* Review * A SECRET, A SAFARI, A SECOND CHANCE by Liz Fielding

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Review * A SECRET, A SAFARI, A SECOND CHANCE by Liz FieldingA Secret, a Safari, a Second Chance by Liz Fielding
Series: Destination Brides #4
Published by Harlequin Romance on September 1, 2019
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A luxury escape…

A chance to reveal her baby bombshell!

In this Destination Brides story, a bid at a charity auction wins Eve Bliss a dream holiday on safari! As a penniless single mom, she’d be mad not to go, but she’s not expecting Kit Merchant to be there on business. She and Kit once shared a passionate moment. Now, together in beautiful Africa, how long can she keep her four-year-old secret… Kit has a daughter!


A SECRET, A SAFARI, A SECOND CHANCE by Liz Fielding is book four in the Destination Brides series and revolves around a single mom teacher and a carefree sailing champion in a delightful take on a reunion story with a surprise baby.

The book starts with a bit of back story to fill us in on how they came to have their fling a few years ago, then we are thrust into the story that leads to them unexpectedly reconnecting.

Kit comes across as a bit of a partying playboy, but beneath the surface, he’s a guy that has searched for the woman that touched his soul for years. He’s thrilled to finally have her back in his life … but how will he feel when he learns she’s kept his adorable daughter from him?

Eve has a high expectation of what she expects a father to be, and because she doesn’t feel in her heart that Kit could ever be that man, she’s reluctant to even give him the chance. She’s a bit of a conundrum really. You like her, and feel for what she’s gone through … but she’s a bit self-righteous too.

I highly recommend this story to anyone who loves a surprise baby romance, and especially to those who enjoy a story set in a foreign country where the details of the sounds, sites and wildlife in this book really shine.


* Review * STRANDED AND SEDUCED by Charlene Sands

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Review * STRANDED AND SEDUCED by Charlene SandsStranded and Seduced by Charlene Sands
Series: Boone Brothers of Texas #2
Published by Harlequin Desire on September 1, 2019
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Should she pretend to be the woman he loves?

Working with new client and ex-lover Risk Boone is bound to be…enticing. So April Adams dons a fake engagement ring to ward off temptation. But when they’re stranded together at a remote lodge, there’s no running from their attraction—especially after Risk hits his head and wakes up thinking April’s his fiancée! Will she tell him the truth…or go along for the ride?


STRANDED AND SEDUCED is book two in the Boon Brothers of Texas series by Charlene Sands, and centers around a former rodeo champ turned rancher and a realtor in a tempting reunion story.

Risk has a self-assured personality that is quick to catch a reader’s eye, and his story of amnesia gave a little hint of mystery as we wondered how it would all play out.

April had a bit of an unrequited crush on him back in their school days, then a bit of history with him a couple of years ago but at this point she’s only out to resist him … if only she could.

I recommend this story to anyone who enjoys a delightful fast paced story with a hint of unknown, a fake engagement and even a spell of amnesia! I’m enjoying this series a lot and looking forward to more to come.


* Release Blast/Review/Excerpt/Giveaway * CATCHING HIM by Aurora Rose Reynolds

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Release Blast/Review/Excerpt/Giveaway * CATCHING HIM by Aurora Rose ReynoldsCatching Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds
Series: How to Catch an Alpha #1
Published by Montlake Romance on August 27, 2019
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Leah Emerson isn’t looking for a man—she’s looking for the right man. But her mother’s idea of a great catch leaves her cold, and she’s pretty sure her cocky, arrogant, and way too good-looking new neighbor isn’t the one either. If only her wayward cat would stop jumping through his window, she could get on with her life.

Tyler Duncan moved into town for a new job, not to fall in love. But he always goes after the things he wants in life with steadfast determination…and he wants Leah Emerson. He wants her smiles, he wants her touch, and he definitely wants her in bed.

Unfortunately, someone else wants Leah—in the worst way. Now Tyler’s on a mission to protect the woman he’s falling in love with while proving he’s worth falling for, and Leah must decide whether Tyler is a catch worth catching…


CATCHING HIM is the first book in the brand new How to Catch an Alpha series by Aurora Rose Reynolds. It centers around a hairdresser and a construction foreman who have an adorable meet-cute and begin a friendship that quickly blossoms into romance.

Leah catches the reader’s eye quickly as a headstrong woman who doesn’t need just any old man in her life, she is only looking for Mr. Right … and when each of their pets seem to conspire to bring them together, she and Tyler might have to consider if it’s a sign.

Tyler is a take charge kind of guy, but seems to have a heart of gold right from the start. We’re quickly drawn into their relationship, but things get a little uneasy when Leah seems to become the fixation of someone else.

I highly recommend this story to anyone who enjoys a fast paced, fun-loving story with a couple who just seems to connect right from the start. He’s alpha-ish, but even more of a good-hearted down home kind of person. Their connection is spot-on, and their animals really make the story! Looking forward to more to come in the series.





Title: Catching Him
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds
Release Date: August 27, 2019
Series: How To Catch an Alpha, #1
Publisher: Montlake Romance


Leah Emerson isn’t looking for a man—she’s looking for the right man. But her mother’s idea of a great catch leaves her cold, and she’s pretty sure her cocky, arrogant, and way too good-looking new neighbor isn’t the one either. If only her wayward cat would stop jumping through his window, she could get on with her life.

Tyler Duncan moved into town for a new job, not to fall in love. But he always goes after the things he wants in life with steadfast determination . . . and he wants Leah Emerson. He wants her smiles, he wants her touch, and he definitely wants her in bed.

Unfortunately, someone else wants Leah—in the worst way. Now Tyler’s on a mission to protect the woman he’s falling in love with while proving he’s worth falling for, and Leah must decide whether Tyler is a catch worth catching . . .

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Catching Him Excerpt

“Is that any good?”

I look at him with my mouth full and raise a brow as I chew and swallow. “Did you just ask if Fruity Pebbles is any good? Have you ever had it?”

“I haven’t eaten cereal since I was a kid. The only kind my ma ever bought for us was Cheerios, and not the real kind—the kind that comes in the family-size bag.”

“Here.” I lift a full spoon up toward him, and he looks down at it. “Don’t be a chicken; just try it.”

He leans forward, and his lips wrap around the spoon I’m holding, the sight way more erotic than it should be. He chews and swallows, shaking his head. “It’s . . .”

“Delicious,” I finish for him. “Do you want some more?”

“I’m good.” He laughs. “I am worried that you’re eating that for dinner.”

“Why? It’s fruit and dairy,” I deadpan, and he laughs again.

“Whatever you say, gorgeous. Tomorrow I’ll make you breakfast so your body has the fuel it needs before we get to work.”

I haven’t forgotten I’m spending the day with him tomorrow, pretending to help him paint his kitchen. I’ve been thinking about it all day today. I’ve been thinking about him all day today, actually. I really am starting to like him, even if he has the ability to annoy me like no one else I have ever met in my life.

“Will there be bacon?” I set my bowl on the coffee table, then lean back against the couch, looking at him.

“Is that your roundabout way of saying you want bacon?”


“Then I guess there will be bacon.”

“Now I can’t wait for breakfast.” I smile at him when he grins. “I do have to leave around four, or maybe a little earlier, so I can shower and change to get to my parents’ place for Sunday dinner.”

“Sunday dinner?”

“Yeah, do you want to come?” Crap, why the heck did I just ask him that? I didn’t mean to. It just came out before I could stop it. “I mean . . .”

“Sure,” he agrees.

“Oh . . . okay. Awesome.” I bite the inside of my cheek. My mom is going to flip her lid—not in a bad way. She’s going to be so happy I’m bringing a man with me that she will probably start knitting baby booties. Not that she knits. She’ll probably just order some off Amazon for free two-day delivery.

“You don’t want me to go?” He tugs that piece of hair he hasn’t stopped playing with, and I turn my head.

“It’s not that. I just . . . well, I’ve never invited someone to Sunday dinner. I mean, I have, but not a guy. My parents and brothers might assume . . .” I look away at his smirk, and my face gets warm. “It’s just . . .” I blow out a breath. “You know how parents and siblings are.”

“We’re friends. I’m new in town, and we’re neighbors.”

“Right,” I agree, even though it’s a little disappointing to think he’s not interested in me and that the comments he’s made haven’t been a lead-up to something more—that something more being him fricking kissing me. But maybe that’s just him . . . maybe he flirts with everyone.

“I don’t have to come if you’re going to be uncomfortable.”

I turn to look at him once more. “You’re right. We’re just friends and neighbors; it won’t be a big deal.”


Okay, what does that mean? Never mind. I don’t want to know. I focus on the TV and not so much on him playing with my hair or sitting so close that the weight of him on my couch forces us even closer together.

“You should go to bed. You’ve yawned three times in as many minutes,” he tells me.

“I need to know if Bethenny is going to tell Luann about her husband being with another woman,” I say, keeping my eyes glued to the TV.

“I’m sure you can google it if you really need to know.”

“True.” I yawn again, and my eyes water.

“Come on.” He stands, then pulls me up with him off the couch. “Walk me to the door, then go on to bed.” He walks to the door and stops with his hand on the handle, then looks at Bruce, who hasn’t gotten up. “Bud, come on. Time to go home.”

“Come on, big guy.” I pat my thighs, and he comes instantly, and I laugh as Tyler grumbles under his breath. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell Bruce, hugging him around his furry neck, and then I stand and look at his dad. “When do you want me?”

His eyes change ever so slightly, and I swear he’s going to say something dirty, but he doesn’t. “Nine thirty or ten.”

“Okay,” I agree.

He touches his fingers to my cheek, then opens the door and steps out onto the porch. “Bruce, come,” he calls when Bruce doesn’t follow him. I giggle, and he shakes his head as I push Bruce outside with my hands on his rump. “See you in the morning, babe.”

“Mmm-hmm.” I watch him walk down the stairs and roll my eyes when he orders me into my house and to lock the door. I do what he asks, only because I want to, but I still watch him through the window as he and Bruce walk across the grass between his yard and mine and up to his front door. When he’s inside, I go back to the TV and turn it off, then get in bed, where eventually I fall asleep thinking about the guy next door.


Author Biography

Aurora Rose Reynolds is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author whose wildly popular series include Fluke My Life, Until, Until Him, Until Her, and Underground Kings. Her writing career started as an attempt to get the outrageous alpha men in her head to leave her alone and has blossomed into an opportunity to share her stories with readers all over the world.

To stay up to date on what’s happening, join the Alpha Mailing List: https://bit.ly/2GXYsVS. To order signed books, go to https://AuroraRoseReynolds.com. You can reach Reynolds via email at Auroraroser@gmail.com and follow her on Instagram (@Auroraroser), Facebook (AuthorAuroraRoseReynolds), and Twitter (@Auroraroser).

Social Media Links

Website: https://aurorarosereynolds.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAuroraRoseReynolds
Twitter: https://twitter.com/auroraroser
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7215619.Aurora_Rose_Reynolds


Guest Post: Aurora Rose Reynolds’ Guide to Catching Him

In my newest book, Catching Him, Leah Emmerson is over men who can’t commit and she is determined to find a man who is willing to chase her for once. When she meets Tyler Duncan she’s not sure she likes him, however, once she gets his attention he makes it clear that he wants her. Tyler goes out of his way to make Leah his and prove that he’s the kind of guy she should be with. The task isn’t easy; Leah has built up walls because of her past relationships, but after getting to know Tyler as a friend she realizes that he’s the perfect catch. 

I’m here to give you some advice on how to catch an alpha male, this method is tried and true. 

Step one. 

Ignore the hot guy. I know this might seem a little crazy when you’re trying to actually catch a hot guy, but I’m telling you now that for whatever reason the more you ignore him the more he will come around.

Step two. 

Avoid danger, however, if you do get into trouble be open and honest with the hot guy. If he’s worth your time then he will step up to protect you. 

Step three. 

Don’t be afraid if things go fast. 

Step four. 

This step is the simplest of them all: Believe him when he says he loves you and go on to live happily ever after.




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* Release Blast/Review * TAKE ME NOW by Carly Phillips

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Release Blast/Review * TAKE ME NOW by Carly PhillipsTake Me Now by Carly Phillips
Series: The Knight Brothers #5
Published by CP Publishing on August 29, 2019
Buy on Amazon

He acts like he barely knows her.

But she knows he’s the one.

Matt Banks was ready to tell Harper Sanders that he loved her, that he’d always loved her and that even though they were young, she was his forever girl.

Then her brother stepped in, wanting more for his sister than a garage owner. Too young to stand up for himself, Matt made her brother a promise that he’s regretted every day since.

After years of being ignored by the guy she’s always loved, Harper is on a dating binge. No one is Matt, but a girl can keep on trying. Then she gets stranded on the side of the road, and she has no choice but to call the only mechanic in town.

Matt comes to her rescue, and then to her bed. It’s an idyllic, passion-filled weekend—but there’s still the matter of his promise. And a man’s word is his bond.

NOTE: Take Me Now is a never before published SHORT story in the Knight Brothers series.

TAKE ME NOW is a bonus short story in The Knight Brothers series by Carly Phillips.

If you’ve been reading this series, you will likely recognize these characters as side-characters in the main story line previously and you’ll see some familiar faces here and there. This story is a super quick weekend between a couple who have been dancing around each other for years now. A novella is always too short to really sink your teeth into, but this snippet was extremely sexy and satisfying and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting a quick happily ever after and in particular fans of the series.



“Carly Phillips can take you to romantic places you haven’t yet dreamed of!”- Robyn Carr, #1 New York Times bestselling author


Take Me Now, an all-new, never before published sexy short story from New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips, is available now!



He acts like he barely knows her.

But she knows he’s the one.

Matt Banks was ready to tell Harper Sanders that he loved her, that he’d always loved her and that even though they were young, she was his forever girl.

Then her brother stepped in, wanting more for his sister than a garage owner. Too young to stand up for himself, Matt made her brother a promise that he’s regretted every day since.

After years of being ignored by the guy she’s always loved, Harper is on a dating binge. No one is Matt, but a girl can keep on trying. Then she gets stranded on the side of the road, and she has no choice but to call the only mechanic in town.

Matt comes to her rescue, and then to her bed. It’s an idyllic, passion-filled weekend—but there’s still the matter of his promise. And a man’s word is his bond.

**Take Me Now is a never before published short story in the Knight Brothers series.**


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Download your copy today!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2NFObiX
AppleBooks: https://apple.co/2NBmaZS
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/TakeMeNowcp
Nook: http://bit.ly/2U9L18o
Kobo: http://bit.ly/30BEaad
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2Znekua


Meet Carly Phillips

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestseller, Carly Phillips gives her readers Alphalicious heroes to swoon for and romance to set your heart on fire. She married her college sweetheart and lives in Purchase, NY along with her three crazy dogs: two wheaten terriers and a mutant Havanese, who are featured on her Facebook and Instagram. The author of 50 romance novels, she has raised two incredible daughters who put up with having a mom as a full time writer. Carly’s book, The Bachelor, was chosen by Kelly Ripa as a romance club pick and was the first romance on a nationally televised bookclub. Carly loves social media and interacting with her readers. Want to keep up with Carly?

Sign up for her mailing list and receive TWO FREE books at www.carlyphillips.com.


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* Release Blast/Review/Excerpt * BUTTERFLY IN FROST by Sylvia Day

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Release Blast/Review/Excerpt * BUTTERFLY IN FROST by Sylvia DayButterfly in Frost by Sylvia Day
Published by Montlake Romance on August 27, 2019
Buy on Amazon

Once, I would never have imagined myself here. But I’m settled now. In a place I love, in a home I renovated, spending time with new friends I adore, and working a job that fulfills me. I am reconciling the past and laying the groundwork for the future.

Then Garrett Frost moves in next door.

He’s obstinate and too bold, a raging force of nature that disrupts the careful order of my life. I recognize the ghosts that haunt him, the torment driving him. Garrett would be risky in any form, but wounded, he’s far more dangerous. I fear I’m too fragile for the storm raging inside him, too delicate to withstand the pain that buffets him. But he’s too determined…and too tempting.

And sometimes hope soars above even the iciest desolation.


BUTTERFLY IN FROST is a new novella from Sylvia Day that crosses over ever so slightly into her beloved Crossfire series. It’s a tad secretive, but riveting enough to have you turning page after page to unravel more.

Teagan appears to be a woman recovering from something in her life. She’s had great success, but something changed for her and she’s slowly bringing herself out of a depression. She’s attention grabbing on the pages, but her past is left blank.

Garrett appears to be just a guy who moves in next door who immediately causes excitement and unexpected sexual attraction to flare. He slowly opens up about a loss that he’s experienced that changed his way of living. We watch as attraction flares into a whirlwind of lust and emotion.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes an emotional depiction of life moving forward after trauma. It’s emotional, with tidbits of fun thrown into the mix. It eventually culminates into a huge twist that we didn’t see coming … and as it all plays out, we’re left with unanswered questions of why and how.






Title: Butterfly in Frost
Author: Sylvia Day
Release Date: August 27, 2019
Publisher: Montlake Romance


Once, I would never have imagined myself here. But I’m settled now. In a place I love, in a home I renovated, spending time with new friends I adore, and working a job that fulfills me. I am reconciling the past and laying the groundwork for the future.

Then Garrett Frost moves in next door.

He’s obstinate and too bold, a raging force of nature that disrupts the careful order of my life. I recognize the ghosts that haunt him, the torment driving him. Garrett would be risky in any form, but wounded, he’s far more dangerous. I fear I’m too fragile for the storm raging inside him, too delicate to withstand the pain that buffets him. But he’s too determined…and too tempting.

And sometimes hope soars above even the iciest desolation.


Excerpt: Butterfly in Frost by Sylvia Day

Roxy bounces on her feet with excitement. “Les and Marge sold their house.”

I blink. “I didn’t know they were selling.”

She laughs and heads toward the front door. “That’s the thing. They weren’t.”

“Wait, what?” I hurry after her as she steps outside.

I look to the right at my home, a lovingly restored butterfly-roofed midcentury, then on to the traditional house just beyond it that belongs—belonged—to Les and Marge. Including Roxy’s, all three of our homes have unique lots set between the homes that line the street and the Sound, affording us unhindered views of the water as well as exceptional privacy—all within a twenty-minute drive of the airport.

Roxy shortens the length of her stride to allow me to catch up, then glances over at me. “The day after you flew to New York, a Range Rover pulled into their driveway, and the guy inside offered them cash to close—and move out—in fourteen days.”

My step falters, and Minnie gets momentarily tangled in her leash. The dog shoots me what I would describe as an irritated look, then keeps trotting forward. “That’s crazy.”

“Isn’t it? Les wouldn’t say how much the offer was, but I’m thinking it was huge.”

We march up the inclined driveway, my head tilted back to take in the houses scaling the hillside. Designed with big windows to maximize the view, the homes have a look of wide-eyed wonder. Our little stretch of the Sound used to be a secret, but with the housing boom taking over Seattle and Tacoma, we’ve been discovered. Many residences are undergoing major renovation to suit the tastes of new owners.

Reaching the road, we turn left. To the right is a dead end.

“Well, if they’re happy,” I say, “I’m happy for them.”

“They’re overwhelmed. It was a lot to happen all at once, but I think they’re happy with their decision.” Roxanne stops when Bella does, and we wait as the two dogs mark one of their usual spots on the gravel edging the asphalt. There are no curbs on the streets in our neighborhood and no sidewalks. Just beautiful lawns and a profusion of flowering shrubs.

“We all tried prying information out of them,” she goes on, “but they weren’t sharing anything about the sale.” She gives me a sidelong glance. “But they did share a bit about the buyer.”

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Because Mike and I both think the buyer is someone famous. A film director maybe. Or an artist. Can you imagine? First Emily, a bestselling author. Then you, a reality-TV surgeon. Now this guy! Maybe we’re sitting on the new Malibu—beachside living without wildfires or state income tax!”

The mention of Roxy’s husband, Mike, coaxes an inner smile. A New York transplant like me, he adds a welcome touch of the life I left behind to the reality I’ve since created for myself—a reality that’s just been rocked by the loss of neighbors I like.

“What are the clues you’re working with?” I ask, deciding to play along. If I’ve learned anything the past year, it’s to accept the things I cannot change. A tough task for a control freak like me.

“Les pointed out to this guy that he hadn’t even seen the inside of the house. The guy said he didn’t need to. He knew already that ‘the light is perfect.’ I mean, who would say that? Gotta be someone who’s in visual arts, right?”

“Maybe,” I agree tentatively, disquieted by the unexpected conversation. The road rises sharply before us, the incline steep enough to put a little burn in my thighs. “Doesn’t mean he’s famous, though.”

“That’s the thing.” Her words carry a note of breathlessness. “Les wouldn’t give numbers, but he did say it was crazy the guy didn’t just buy that huge compound at the end of the street. That house is listed for three and a half million!”

My mind staggers at the thought. Les and Marge have—had—a beautiful home, but it’s not worth anywhere near that much.

“I think I saw the buyer once through that big arched window in the living room,” Roxy goes on. “The blonde with him was a looker. Supermodel skinny with legs for days.”

I’m panting when we reach the top; Roxy, who hits a gym most days of the week, is not.

A quarter mile farther, there’s a street to the right leading to Dash Point. Beyond that and straight ahead, the road slopes back down and around until it’s at water level. Redondo Beach is there, as is Salty’s, a restaurant on stilts in the water with expansive views of Poverty Bay and beyond. I’m about to wax poetic about Salty’s seafood chowder when a runner dashes around the corner at a full sprint. His sudden appearance rattles me. A closer look makes me freeze midstride. My breath locks in my lungs.

There are too many things to register at once, so my mind attempts to absorb the whole man. Dressed only in black shorts and shoes, he is a visual feast of deeply tanned skin, intricate sleeves of tattooed art, and sweat-slicked, flexing musculature.

And his face. Sculpted. Square-jawed. Brutally, breathlessly handsome.

Roxy, now a few feet in front of me, gives a low whistle. “Hot damn.”


Author Biography

Sylvia Day is the #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today, #1 Sunday Times, #1 Der Spiegel, and #1 international bestselling author of over twenty award-winning novels sold in more than forty countries. She is a #1 bestselling author in twenty-eight countries, with tens of millions of copies of her books in print. Visit the author at www.sylviaday.com.

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* Release Blast/Spotlight Tour * BIG CHANCE COWBOY by Teri Anne Stanley


Big Chance Cowboy

by Teri Anne Stanley

Publication date: August 27, 2019


“A real page turner with a sexy cowboy you can root for, a sassy heroine you can fall in love with, and an ugly dog that brings them together.”—CAROLYN BROWN, New York Times bestselling author


At Big Chance Dog Rescue,

Even humans get a second chance

After a disastrous mistake disbanded his Army unit, Adam Collins has returned home to Big Chance, Texas. He just wants to sell the family ranch, set up his sister and grandfather with the funds, and then ride off into the sunset.

Lizzie Vanhook has landed back in her hometown, heartbroken and jobless. Adding to her troubles is the unruly stray who’s claimed her as his own. Lizzie knows she’s in over her head. Enter Adam—not only does he work with dogs, he’s also tall, dark, handsome, and the one who got away…

Adam wants nothing to do with other people, much less dogs. But when his old flame asks him to help her train her scruffy dog, he can’t say no. As his reluctant heart opens up, the impossible seems possible: a second chance with the woman he’s always loved in a place where he, his friends, and the other strays who show up can heal and call home,

Big Chance, Texas.


More praise for Big Chance Cowboy:

“Love…and puppies… Be prepared to fall in love with this cast of characters and this book.”

JENNIE MARTS, USA Today bestselling author of the Cowboys of Creedence series_

Big Chance Cowboy is a tail-wagging good read. I was hooked from start to finish.”

DEBBIE BURNS, acclaimed author of the Rescue Me series



Purchase Links:

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Iu7auY
B&N: http://bit.ly/2IHFq5E
Apple: https://apple.co/2Pih8jC
IndieBound: http://bit.ly/2PhdFlC
BAM: http://bit.ly/2Phdd6U
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2ZNSige
Walmart: http://bit.ly/2Z1nOKB



Houston was three hours and a couple of broken dreams behind her when Lizzie Vanhook crossed the Chance County line, right about the same time the Check Tire Pressure light in her dashboard blinked on.

Crap. She’d been in the homestretch. There was something symbolic about an uninterrupted beeline home, to the place she planned to find her center of gravity. Maybe start doing yoga. Eat all organic. Drink herbal tea and learn to play the pan flute.

Flipping the turn signal, she pulled into Big America Fuel and stopped near the sign for Free Air. She stepped out onto the cracked gray asphalt and bent to search for the pressure gauge her dad always insisted she keep in the pocket of the door but came up empty.

She abandoned the driver’s side and went to the passenger door, hesitating when she noticed the dog leaning against the nearby air pump. The big dog. It was missing some significant patches of hair, and the rest was black and matted. Its big, shiny teeth were bared in what she hoped was a friendly smile. Its football-player-forearm-sized tail thumped the ground, raising a cloud of sunbaked, Central Texas dust. Lizzie sneezed. The dog stopped wagging and raised an ear in her direction.

“Good boy,” she told it, hoping that was the right thing to say. It was one thing to misunderstand the intentions of a tiny fuzzball of a dog and need a few stitches. Ignoring a warning from something this size could be lethal. It had to weigh at least a hundred pounds.

She kept the beast in her peripheral vision while she bent to search for the tire gauge. Ah ha!

“Y’all need some help?”

“No!” Lizzie straightened and turned, the pressure gauge clenched in her raised fist.

“Whoa there!” A sun-bronzed elderly man, about half Lizzie’s size, held his hands in front of him in a gesture of peace.

“I’m sorry,” she said, relaxing slightly. “The dog—” She gestured but the thing was gone.

“Didn’t mean to scare you, darlin’,” the old man said, tilting his Big America ball cap back. “We’re a little slow today, so I thought I’d check on you.” He indicated the vacant parking lot.

“It’s fine,” she said. She should remember she was back on her own turf, where it was way more likely that a stranger at a gas station really did want to help you out rather than distract you and rob you blind. “It’s been a long drive, and I’m a little overcaffeinated.”

“No problem. You local?”

“Yes,” Lizzie said. Even though she’d been gone for years, it was about to be true again.

The attendant squinted at the tool she carried. “You got a leaky tire?”

“I don’t know.” She stooped to unscrew the cap of the first valve. “The little light went on while I was driving.” Nope. That one wasn’t low. She put the cap back on and continued her way around the car while her new friend followed, chatting about Big Chance. He wondered about the likelihood the Chance County High School quarterback would get a scholarship offer. Lizzie had no idea; she hadn’t been keeping up. He speculated on the probability that the Feed and Seed might close, now that there was a new Home Depot over in Fredericksburg. She expected she’d hear about it from her mom and dad if the local place was closing and wondered if her friend Emma still worked there.

It had been ages since Lizzie had spoken to Emma, and a wave of guilt washed over her. Finally, the last valve was checked, and she screwed the cap back on. She reached through the open window and dropped the tire gauge on the passenger seat while she said “Everybody’s full. Must be a false alarm.” She wrinkled her nose as she caught a whiff of the interior of her car. Sheesh. The service station probably sold air fresheners; maybe she should invest in one. Compared to the breezy, wide open spaces of home, her car smelled like an inside-out dead deer. She wanted to get home, though, so she decided to deal with it later.

It wasn’t until she was backing out onto the main road that she realized the awful smell inside her vehicle wasn’t just long-drive funk. There was something—something big and black and furry—sitting in the middle of her back seat, panting and grinning in her rearview mirror.


Excerpted from Big Chance Cowboy by Teri Anne Stanley. © 2019 by Teri Anne Stanley. Used with permission of the publisher, Sourcebooks Casablanca, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved.



When Teri Anne Stanley isn’t writing sassy, sexy, love stories from her home, she’s probably doing some sort of arsty-crafsty thing and hanging with Mr. Stanley, her three favorite children, and the dogs. Sometimes she’s masquerading as a day job science geek. She’s definitely not cooking or cleaning. Visit her online at www.teriannestanley.com. Teri Ann lives near Sugartit, Kentucky (which is between Beaver Lick and Rabbit Hash. Seriously).

Author Website: www.teriannestanley.com

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* Book Blitz * OFF LIMITS LOVERS by Reese Ryan


She’s totally off limits: The daughter of his father’s nemesis, a jilted bride, and now…his client. But one unexpected kiss sets his world on fire. They’re both playing with fire, and someone is about to get burned.


Everything is bigger in Texas—

especially temptation.

For attorney and Texas Cattleman’s Club member Roarke Perry, Annabel Currin is about as forbidden as it gets. A just-jilted bride, gorgeously sexy, tender-hearted…and the daughter of his father’s nemesis. The sexual currents crackling between him and his client should have been warning enough. Now they’re both playing with fire. And someone’s gonna get burned.






Roarke scanned the woman. She was gorgeous in a floor-length blue gown that reminded him of something a Greek goddess would wear. Athena, Artemis or perhaps Aphrodite.

The smooth creamy skin of her back and shoulders gleamed, highlighted with a dusting of glitter that augmented her ethereal beauty. The peekaboo feature at the front of her dress exposed a little of her midriff.

Roarke glanced again at her left hand. The huge rock she’d been sporting a few days earlier was notably absent.

One corner of Annabel’s mouth curled in a grin as she took another sip of her martini. She leaned in and whispered, “I don’t know if you know this, Two Pies, but you’re staring. It’s frowned upon in polite society.”

“Is Two Pies my official rap name?” Roarke straightened his tie, trying his best to mask his amusement.

She laughed, setting her glass on the bar. “I thought it sounded better than Not-My-Brother.”

“Oh, so Ryder told you about that, huh?” Roarke signaled for another scotch and soda.

“My dad tries to be as open and honest as he can be with everyone in his life.” Her statement implied that his father didn’t operate that way. She’d get no argument from him. “Besides, we’re not kids anymore. He wanted me and my siblings to be armed with the truth, should we be confronted with the accusation. He offered to show me the paternity test, but I didn’t need to see it. I know my father.”

“That’s how I feel about my mother.” He accepted the scotch and soda. “So I didn’t believe it, either.”

“Well, here’s to not being siblings.” She raised her glass, clinking it with his. “Because that would make this very awkward.”

Before he could ask what she meant, she’d pressed a hand to his chest, lifted onto her toes and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

Roarke froze, startled by her sudden action.

Annabel laughed. “I can’t figure out if the kiss was that bad or that good.”

“It was good. Definitely…good.”



$25 Winner’s Choice Gift Card



Reese Ryan writes sexy, deeply emotional romances with family drama, surprising secrets, and a posse of deliciously-flawed characters.

A Midwesterner with deep Southern roots, Reese currently resides in semi-small-town North Carolina where she’s an avid reader, a music junkie, and a self-declared connoisseur of cheesy grits.

Visit Reese at ReeseRyan.com and join her VIP Readers email list for free reads, cover reveals, sneak peeks, reader giveaways, and more.



* Release Blitz * WILD TENDY by Toni Aleo

Nico has goals…and she’s number one on his list.
Wild Tendy by Toni Aleo is available now!

Amazon — https://amzn.to/2kbukvL
Universal — mybook.to/WildTendy
Apple — https://apple.co/2LXpayQ
Nook — http://bit.ly/2NXZaWE
Kobo — http://bit.ly/2LncF0c


Nico Merryweather loves women—all women. Sure, they’re sexy and fun. But “Player” is an easy reputation to hide behind, a way to keep the good times rolling and reality at bay. He’s loud, he’s cocky, he says exactly what he’s thinking, and people just laugh it off because they think they know him. But Nico makes sure no one is close enough to know the truth. With a new season starting, he is ready to play the game he can control. They’ll all be watching Nico, the goalie, but they’ll never know the man behind the mask who is just trying to breathe. He hasn’t ever wanted anyone close enough to him to see the truth, until Aviva rams herself into his ass. Literally.

Aviva Pearce’s life is a collection of bad days all wrapped up without a bow. If it can go wrong, it will. All she wants is to run her business, take care of her sister, and keep her head above water. But with a father who is out to ruin her like he has himself and debt trying to drown her, it’s hard to stay afloat. Aviva isn’t the type to waste time dwelling on her misfortunes or to give up, though. She’s got too much fight in her. And she definitely doesn’t have time to waste on the wildly sexy, rich, showboating goaltender everyone wants. She’s got goals.

What she doesn’t know is that Nico has goals of his own.

And she’s number one on his list.

Cover Designer: Lori Jackson Design
Cover Photography: FuriousFotog




About the Author:

My name is Toni Aleo and I’m a total dork.

I am a wife, mother of two and a bulldog, and also a hopeless romantic.

I am the biggest Shea Weber fan ever, and can be found during hockey season with my nose pressed against the Bridgestone Arena’s glass, watching my Nashville Predators play!

When my nose isn’t pressed against the glass, I enjoy going to my husband and son’s hockey games, my daughter’s dance competition, hanging with my best friends, taking pictures, scrapbooking, and reading the latest romance novel.

I have a slight Disney and Harry Potter obsession, I love things that sparkle, I love the color pink, I might have been a Disney Princess in a past life… probably Belle.

… and did I mention I love hockey?

Connect with Toni!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tonialeo1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ToniAleo1
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/toni_aleo/
Intagram: https://instagram.com/tonialeo1/
Bookbub: http://bit.ly/2yGqqR6

* Review * THE DARK SIDE by Danielle Steel

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Review * THE DARK SIDE by Danielle SteelThe Dark Side by Danielle Steel
Published by Delacorte Press on August 27, 2019
Buy on Amazon

In her new novel, Danielle Steel tells a riveting story of the dark side of motherhood.

Zoe Morgan’s childhood was marked by her younger sister’s tragic illness, watching as her parents dedicated themselves completely to her final days and then divorced. As a young woman driven by these painful memories, Zoe sets the bar high for herself, studying hard and pursuing a career in the nonprofit world, where her deep compassion for disadvantaged children finds a focus.

When Zoe falls in love and has her own child, she is determined to be a perfect mother as well. But before long, old scars long dormant begin to pull Zoe to the edge of an abyss too terrifying to contemplate.

As Zoe is haunted by the ghosts of the past, her story will become a race against time and a tale of psychological suspense that no reader will soon forget.


THE DARK SIDE is the latest novel from Danielle Steel and is a classic love story with a major twist. While out of character from what we typically expect when picking up Ms. Steel, her take on a modern day psychological thriller is not to be missed!

Zoe Morgan comes into the story as a young girl who suffers a stilted childhood because of a devastating illness her little sister goes through. Her family is never the same again, and the scars it leaves on her into adulthood are obvious, but also deceptive. No one looks at her and sees pain … but distortion is the new normal as we traverse a life of success, leading to love and eventual motherhood. She wants to be all that she didn’t get in her own life for her daughter … but she ends up being more than we ever expected.

I highly recommend this story to anyone who enjoys a pivotal plot change in a romance/psychological thriller. There was a slight disconnect in emotion with this story compared to others by the author, but the suspense more than made up for it. Great story, great twists and a very satisfying read!


* Review * HOLD ON TO ME by Jules Bennett

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Review * HOLD ON TO ME by Jules BennettHold On to Me by Jules Bennett
Series: Return to Haven #3
Published by Zebra Books on August 27, 2019
Buy on Amazon

When three best friends decide to stretch their wings and revamp the local airport in small-town Haven, Georgia, the destination is laughter and love . . .

Jade McKenzie left her high-society family’s expectations behind when she came back to cozy Haven, and she’s never been happier. But what’s supposed to be a quick trip to Nashville for a cousin’s wedding turns into a disaster when one of the airport’s pilots offers to fly her there. One crash landing and a shared room later, and tattooed, bearded Cash Miller is standing in as her gorgeously unsuitable plus-one—and turning her on in ways she can’t deny. But a relationship? A real one? That’s definitely in the no-fly zone.

Vincent “Cash” Miller doesn’t have much in the world, but he does have pride—and a strict policy not to let anyone trash-talk his friends, not even their mothers. Standing up for sexy, headstrong Jade comes naturally—but so does the bone-deep itch for her he’s always wanted to scratch. Giving in to attraction is one thing, but commitment is another. So why does it feel like together, love might take them to breathtaking heights?


HOLD ON TO ME is book three in Jules Bennett’s Return to Haven series and centers around a Pilot/Gym Owner and public relations whirlwind joining forces to not only revamp the airport that means so much to their group of friends, but also a hookup or two on the sly! This yummy enemies to lovers story is sure to entice.

If you’ve been reading this series from the start, you will recognize the setting of Haven, George as well as the airport that three best friends got hooked on seeing succeed. Two of them have already fallen for the loves of their lives, and now it’s Jade’s turn to settle in for the long haul. With a close-knit group like this, we always get a feel for what’s going on in the previous couples lives as the new couple starts to evolve.

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a small town romance centering around a group of best friends. You can’t go wrong with any of the three books in this series as each couple has been well developed and very satisfying.
