herself and only with the help of a neighbor friend.  They band together with some more people when the town begins to become a madhouse, and head toward a haven that might be their only chance at safety.  Along the way, they forge friendships with several more people and build a trust between them to look out for each other and make themselves into a new version of a family unit.

ARC received via Author/VA

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