BOOK REVIEW – Can’t Hold Back – Serena Bell



A sweet “finding your way back to each other no matter what” type of story.

Alia Drake met Nate Riordan years ago at a get-together at a friend’s house.  She felt sparks and was intrigued by getting to know him better, but instead she introduced him to her sister who was there with her, and stepped back to let her lil’ sis have the nice guy.  Things ended poorly, and hard feelings were felt from some secrets that were kept.

Fast forward to a couple of years later, and Alia is helping out her friend Jake with his rehab retreat when Nate walks in the door as her patient. Can she get through to him and convince him that her physical therapy can help him manage his pain?  Will their time together give them time to get over past hurts?  And when they admit to how they feel, can there be a future for the two of them even after all of the past they share?

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BOOK REVIEW – Denial – Lisa Renee Jones



Full of intrigue, mystery and a hot savior of a man!  I loved this book and am now going to suffer for months until the continuation is released to see what happens!  It’s one of those that has you reading one more page, then one more before you can set it down to do anything because you just don’t know what’s going to happen next.

She wakes up with no memory in a hospital in Rome with a gorgeous stranger by her side.  He takes her under his wing and vows to keep her safe and help her figure out her missing life.  While he’s at it, he wants to make her HIS!

When her past starts coming back to her, mystery after mystery keeps popping up as only half memories seem to come forward with no faces, or little details.  Will her current life be blown to bits as parts of her past appear in front of her?

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BLOG TOUR / BOOK REVIEW – A SEAL Forever – Anne Elizabeth


3 1/2 STARS!

I enjoyed meeting Declan & Maura and watching them wade through life together.  This book shows you that you can overcome tragedy and go on to lead just as good, if not better of a life down the road.  My biggest negative of the book, was there were several abrupt time changes when switching scenes.  Like one thing would be happening, then bam it was days or weeks later, and there wasn’t cohesive closure to one scene before it was off to another.  I just found it a little strange.  Overall, I enjoyed the book and would say it’s definitely worth sitting down with and getting to enjoy sexy Declan!

Master Chief Declan Swifton loves his life as a member of SEAL Team Five, and enjoys training hard to do it.  He’s noticed his neighbor, Maura Maxwell several times, but no matter how much he reaches out, she’s always stand-offish.

Maura is so mad at herself every time she interacts with Declan.  She wants to talk to him, but she’s just so shy.  When he helps her one evening on the beach, she vows to step up and make an effort in the future.

When Declan comes back from a hard mission a changed man, Maura is there to help him see life through her eyes and decide what it has to offer for the future.

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A SEAL Forever graphic

A SEAL Forever by Anne Elizabeth
West Coast Navy SEALs, Book 3
ISBN: 9781402268960
Release date: December 1, 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca


Even a hero needs someone to believe in him…

Parkour instructor Maura Maxwell has always denied her attraction for her bachelor neighbor because she’s seen his revolving door of women and doesn’t want to become another notch on his belt. But the man who rescues her from a sudden storm isn’t the one she thinks she knows—he’s Master Chief Declan Swifton of SEAL Team Five, and he literally sweeps Maura off her feet.

Just as his teasing and tenderness start to work their way into Maura’s heart, Declan and his team are called in for a dangerous op in the Middle East. The man who returns is facing the toughest fight of his life, and he needs Maura by his side more than ever…


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Master Chief Declan Swifton of SEAL Team Five rolled over the side of the Rigid-hulled Inflatable Boat and slid soundlessly into the Pacific Ocean. The RIB took off without even a comment from the operator, leaving Declan to sink farther into the drink.

The temperature cooled as he swam away from the surface. Fish skirted the edges of his thighs, small shimmers of movement against his skin. He scissor-kicked his way forward. The ocean currents caught him, dragging him in the direction they wanted to go, toward shore. He lay with his arms at his sides, frog-kicking only. Above him, he could see the afternoon sunlight glistening and frothy foam chasing away the glassy surface. Down here things were different…calmer. Peaceful, in a way few souls would understand, and yet he knew that even he would have to surface soon.

His lungs would start to ache and burn, his gut would begin to feel as if it would cave in, and that would force him to either head topside or drink in the salt water. But there was still time. This was the water in front of Imperial Beach and the apartment he lived in. He knew it very well.

Scanning the ocean floor, he gauged it would be about thirty seconds until he reached one of the many rocky sandbars out here. He’d have to pull up before then, or the force of the current would smack him against the side.

As his body began to complain, he used both arms and legs to draw himself upward. Breaking the surface, he opened his mouth and drew in air like a thirsty man would gulp water.

The waves bounced him like a buoy. The tide was coming in and the wind was picking up momentum. Looking at the sky to the east, he could see that there would most likely be a storm today. Over his should, to the west, he spied a wave coming his way large enough to take him to shore. It would reach him in about thirty seconds.

Dec took a long, slow breath and appreciated the sun dropping into the horizon. The colors were extraordinary; orange and gold dappled the horizon as the blazing ball of light attempted to sink before the moon lifted higher in the sky.

His hands flexed, cupping the water. It had been a hot day, and the sun’s rays had heated the top of the ocean, making the surface feel like a warm bath, loosening his muscles. Three months ago, he’d been in waters so frigid, with actual ice caps—the memory still made him cold. But here, the Pacific Ocean off California’s Imperial Beach, was a slice of heaven.

Coming in from the east were some nasty-looking cumulonimbus clouds. Seeing the lightning arc way off toward the distant desert, he decided it was time to go in, and right on cue, here came a perfect wave.

Swimming at top speed, Declan pushed his way through another changing current, one that sought to drag him into faster-moving waters. He went over a higher sandbar, having no intention of going to Mexico today, and increased the reach of his stroke. With single-mindedness he worked his way into the more placid surf as he homed in on a large stretch of beach.

The SEAL felt a few sea lions swimming around him, and one nosed him in the gut and another in his back a few times, assessing whether or not he’d play. Not this time, my friends. He continued swimming without engaging. If he stopped to play, he’d be out there for hours.

Switching to the breaststroke, his arms protested. His platoon had switched their training this month to desert-warfare techniques, and he’d been sweating his balls off in the heat. He managed to learn a thing or two, even now, after all of his years in the Teams. But it felt good to be back in the ocean, his element. He’d live in the deep blue like a Jules Verne character if he could.


Anne Elizabeth photo

Author Bio

New York Times bestselling author Anne Elizabeth is an award-winning romance author and comic creator. With a BS in business and MS in communications from Boston University, she is a regular presenter at conventions as well as a member of The Author’s Guild and Romance Writers of America. Anne lives with her husband, a retired Navy SEAL, in the mountains above San Diego.


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A Navy SEALs Fun Fact from Anne Elizabeth

Teammates use humor to push each other up and forward. Healthy teasing goes a long way, especially when they know it comes from a good place.



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BLOG TOUR / BOOK REVIEW – The Bad Boy of Butterfly Harbor – Anna J. Stewart



A touching story about redeeming yourself after a past you are not proud of.

Luke Saxon is back in Butterfly Harbor after more than a decade away.  He’s taking over as Sheriff for a partial term.

Holly Campbell is NOT happy when she sees Luke is back in town.  She holds a lot of resentment towards him for something he did as a teenager and does not believe he could have changed.

Luke understands Holly’s anger, and doesn’t blame her one bit.  But that doesn’t stop him from liking her and wishing she’d see him as a  better person than she has held in her mind all these years.

When Holly sees Luke helping out the town and being a good person towards her own family, will she cut him a break and be able to forgive him for a mistake he made years ago?

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

The Bad Boy of Butterfly Harbor
(Butterfly Harbor #1)
by Anna J. Stewart
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 pages
1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can people truly change?

Two things keep Holly Campbell grounded: her precocious son and preserving her forty-year-old family diner in the face of expansion and change. She doesn’t need a blast from the past like Luke Saxon, who’s back in Butterfly Harbor after more than a decade away. The hard-luck kid who nearly destroyed her family, leaving her to pick up the pieces, is taking over as sheriff. She can’t trust him, even if Luke’s ideas for the town’s upcoming anniversary seem to show he’s trying to give back to their community. Has Butterfly Harbor found its unlikely savior? And has the widowed single mother finally found a man she can believe in, rely on…and love?

USA Today and national bestselling author Anna J. Stewart can’t remember a time she didn’t have a book in her hands or a story in her head. Early obsessions with Star Wars, Star Trek and Wonder Woman set her on the path to creating fun, funny, and family centric romances with happily ever afters for the independent heroines she writes for both Harlequin and Berkley. Anna lives in Northern California where she deals with a serious Supernatural & Sherlock addiction, surrounds herself with friends and family and tolerates an overly affectionate cat named Snickers (or perhaps it’s Snickers who tolerates her).


Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends December 24th

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BOOK REVIEW – Hunter Moon – Jenna Kernan



Another great addition to the Apache Protectors series!  Chock full of suspense as we try to figure out who is setting up Izzie and what is really happening on the reservation.  It was fun catching up with Kino & Lea again too.

Clay Cosen stupidly got into trouble as a teenager, and no one around town is willing to let him forget it or stop gossiping about it.

Isabel Nosie hasn’t seen him in years, and wasn’t willing to hear him out years ago when he wanted to explain things to her.  Now she’s got trouble on her land is approaches Clay to help her.  He’s the best tracker around.

Strange happenings are making many suspicious about who is up to no good.  Will they be able to put the pieces of the puzzle together before Clay or Izzie get into any more trouble over it?

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BLOG TOUR / BOOK REVIEW – Dirty Billionaire – Meghan March



Book One of the Dirty Billionaire Trilogy

A powerful, sexy as sin billionaire who always gets what he wants.  A sassy, naive country girl looking to make her way in the big bad world. When they collide, it’s instant combustion!

Creighton Karas sees something he wants, and he goes and gets it.  Right now that is Holly Wickman.

Holly isn’t used to men like Creighton.  He’s domineering and bossy … but oh so hot!  She can’t resist giving him anything he wants as he opens her mind up to new and demanding pleasures.

Can’t wait for the story to pick up back up in Book Two, Dirty Pleasures!

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Dirty Billionaire by Meghan March

Date of Publication: December 8, 2015


Dirty Billionaire

I’ve got a big dick and an even bigger bank account. That’s pretty much where my bio ends.
Honestly, I don’t need to say anything else. I’ve just sold 99% of women on going home with me.
Do I sound like an asshole to you?
That’s because I am.
And guess what? It works for me just fine.
Or at least it did.
Until I met her.
Books talk about sparks flying. Fuck that shit. With her, it was like emergency flares mixed with jet fuel. Or maybe just straight up napalm.
Only one problem.
She wouldn’t tell me her name or her number when she disappeared from the hotel room after the hottest fucking night of my life.
Now I’ve had a taste of unicorn pussy—the sweetest, rarest of all pussy—and I need it again.
So what’s an asshole to do?
I took this problem to the street. A missed connection gone viral.
And when I find her? I’m keeping her.


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About Meghan March

Meghan March is the author of contemporary and erotic romance novels.

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at

Find Meghan March Online




How is he going to explain this one away to girlfriend Holly Wix and his fans?

“That two-timin’ son of a . . .”

I hiss under my breath as I stare at the headline—and the compromising picture accompanying it—splashed in vivid color across the front page of the gossip rag displayed prominently in the checkout line at my supermarket. For the second time in two months, it’s a picture of my “boyfriend” locked in an unmistakably passionate embrace with another woman, except this time she’s wearing a giant black strap-on.

The edges of the paper crumple in my sweaty grip, and I fight the urge to tear it to shreds, along with every copy sitting on the rack in front of me.

He’s going to destroy my career before it even has a chance to become a reality.

One year, they said. One year in this joke of a “relationship” and I’d earn my stripes, be all set in the world of country music. Judge me all you want for agreeing, but when your brand-new record label puts something like that in the contract that will jet you out of the backwoods town you’re dying to escape, you don’t ask questions. You sign on the dotted line.

But reality is a cold slap in the face, and some days it hits you when you’re standing in line at the grocery store. What happens when they finally catch JC with a guy? His habit of swinging both ways, but preferring men to women, is about to become the worst-kept secret in Nashville.

I’m Holly Wix, winner of a make-me-a-star TV show, and handpicked by the label to buoy JC’s once-impressive but now flagging career. It didn’t seem like a big deal when they slipped it into my contract in the beginning. What starry-eyed girl wouldn’t be thrilled to have her name linked to a country star?

Instead of the one-way ticket to stardom I naively expected, I’m becoming the butt of every industry joke faster than the guys back home can spend their paycheck on twelve-packs and scratch-offs. But I’ve got one shot at keeping this dream career alive, and honestly, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to save it. So this situation with JC needs to get settled before things spiral further out of control.


More from the Dirty Billionaire Series Coming Soon!

Dirty Pleasures: Releasing on 12/29

I did it. I married a billionaire.

My reasons are my own, but the last thing I expected was to feel owned.

I may have taken vows, but I’m still determined to be me.

Now his rules are taking over my world, but I’m not the kind of girl to just obey.

There’s only one problem: I might actually be falling for him…

I have no idea how this marriage is going to go, but holding onto a piece of myself while succumbing to his dirty pleasures is shaping up to be the ride of a lifetime.

Preorder Now:

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Dirty Together: Releasing on 1/12

My wife.

I love saying those words.

She’s mine, and if she thinks I’m going to let her run without tracking her down and bringing her back to where she belongs—with me—then she’s about to be introduced to a new reality.

Because I’ll fight dirty to give her the happily ever after she deserves.

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Hosted by:

BOOK REVIEW – Malibu Secrets – MK Meredith



Funny, sweet, quirky, sexy … what more could you ask for?

If you like to have fun reading a book, this one is a “can’t miss”!  I found myself grinning constantly at the banter between the characters and several times chuckling out loud.  I adore Addi and Roque (who I affectionately nicknamed ROGUE because no matter how much I knew it was ROCK, I just couldn’t stop reading it the other way in my mind) … don’t worry, he loves my nickname for him *wink* … I would love to see more of them … c’monnnnnn sequel! 🙂

Addison Dekker is in a pickle!  She’s about to lose the house her great-aunt left her because her romance writing career hasn’t taken off yet and she doesn’t have the money for her expenses.  She just can’t go back to boring old corporate america when her dream is so close to being in reach!

Roque Gallagher is producing a movie that he is risking his everything on.  His reputation, his pride, his savings … he HAS to succeed.  When he shows up at Addi’s door wanting to film his movie there, it’s the answer to everyone’s problems.  He’ll get his movie made, and she’ll get the rental money to get her out of foreclosure.

No one counts on the hot chemistry running amok between them.  She coerces him into hiring her to help out, and having her under foot every day is more than he can handle.  When they decide to stop tiptoeing around each other and to enjoy instead, will it bring a happily ever after into the picture?  Or will Addi’s secret keeping ruin everything?

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Introducing…Malibu Secrets!

Every girl has a secret (or two)…

On the verge of losing the Malibu home she inherited from her great-aunt, Addi Dekker is completely failing to prove to her family she can make it as a writer. Not exactly how a girl proves her independence. If she doesn’t want to give up her dream and go back to the soul-sucking job she just left, Addi has to swallow her dislike of Hollywood and rent the house out to the sexy-as-hell film producer.

And maybe (shhhh!) save money by secretly living there, too.

Roque Gallagher is pouring his heart and savings into his first independent film to make the industry acknowledge him for his talent and not just his family name. Addi’s home is perfect for the shoot, but she’s far too tempting. He’s never been able to handle work and a relationship, and this is the film of a lifetime. Between a shrinking budget and his director quitting, the last thing he needs is a sexy-as-sin tease like Addi. And he has a feeling there’s something she’s hiding…



BOOK REVIEW – Every Little Kiss – Kim Amos



A sweet romance with lots of laugh out loud moments, plenty of sass, and some hot, getting to know you, sex!

Casey Tanner recently moved to White Pine.  She wanted to be closer to her sister, and she wanted to turn over a new leaf and stop being such a good girl, by the book, organized mess of a person.

Abe Cameron is a firefighter who has a big reputation for his playboy ways.  He’s down to earth and takes care of everyone he knows, but what a flirt!

Casey meets Abe and there’s an instant connection.  When they start to flirt on their second run-in, it’s even more fun than the first encounter. Abe decides to ask her out … but little does he know she’s making up a list of every hot thing she wants done to her by Christmas.  Abe is willing to play her game, but before they know it, they both are feeling more for each other than they agreed on.

Will Casey decide to run, or will she agree that commitment doesn’t have to be a bad thing?

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BOOK REVIEW – Stepbrother, Mine – Opal Crew



WARNING — Must be okay with BDSM & multiple partners to enjoy this book!

This book starts out intense, and you think this guy has the makings of being a real prick … and then you see him interact with Dana and you just have to swoon.  He’s just the sweetest in their flashbacks to when they were younger.  I enjoyed meeting them, and I enjoyed watching their passion ignite.  It’s a HOT one!

Dana Reynolds is stuck between a rock and a hard place.  She is almost to graduate college and wants to continue on with grad school, but her mother has cut her off.  Her friend comes up with an idea and pitches it to her, and she sees it as the only way to get money for her tuition and living expenses.  She’s going to auction off her virginity.  She’s 26 and wants to get rid of it anyway!

Mason’s best friend tells him to check out this website for some fun, and he can’t believe when he sees her picture there.  His Dana … selling her body!

Dana goes to meet the guy that wants to buy her contract, and is shocked to see Mason.  When she was 16, her mom married his dad and moved her into their house.  Mason was 10 years older than her and took her under his wing to be nice to her and make sure she was taken care of.  She had a huge crush on him, but he just treated her like a kid sister … until her prom night when they kissed.  Then suddenly he disappeared without even a goodbye.

He wants to give her the money she needs for her tuition, but she isn’t willing to take a handout, plus, she’s been crushing on him for years and would dearly love if he was her first lover, so she insists on sticking with the deal.  He hopes to convince her otherwise.  Super hot sex ensues, along with her learning about the kinky lifestyle he leads.  Will they have a future together, or will they walk away from each other in the end?

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BOOK REVIEW – The Heat is On – Katie Rose



I really loved taking another trip inside the New Jersey Sonics locker room to meet their newest catcher, Connor Jackson.  He’s sweet, sexy, and knows what he wants out of life.  Top of his list, is Tracy Coleman.

Tracy & Connor were college sweethearts.  He’s never forgotten the one he left behind.  He decided to put his everything into making his baseball career shine, and he succeeded, but he never forgot what he had given up for it.

Tracy went on to marry Jeremy Carter, but she never forgot her one true love.  Now she’s divorced with 4 kids, and just heard that Connor is coming back to town to play ball.

They run into each other at a game, and he gets her number and calls asking her out on a date.  Almost immediately its easy and fun to just hang out and be themselves again.  He makes her laugh, and the chemistry is still off the charts between them.  And when they touch, HOT, HOT, HOT!  She’s just forgotten to mention one little thing … well, really FOUR little things … her kids!

When he finds out how many strings she has attached to her these days, will Connor still want to reconnect with her?

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