Book Review – A SEAL’S TOUCH by Tawny Weber



Another great Uniformly Hot! SEAL to steal our hearts!  It is always great seeing the other guys from the team that we’ve met in previous books continuing on with the loves that they have found.  Really enjoy this group of guys and gals!

Taylor Powell has just returned from a hard mission, and is so not in the mood to have to fight off the matchmaking of his SEAL team’s women, so he decides to take a fake girlfriend to the group barbecue.

Catarina Peres has been crushing on her childhood friend for years, so she’s willing to help him out if it means spending a little time with him.

When the chemistry between them flares out of control, will their fake relationship become real?

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Blog Tour / Book Review -HER SECRET LOVER – Robin Covington



This was an easy, fun read filled with lots of smiles along the way at their sass and antics.  I enjoyed it.

Kelsey Kyle is a concierge extraordinaire at Masquerade Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.  She’s angling to be accepted into the Management Trainee Program, so when an opportunity from a VIP guest presents itself to get a good recommendation, she’s all for it!

Micah Holmes is a best selling romance artist who is too shy to enjoy dealing with the hoards of fans he has.  He needs Kelsey’s help to put him at ease with the crowds and their emotions.  The fact that he really likes her helps!

Kelsey has to convince Micah to have a one-on-one interaction with the wife of a VIP guest to get the recommendation that she needs.  Only Micah doesn’t do those type of promotions.  Can she convince him to change his mind?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



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Her Secret Lover by Robin Covington

Release date: 1/18/16

 About the book:

 Kelsey Kyle will do whatever it takes to get into the management trainee program at the casino where she works. So when she’s given the opportunity to get a VIP customer’s endorsement for the program, she jumps at the challenge. All she needs to do is arrange a one-on-one fan experience with the woman’s favorite author, tall-dark-and-intense Micah Holmes.

An entire week at a Vegas romance readers’ convention, surrounded by hundreds of people, is Micah Holmes’ idea of hell. But one look at Kelsey, his assigned hotel concierge, and the attraction is immediate. Maybe this week won’t be so bad after all…

Anything beyond a “strictly professional” relationship will get Kelsey fired, but she needs to get close to Micah to get the super fan experience her client wants. Hot sex in her apartment pool begins a game of “undercover lover” that quickly escalates to something more. But when Micah discovers her secret agenda, all bets are off.

Find it online:

Amazon | B&N | Goodreads



“This is what I don’t get, man. How do you write these incredible books when you don’t believe in love? They are the most romantic shit ever put between two covers. You write the ‘books that make America fall in love’ for Christ’s sake.”

“I hate that stupid tagline…”

“You can hate it all you want, but it’s true. You even get me weepy when I read them.” His friend smacked him on the shoulder. “We’ve been friends long enough that I can tell you I thought you had a vagina after I read your first book.” That got his attention. He swiveled his head to glare at his best friend. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m just saying I didn’t believe a guy wrote them when I first read them.” He held his pointer finger up to forestall the comment Micah wanted to make. “I know you don’t actually have a vagina. I’ve seen you at the gym and you’ve got plenty going on down there to make the rest of us feel bad.”
“Stop looking at my dick, Allen. Seriously.”
“I only looked that one time, and you’re missing my point.”
“You have one?” He snorted and ducked another jab that almost made him spill his beer. “I’ve been writing for a solid week, please don’t make me read your mind.”

Allen got up and headed over to the kitchen area, opening the refrigerator to get another beer. He removed the bottle cap before he continued. “My point is that you write this shit that gets every woman in America crying and then climbing on top of their husbands who immediately start begging their doctors for Viagra by the truckload, and I don’t know how you do it when you don’t date…”

“My lifestyle doesn’t make it feasible.”
“You don’t have a sex life to speak of…”
“As long as my hands aren’t amputated, my sex life is fine.”
“That’s pathetic and disturbing,” Allen said and took a swig from his beer bottle. “But what I don’t get is how you don’t believe in love and you still write books that sell like ammo during the zombie apocalypse.”

Micah thought about explaining all the shit in his head about love and life and what went through his mind when he sat down to write a book, but he’d have to get into Becky and his marriage and his divorce and the Marines and getting blown up, and he didn’t want to go there. Not today. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in love, it just wasn’t easy to find, and to make it last was even rarer.

“It’s not hard to sell the happily ever after in four hundred pages,” he said and finished off his beer.


About the author:

 A USAToday bestseller, Robin Covington loves to explore the theme of fooling around and falling in love in her books. Her stories burn up the sheets. . .one page at a time. When she’s not writing she’s collecting tasty man candy, indulging in a little comic book geek love, and stalking Chris Evans.  Don’t send chocolate . . . send eye candy!

Robin’s books have won the Golden Leaf Award and finaled in the Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice, the Book Seller’s Best and the National Reader’s Choice Awards.

She lives in Maryland with her handsome husband, her two brilliant children (they get it from her, of course!), and her beloved furbabies.

Drop her a line at – she always writes back.

Find Robin online:

Website | Twitter | Facebook



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Release Blast / Book Review -EXPOSURE by Kelly Moran



Electrifying!  Two scarred souls, drawn to each other.  Hot sex, sensual healing, and lots of intrigue to keep you guessing the whole book.  It’s addicting and hard to put down!

Raven Crowne is an aloof woman.  She doesn’t let anyone close, and she has to be in control of everything.  She still lives in the past internally and won’t let herself heal.

Noah Caldwell is such good guy.  He and Raven met and became best friends years ago.  What he hasn’t told her, is that he’s secretly been in love with her and is just biding his time until his past is finally under control and it’s safe for him to admit his love and his secrets.

Raven and Noah together is magic.  They feed off each other and heal the broken parts of each of them.  Will they live happily ever after or will Raven walk away because she isn’t fulfilled by love?  And when the past comes back to haunt them, will they be able to survive it?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



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Book Review – A SOLDIER’S PROMISE by Karen Templeton



A touching story of healing after loss and finding the strength to overcome your fears to live and possibly love again.

When he returns from the Army, the first place Levi Talbot goes is back home to Whispering Pines, New Mexico.  He made a promise to his best friend, and he intends to keep it.

Valerie Lopez isn’t happy to see Levi walk up her driveway.  He might have been her husband Tommy’s best friend, but he isn’t anything to her except a reminder of what she lost.

Levi is determined to help Val and the kids in any way he possibly can, even if she’s not happy about it.  He can’t let Tommy down.  Will he be able to convince her that it’s okay to be happy again?

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Book Review – READY TO ROCK by Cara Connelly


4 1/2 STARS!

A hot, sexy rock star looking to enjoy the simple things in life meets spoiled college girl. It’s quite a fun, drama filled read that keeps you guessing until the end!

Lilianne Marchone runs into Jack by happenstance on the streets of New York City.  She hasn’t seen him for 6 years, but would recognize him anywhere.

Jack McCabe is thrilled to see Lil again.  Meeting her all those years ago changed him … it made him want more out of life.

When Lil & Jack decide they want to pursue happiness together, they meet roadblock after roadblock.  Will her family stop her obsession with the rocker?  Will her ex be able to come between them?  Can they truly live happily ever after when the world seems to be conspiring against them?

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Blog Tour / Book Review – CAUGHT BY YOU by Jennifer Bernard



This is such a fun read!  The feisty attitudes of the characters make you smile and occasionally chuckle out loud as you read their antics.  It’s not all fun and games though.  There are serious life issues experienced throughout.  I smiled alot, I laughed and I cried at one scene.  I’m really glad to have read it, and look forward to the next up in the series!

Donna MacIntyre is all for having a good time.  She’s sassy and loves to flirt with Kilby, TX Catfish catcher Mike Solo on a regular basis.  When Mike finally lays a big ol’ kiss on her at the end of the season, they’re both blown away.

After a few months away, Mike gets back into town and runs into Donna. She’s a totally changed person … clothing, attitude, looks, etc.  He finds out that she’s in a custody battle with her ex for a son he didn’t know she had.  After some media coverage  of them hanging out together makes it look bad for her with the judge, Mike suggest they get married to give her an advantage in getting her son back.

Even though love wasn’t in the cards for either of them in the beginning, the more time they spend together, the more they start wondering what they are truly feeling.

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **


BT-CaughtByYou-JBernard (1)

Caught by You
Love Between the Bases #2
By: Jennifer Bernard

Releasing December 29, 2015
Avon Impulse


Love comes out of left field in the second novel in USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Bernard’s sexy baseball-themed series…

Months of alternately flirting and bickering with Kilby Catfish catcher Mike Solo just turned into the hottest kiss of Donna MacIntyre’s life—and that’s a major league complication. Any hint of scandal could keep her from getting her son back from her well-connected ex. Then Mike comes up with a game-changing idea: a marriage proposal that could help win her case—even as it jeopardizes her heart.

Mike hasn’t been able to get the gorgeous, gutsy redhead out of his fantasies. The least he can do is fix the mess he helped create. Yet their engagement is quickly becoming about a lot more than doing the right thing. Because after swearing he’d never risk love again, Mike has found a passion that puts all his emotions in play, and a woman he’ll go to bat for again and again.


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Mike looked around at the milling Roadhouse crowd. Denim jackets and cowboy boots, short skirts and long legs, plenty of lip gloss and teased hair, glimpses of cleavage, earrings dangling against bare skin, pretty girls flipping their hair, laughing, teasing, sexy, cute …

And not Donna.

He drained his club soda. “Mañana,” he said to the other Catfish, who stared after him with expressions of shock and betrayal. He never left the party early. Too bad. The Roadhouse without Donna was like a game without a hit. A dinner without steak. A shower without water.

It just wasn’t worth the bother.

He strode out of the Roadhouse into the still-warm night. Up above, stars bedazzled the blue-velvet sky. The Wade kid had it right. Play well, get out of town. That was the plan. Definitely, for sure, forget Donna.

Unless, of course, she was standing right in front of him.


He blinked, but she didn’t disappear. On his way to the stadium for batting practice, he’d stopped at the Dunkin’ Donuts for coffee and a cruller. Now his coffee steamed, forgotten, in his left hand while he drank in the sight of Donna MacIntyre. She stood next to a miniscule red Kia in the drive-through, a little brown bag in one hand and a Big Gulp of coffee in the other.

She looked … different.

“You are Donna, right? Donna MacIntyre?”

She rolled her eyes with a Lord-help-us expression that confirmed her identity. “Solo. How’ve you been?”

“Great. What are you wearing?” It looked horrible, whatever it was. Boxy, boring blue, below the knee. Its only benefit was that it showed off her calves. Unfortunately, they were covered in beige panty hose. “Did you just come from Salvation Army band practice?”

“That’s an extremely inappropriate comment.”

Yeah, it was, but he was rattled. “Sorry. I’m a little traumatized. Are you on a Mormon mission or something? What did you do to your hair?”

The state of her hair made him want to cry. All the curls had been flat-ironed out of it; he knew the process because his sisters used it on their curly black mops. The color hadn’t changed, thank the saints, but she wore a headband that hid most of the glorious red. A headband! And her hair was short too. She’d chopped it to shoulder-length. All that wild, beautiful hair, sitting on a salon floor somewhere.

“Wait, let me guess. You’re on your way to an encyclopedia convention.”

Looking extremely annoyed, she brushed past him. He caught the scent of fresh woodlands. At least that hadn’t changed. As she peered into the Kia, he followed her gaze and saw a sleeping kid strapped into a car seat in the back. The window was halfway open, giving the child plenty of air. He had red hair and his mouth lolled open.

“Is that the Shark?”

For the first time, she looked kindly at him. “You remember about the Shark?”

“Of course. You’re a nanny for a Shark. Hard to forget that. Or the rest of it.” He raised one eyebrow suggestively, but she ignored his double entendre. His suspicion grew that something was wrong in Donna’s world. In the old days, she never let a chance to flirt pass her by.

“I’m not a nanny anymore,” she told him, circling around to the driver’s side. “I’m a receptionist at a dentist’s office. You should come by sometime. We’re famous for our root canals.”

Cradling her coffee and paper bag against her chest, she put her key into the lock on the driver’s side door. Damn. She was about to drive away, and he didn’t know when he’d see her again.

“You know, I could use a good teeth cleaning. They look kind of green up on the Jumbotron. Where’s your office?”

“Oh. Where? It’s, um, at the corner of Twelfth and Forget I Said Anything.”

“Ouch. Now there’s the Donna I remember.”

She fumbled with the lock. “Well, forget her.”

“I tried that. It wasn’t any fun.”

She glanced up at him, her eyes narrowed, and a zing shot between them. For the first time since he’d gotten back to Kilby, Mike felt completely happy with life. He bounded around the car and lifted her coffee out of her way. “There, is that easier?”

“You don’t have to help me. I’m fine. Don’t you have some balls to play with?”

“Ouch again. I think our Donna’s back in business.” He squinted at her. “Are you wearing a football pin? Now you’re just breaking my heart.”

“Welcome to Texas,” she said, all sassy. “Where football is king, and baseball is the nerdy neighbor boy your mom makes you play with.”

“Them’s fighting words, Donna MacIntyre. You can’t just say something like that and not give me a chance to prove how superior baseball is in every possible way.”

She turned the key in the lock and swung open the door. He stepped back to avoid getting a crotch full of South Korean automotive metal. In the car seat, the child’s legs twitched, and a low wail began.

“Gotta go,” said Donna, suddenly in a big hurry. “Nice running into you and all. Have a good season.”

“Mama!!!” the boy cried. Mike could see it was a boy now. A boy with bright red hair the exact color of Donna’s.

“Shhh, sweetie. It’s okay. I’m here, and I got you some milk.” She stuck a straw in the cup and handed it to him.

Abruptly, the crying stopped. Donna shot Mike a complicated look—he detected regret, warning, pleading, and probably a few more layers—then closed the door.

He watched her drive away, speculation running rampant. So Donna had a kid. She’d never mentioned any such person. Neither had Caleb or Sadie. Not that it was his business.

Except … well, he kind of wanted to make it his business. How many dental offices could there be in Kilby, Texas?





Jennifer Bernard is a graduate of Harvard and a former news promo producer. The child of academics, she confounded her family by preferring romance novels to … well, any other books. She left big city life for true love in Alaska, where she now lives with her husband and stepdaughters. She’s no stranger to book success, as she also writes erotic novellas under a naughty secret name not to be mentioned at family gatherings.
Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads






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Book Review -A WHITE WEDDING CHRISTMAS – Andrea Laurence



My return to the From This Moment wedding company was even more enjoyable than last time!  I’ve been a fan of all of the ladies and the men that they find in this Brides and Belles series, but I think Natalie ended up being my favorite.  She’s such a hard-ass, control freak … but when you hear her background, you understand why and you just want to hug her.  I am so happy that she ran into Colin again after all these years … it’s a must read, so what are you waiting for?

Natalie Sharpe, co-owner in From This Moment, plans weddings for a living, but she’s the biggest cynic around when it comes to love and marriage.  She doesn’t do love, and she never plans to say I Do!

Colin Russell is the brother of Natalie’s childhood best friend, Lily.  When Lily gets engaged and wants a quick wedding, Natalie gets her fellow owners to agree to help her pull one together for her during their off-time before Christmas.

While working together to make Lily’s special day, Natalie & Colin find themselves unable to resist the temptation they feel around each other and agree to a temporary fling.  Will Colin be able to convince Natalie that happily ever after doesn’t just have to exist in fairy tales?

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Blog Tour / Book Review – WHEN LOVE MATTERS MOST by Kate James



Another great one that wrenches at your heartstrings!  The 2nd book in The K-9 Trilogy did not disappoint.  I loved meeting Rick and Madison and it was great to see Cal & Jessica again from the first book in the series.

Sergeant Rick Vasquez meets Veterinarian Madison Long under non-ideal circumstances.  He’s brusque and a bit condescending because he doesn’t know if she’s qualified to be the primary vet of the San Diego Police Department’s K-9 unit.

On her second meeting of Rick, Madison learns the circumstances that made him be so tightly wound on their first meeting, and appreciates that he is there apologizing for his rudeness.  She likes the man she meets.

They are like oil and water.  Rick fled drug-related violence in Mexico as a boy and has made it his life’s work to end cross-border drug running and helping other young boys like him from being drug into cartels.  Madison is the privileged only daughter of a well-respected judge.  She sees the law as black or white and doesn’t understand Rick’s view on aiding a criminal that has come into the country illegally.

Will the attraction they feel for each other be enough to surpass their differences or will they only be fooling themselves in thinking they can have a relationship?

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Now More Readily Available in Print

This is an exciting time for Harlequin Heartwarming. Thanks to the loyalty of our readers, for the first time, our January releases, including When Love Matters Most, are available as mass-market paperbacks through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Also, When Love Matters Most will be available in select Walmart stores in the United States in February! Please check the Harlequin website for the location nearest you. Thank you to all our readers who made these advancements possible for us!

— Kate

When Love Matters Most (The K-9 Trilogy, #2)When Love Matters Most
(K-9 Trilogy #2)
by Kate James
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
January 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Keeping her safe at all costs

Could their backgrounds be any more different? Rick Vasquez, a K-9 unit sergeant with the San Diego Police Department, fled drug-related violence in Mexico as a boy. Madison Long, who recently became primary veterinarian to the SDPD’s canines, is the privileged daughter of a judge. Rick has dedicated his life to curtailing cross-border drug trafficking and preventing other young boys from being drawn into the dark world of the cartels.

But everything Rick and Madison value, and the growing love between them, is threatened by the dangers of Rick’s job, and the risks he’s determined to take…

Kate James spent much of her childhood abroad before attending university in Canada. She built a successful business career, but her passion has always been literature. As a result, Kate turned her energy to her love of the written word. Her writing has been recognized with a number of awards, including first place honors for Silver Linings in both the First Coast Romance Writers’ Published Beacon Contest and Ancient City Romance Authors’ Heart of Excellence Readers’ Choice Award. Her November 2014 Harlequin Heartwarming release, A Child’s Christmas, received first-place honors from Southern Magic, the Birmingham Chapter of the Romance Writers of America, for the 2015 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, placed second in the Ancient City Romance Authors’ Heart of Excellence Readers’ Choice Award, and was a finalist in RWA’s Desert Rose Chapter’s Golden Quill Award and the Colorado Romance Writers’ Award of Excellence. Finally, her October 2015 release, When the Right One Comes Along, the first book in her K-9 trilogy, has received a Best Book of 2015 award in the contemporary category.

She and her husband, Ken, enjoy traveling and the outdoors with their beloved Labrador Retrievers, Harley and Logan.

Kate would love to hear from you! You can connect with her by e-mail, through her website, her Facebook page, Twitter, or mail at PO Box 446, Schomberg, ON, L0G 1T0, Canada.

Tour Schedule

January 4th: Launch
January 5th: Katie’s Clean Book Collection
January 6th: Becky on Books & Sunrise Avenue
January 7th: Reading Is My SuperPower & Singing Librarian Books
January 8th: Getting Your Read On & deal sharing aunt
January 10th: Colorimetry & I Am A Reader
January 11th: Mel’s Shelves & Slice of Life
January 12th: Thoughts of a Blonde & Falling Leaves
January 13th: underneath the covers & Teatime and Books
January 14th: Rockin’ Book Reviews
January 15th: Enthralling DimpleLove, Laughter, Friendship
January 17th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

– $40 Amazon eGift Card & signed copies of The Truth About Hope and When the Right One Comes Along
– 3 winners of signed copies of When the Right One Comes Along
Open US/CAN only
Ends January 23rd

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Book Review – CHANCE OF A LIFETIME by Marissa Clarke



This is one of those books that just grabs my heart and won’t let go.  I love the depth of friendship and love that Gen & Chance have shared even through years of separation.

Genevieve Richards has been blind all of her life and her older brother and parents don’t let her forget it.  None of them are capable of seeing her for the self-sufficient adult she has become.  When she sees how short life truly can be, it nudges her into deciding to live for herself once and for all.  She’s going to complete that bucket list she wrote when she was in high school!

Chance Anderson was her brother’s best friend growing up, and the crush of Genny’s life until a traumatic event took him from her life.  Now when she runs into him 10 years later, she coerces him into helping her complete her List.

Will they be able to get past the happenings of the past and see a future together?

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Book Review – LAST OF THE RED-HOT HEROES by Tina Leonard



I really enjoyed my return trip to Hell!  It’s a quirky town filled with a mix of good down-to-earth people with some unsavory dirtiness mixing in from the other side of town.

Harper Castleberry is a single mother of 6 year old son Michael.  She has a team of gals she’s training in trick riding that she took over from Mayor Judy when she was ill in the previous book in this series.  Back then, Harper was part of the team and they were learning bull riding in hopes of bringing some fame and respectability to Hell, TX to encourage families to want to live there.

Declan O’Rourke is a former SEAL and owns a training facility with his two best buddies Trace and Saint.  He’s intense and sexy and just about the nicest guy you could meet.  He’s been crushing on Harper for years now … waiting for her to be ready to look his way … but he also second guesses himself a lot because he doesn’t want to give up his bachelorhood.

Will Harper finally realize what a great man she has standing in front of her and make her move?

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