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Series: Saved by the Blog
Published by Harlequin Special Edition on June 1, 2017
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Saved by the blog!
This just in, fair readers! Chic and stunning, that gorgeous new woman about town is none other than our very own little Ellie—now Elle—Owens. She's a far cry from the frumpy, bookish student we used to know, but then, living in Italy will do that to a girl! Still, this blogger can't forget the infamous video that caused her to leave!
Apparently Miss Elle has been spotted with yummy contractor Cam Dumont…but we thought her heart belonged to his little brother. Are Cam and Elle a new couple? They were seen cooling their passions in the bay…in April! If this is love, let's hope she's swimming with the right brother. The Bayside Blogger will keep you posted.
Who says you can’t go home again? In the kick off of Kerri Carpenter’s “Saved by the Blog” series, we meet a hometown girl trying to redeem her reputation and finding love when she least expects it! The town is cozy and the characters are fun to spend time with. Looking forward to reading more of the series!
Elle Owens is back home in Bayside, Virginia after years of living in Italy pursuing her art career. She left all those years ago utterly humiliated over high school drama, and now the busybody town blogger is stirring it all up again. She can’t catch a break!
Cameron Dumont is the older brother of the guy she crushed on in high school, and while she should be steering clear of the whole family amidst all this gossip, she can’t resist the pull Cams seems to have on her. He’s really easy to talk to and super sweet. Was she lusting after the wrong brother all this time?
Falling for the Right Brother
Saved by the Blog #1
By: Kerri Carpenter
Released June 1, 2017
Saved by the blog!
This just in, fair readers! Chic and stunning, that gorgeous new woman about town is none other than our very own little Ellie—now Elle—Owens. She’s a far cry from the frumpy, bookish student we used to know, but then, living in Italy will do that to a girl! Still, this blogger can’t forget the infamous video that caused her to leave!
Apparently Miss Elle has been spotted with yummy contractor Cam Dumont…but we thought her heart belonged to his little brother. Are Cam and Elle a new couple? They were seen cooling their passions in the bay…in April! If this is love, let’s hope she’s swimming with the right brother. The Bayside Blogger will keep you posted.
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He liked being around Elle. Most women wanted to talk about their feelings. Not that there was anything wrong with that when it was needed. But there was a lot to be said for enjoying a quiet moment.
Plus, she could hold her own with him.
And she could cook.
And she was gorgeous.
Sneaking a glance at her, he felt his heart practically stop. She’d let her hair out of its ponytail. Now the wind was moving through it, light brown strands flying around her face. The setting sun cast an aura over her that highlighted her smooth skin. Awash in light, with a dreamy expression on her face, she looked serene, calm. Exquisite.
Exquisite? Ah, hell. He liked her.
She turned her head at his oath. “What was that?” she asked, an amused expression on her face.
He couldn’t like her. Not if she had any feelings for his brother. That wouldn’t be right.
All he wanted to do was kiss her. With his body tensed and primed at her nearness, he desperately wanted to draw her to him. He wanted those lips on his, those arms around him.
He met her curious gaze. Why couldn’t she be weird or crazy or just not his type?
“What are you thinking?” she wondered aloud.
“Do you still have feelings for my brother?” he blurted. Idiot. Her face fell and then he cursed himself for that. “Sorry, it’s none of my business.”
“It’s okay,” she said, waving her hand. “Jasper…I never really knew Jasper.”
“You were in the same class.” It sounded like an accusation.
“That doesn’t mean anything.,” she said slowly, taking a step toward him. “Dinner last night was the longest we’ve ever talked.”
It hit Cam then, crystal clear. Jealousy over that dinner was what had been bothering him all day. What had kept him awake the night before.
Feeling irritated even now, he wanted to pace. But she was standing so close. He could smell her perfume, a flowery scent that mixed with the aromas from the kitchen. Shouldn’t go together, but to him, it was intoxicating.
“Look, Elle, just tell me, once and for all, do you have feelings for my brother?”
“No,” she practically screamed. “And for the record, I would never go after someone who was taken.”
“Great. I don’t want you to do that.”
“Then what do you want, Cam?”
“I want to kiss you.”
“So kiss me.”
Award-winning romance author Kerri Carpenter writes contemporary romances that are sweet, sexy, and sparkly. When she’s not writing, Kerri enjoys reading, cooking, watching movies, taking Zumba classes, rooting for Pittsburgh sports teams, and anything sparkly. Kerri lives in Northern Virginia with her adorable (and mischievous) rescued poodle mix, Harry. Visit Kerri at her website, on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or subscribe to her newsletter.
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Describe yourself in five words or less.
I can do this in just one little word: sparkly!
Can you tell us a little about your book?
The Saved by the Blog series is about a small town on the Chesapeake Bay called Bayside. As small towns tend to do, Bayside is prone to gossip and rumors. They have a gossip blogger called the Bayside Blogger who writes for the local paper and reports every detail on every person in town.
Falling for the Right Brother is the first book in the three-part series. It’s a combination of Sabrina and Gossip Girl, with a little Saved by the Bell thrown in for fun. This is the story of Elle Owens, who was desperately in love with Jasper Dumont when she was growing up in Bayside, Virginia. After an embarrassing incident of professing her love for Jasper was caught on video, Elle hightailed it to Italy. When she returns to Bayside ten years later, it’s Jasper’s older brother Cam who catches Elle’s eye. Unfortunately, all of this happens under the watchful eye of the ubiquitous Bayside Blogger.
Name three things on your desk right now.
Not just right now, but pretty much at all times, I have my phone. I love listening to music while I work, so I either pull up a playlist I made, an album or listen to the radio through an app. I always have water because I’m a water-holic. And I typically have Post-it notes or some kind of paper because I’m constantly making lists (for my real life) and scribbling notes (for my writing life).
If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
Jill Shalvis, because I’m a total fan girl. I love, love, love her books. Plus, based on her social media and newsletter, I think she’d be really fun to hang with.
Jane Austen, because I adore her books. I also consider her to be the first great chick lit writer and I want to ask her about some of the remakes/homages to her books like Clueless and Bridget Jones’s Diary. I think she would love them.
JK Rowling, because I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter and her world-building ability. Also, whenever I’m having a bad writing time, I re-watch the interview she did with Oprah for the millionth time. Her description of depression is so spot-on that it actually helped me deal with my own issues.
Where did the inspiration for this book come from?
I was walking my dog, Harry, one afternoon and the idea for Falling for the Right Brother popped into my head. I could see the town of Bayside, Elle and Cam, everything, so clearly. I remember very distinctly having the thought: This is like Sabrina and Gossip Girl. It was strange because I hadn’t seen either in years. I thought about the story the entire time I was walking Harry and as soon as I got home, I started writing it.
Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
- Join a writer’s group and hang out with like-minded people. Learn the craft, take classes, talk to writers who are in a position you’d like to emulate.
- Get friends who are not writers, will never be writers and have nothing to do with the writing world. They will keep you grounded.
- Invest in a crock-pot. Trust me on this one. The time you save in the kitchen can translate to many words written.
- Exercise!
- Learn how to say this incredibly difficult, yet incredibly small word: NO.
- Learn how to say YES. Yes, I will finish this book. Yes, I will submit it to publishers and/or agents. Yes, I will enter this contest.
- Never. Give. Up.
Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans?
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Hi everyone! I have a new book out called Falling for the Right Brother, which is the first book in my new Saved by the Blog series for Harlequin Special Edition. In the series, there is a gossip blogger who is dogging everyone in the small town of Bayside. What better way to learn more about this book series than to interview the person at the heart of it all. Welcome the Bayside Blogger!
Kerri: Thanks for joining us. Any chance you’ll tell us who you are?
Bayside Blogger: Pfffaw. No way! Reveal my biggest secret? Not even my favorite little gossip birdies know who I am. You’re crazy, Carpenter.
Kerri: Fine. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about this new Saved by the Blog series?
Bayside Blogger: Well, rumor has it that Nora Roberts-wannabe, Kerri Carpenter, has created a contemporary romance series for Harlequin. I believe she describes it as a combination of Sabrina and Gossip Girl, with a little Saved by the Bell thrown in for fun. *Snort* Your addiction to that silly little Saturday morning teen show is redonk.
Kerri: Excuse me! Saved by the Bell is the greatest show ever to air on television! That’s why I named the town in my series Bayside.
Bayside Blogger: You mean you stole the name.
Kerri: It’s an homage.
Bayside Blogger: Keep telling yourself that.
Kerri: Anyway…Would you like to tell us about your most recent victims?
Bayside Blogger: Victims? Are you serious? Fine, fine. But it’s not my fault if such a juicy little tidbit fell right in my lap. You’ll never guess who returned to Bayside after living in Italy for the last ten years? Little Ellie Owens, that’s who! Remember how she used to be shy and reserved and a total nerd? Well, at least, until she made that scandalous video about being in love with Jasper Dumont.
Kerri: Maybe she has a shot with Jasper now that’s she back in town.
Bayside Blogger: *Eye roll* You are so naïve, Carpenter. Anyway, seems like Jasper’s older brother, the mysterious, yet totally sexy, Cam Dumont has caught Ellie’s eye. In fact, Cam seems quite besotted with Ellie—who likes to go by Elle now, btw. Looks like Elle is no longer the ugly duckling. She turned into quite the beautiful swan. And where do swans like to hang out? In the water.
Kerri: What does that mean?
Bayside Blogger: Let’s just say that Twitter was exploding the night Elle ended up in the Chesapeake Bay. Hmm, guess which Dumont brother fished her out? You know I’ll never tell. *Grin*
Kerri: Anything else you care to share?
Bayside Blogger: Well, I’m not one to spread gossip but…I will say that pseudo-Danielle Steel over there DID write one heck of a fun, happy, and as she would say, sparkly book. That’s right, Dear Readers, you heard it here first. Stay tuned for more from your favorite Bayside Blogger….