* Blog Tour/Review/Excerpt * HARD CHECKED by Stacey Lynn

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Blog Tour/Review/Excerpt * HARD CHECKED by Stacey LynnHard Checked by Stacey Lynn
Series: Ice Kings #4
on September 15, 2020
Buy on Amazon

Getting served divorce papers was not how I planned spending New Year’s Day.

I probably shouldn’t have gone to my favorite bar and gotten wasted trying to drown my sorrows.
I definitely shouldn’t have spent the night passed out in the bed of the bartender’s daughter, Gigi.

And the absolute last thing I should have done was let my guard down and start having fun. Now I’m thinking of her all the time… fantasizing about the things I want to do to Gigi.

I’m in the middle of the best hockey season of my life. I need my head in the game and my focus on the playoffs – not playing house with the gorgeous bartender who makes me feel more alive than I have in years.

Finding someone new so soon after a failed marriage isn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done.

But it just might be too late. I’ve been checked hard into the boards, right off my skates, and I’m not only spinning out of control…

I might just be falling in love all over again.

  Heartache turns into all he ever wanted! With book four in her always enjoyable Ice Kings hockey series Stacey Lynn brings us Sebastian’s story as the playoffs are heating up just as his marriage is crumbling around him. The characters are easy to like and the emotional depth to their story is spot on. Really enjoyed and am looking forward to more in the series!

Sebastian has our heart the moment things start to fall down around him. He’s been trying to be strong and supportive for so long, and when it’s no longer enough he’s down for the count. Who can blame him for hitting the bottle a bit? He doesn’t know it’s going to change his world forever though.

Georgia AKA Gigi is adorable. She’s all sass and heart and when she sees the guy she’s been crushing on ever since she laid eyes on him over a year ago is hurting, she reaches out to try to help. He might not want to talk about his problems, but she’s a soft landing spot when he falls.

I highly recommend this book as well as the entire series to anyone who enjoys a hockey romance with lots of humor and heart mixed in. The players are close friends and their significant others add a fun dimension.





I’ve been checked hard into the boards, right off my skates, and I’m not only spinning out of control … I might just be falling in love all over again.

Hard Checked, an all-new beautifully written, second-chance-at-love sports romance that will bring all the heat and feels from Stacey Lynn is available now!

Getting served divorce papers was not how I planned spending New Years Day.

I probably shouldn’t have gone to my favorite bar and gotten wasted trying to drown my sorrows. I definitely shouldn’t have spent the night passed out in the bed of the bartender’s daughter, Gigi.

And the absolute last thing I should have done was let my guard down and start having fun. Now I’m thinking of her all the time… fantasizing about the things I want to do to Gigi.

I’m in the middle of the best hockey season of my life. I need my head in the game and my focus on the playoffs – not playing house with the gorgeous bartender who makes me feel more alive than I have in years.

Finding someone new so soon after a failed marriage isn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done.

But it just might be too late. I’ve been checked hard into the boards, right off my skates, and I’m not only spinning out of control…

I might just be falling in love all over again.

Download your copy today!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3kf1zsf
Apple Books: https://apple.co/2Xw3qit
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/hardchecked
Nook: https://bit.ly/3kjU0AK
Kobo: https://bit.ly/2XxnSzF
Google Play: Coming Soon!

Add HARD CHECKED to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3keNV8l


Another set of drinks arrive at our table, served by a pair of small hands, with a tiny little broken heart tattoo on a ring finger and dark purple nail polish.

“Thanks, Gigi,” I say, lifting my head and grinning at her.

She smirks at me. “No problem, hotshot. Dad wanted me to give you these but says it’s last call.”

“Damn,” Jason groans. “I didn’t realize it was so late.”

“You can take off. I’m good.”

“You sure?”


He turns to Gigi who’s taken our empties and is starting to walk away.

I try. I try really hard to not let my gaze drop to her short, cut-off sweat shorts, to the length of her legs beneath them. The shape of her calves or to notice the dark red polish on her toenails.

I fail.


There’s something so damn attractive about her petite size.

I grip my new beer bottle harder and take a healthy swig.

“Hey Gigi,” Jason calls out. “Keep this loser company for me so he doesn’t get shit-faced before practice tomorrow?”

“Me?” She’s turned, gaze bouncing from me to Jason and she frowns. “You need my help?”


“Yes—” Jason says at the exact time I disagree.

She smirks at Jason. “Seems to me he doesn’t need it.”

“Sometimes this asshole doesn’t know what he needs.” He slaps the table and slides out, holding out his arm in a gesture for Gigi to take his spot.


He shrugs and holds out his fist. “I’ll pay the tab. You get home safely, yeah?”

“Yeah,” I grumble and return his fist pump.

“And you’ll thank me for this someday, too.”

I watch him go, frowning.

What the fuck does that mean?

“I can pretend to sit here until he leaves if you want to be alone.”

Her voice does something to me. Like a bug is happily leaping in my gut when she looks down at me, all that teal hair and new nose ring and tattoo peeking out from the wide collar of her sweatshirt.

It’s the collar I’m noticing. And the tattoo.

Not the thin, white strap of her bra.


“You can sit. Please. You want Jason’s last beer?”

“Nah.” Her nose crinkles and the soft light above the bar flints on her nose ring. I quickly look away as she slides in. “I’ve never acquired the taste for beer. No matter what kind it is, it always tastes like wet cardboard.”

“You know what cardboard tastes like?”

“Yeah. Like beer.” She grins.

I grin back.

This girl is funny. Well-traveled.

Divorced. Cute. And fun.

The exact kind of temptation I do not need in my life right now. Yet as I sit across from her, taking in every little nuance about her like the freckle on the back of her hand, that broken heart tattoo… I can’t for the life of me think of an excuse to leave.

Meet Stacey Lynn:

Stacey Lynn likes her coffee with a dash of sugar, her heroes with a side of bossy, and her wine a deep shade of red.

The author of over thirty romance novels, many of which have been best-selling titles on Amazon, AppleBooks, and Barnes & Noble, she loves being able to turn her vivid imagination into a career that brings entertainment and joy to her readers. Focused on sports romance and emotional, small-town romance, she also loves stretching herself in different genres.

Born in Texas and raised in the Midwest, she now makes her home in North Carolina and loves all things Southern. Together with her ultimate tall, dark, and handsome hero, she has four children. Her life is a chaotic mess that fights with her Type-A, list-making, neurotically organized preferences and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Connect with Stacey:

Facebook: http://bit.ly/379Te19
Twitter: http://bit.ly/3bjzOKx
Instagram: http://bit.ly/3bn1e2o
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2H8K22u
Amazon: https://amzn.to/375UpP7
BookBub: http://bit.ly/2G52o5q
Website: http://bit.ly/2uyDibF

Stay up to date on Stacey’s latest news! Subscribe to her Newsletter today!

* Release Blast/Review/Excerpt * SEMI-SWEET ON YOU by Erin Nicholas

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Release Blast/Review/Excerpt * SEMI-SWEET ON YOU by Erin NicholasSemi-Sweet On You by Erin Nicholas
Series: Hot Cakes #4
Published by EN Fiction, Inc. on September 15, 2020
Buy on Amazon

A slow burn, second-chance rom com!

She broke his heart ten years ago.

Now he's back -- and her new boss.

And she might still be semi in love with him.

But that’s no problem, right? They can keep it professional.

Until her grandmother gets involved.

She’s thrilled to think that Whitney and Cam are still in love. And invites him to move in with her…and Whitney.

Of course, Whitney can handle that too. Yeah, everything is fine. Just fine.

Until Cam makes it clear that he’s all in.

Having him back is very sweet, but can she really have it all? Or will it all crumble around her?

  A reunion of first loves, a cast of close friends/family and sweets galore … what more could you ask for in a romance? With the fourth book in her always scintillating Hot Cakes series Erin Nicholas brings together two power players for the reunion we’ve all been waiting for in SEMI-SWEET ON YOU. It was definitely a slow burn reunion, but the connections between friends and family throughout held a reader’s attention easily. Looking forward to more in the series!

Camden McCaffery is a really down-to-earth character in this book. He was more arrogant and sure of himself in previous stories, but being humbled by the opportunity to possible reunite with his only love is good for him. He shows us a softer side … and I loved it!

Whitney Lancaster is one of those characters that makes you want to reach into the pages and shake her once in awhile because she hesitates when all she’s ever dreamed of is right in front of her for the taking. It was heartwarming to watch her start to understand the dynamic of what true love can look like.

I recommend this book and the entire series to anyone who loves a steamy romance mixed with a sweet cast of friends, families and happily ever afters.






She broke his heart ten years ago. Now he’s back — and her new boss.

Semi-Sweet On You, an all-new irresistible romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Erin Nicholas is available now!

A semi-sweet second-chance rom com!

She broke his heart ten years ago.

Now he’s back — and her new boss.

And she might still be semi in love with him.

But that’s no problem, right? They can keep it professional.

Until her grandmother gets involved.

She’s thrilled to think that Whitney and Cam are still in love. And invites him to move in with her…and Whitney.

Of course, Whitney can handle that too. Yeah, everything is fine. Just fine.

Until Cam makes it clear that he’s all in.

Having him back is very sweet, but can she really have it all? Or will it all crumble around her?

Download your copy today!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/39aTn7g
Apple Books: https://apple.co/2WzRWdn
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/semisweet
Kobo: https://bit.ly/2CKTiej
Google Play: https://bit.ly/2WvTy8c

Add SEMI-SWEET ON YOU to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2ZDPmVH


He leaned in, close enough that she could feel his breath on her lips when he said, “Let me kiss you.”

Oh damn. She wanted that. She wanted it so much. She was weak.

“I—” she started.

“The tea is getting cold!” Didi bellowed from the kitchen.

Whitney and Cam stilled. Then she felt him sigh. But he didn’t pull back. “You going to let me do this or not?”

He was already practically kissing her. When his lips moved as he spoke, they brushed hers ever so lightly. His body heat surrounded her. She swore she could feel his heartbeat pounding. Or maybe that was hers.

They both clearly wanted this. She certainly wasn’t pushing him away or stepping back. But the only actual connection was his hand on her face. And their mingling breaths.

Clearly he was going to insist that she make this decision. He wasn’t going to just sweep her up and kiss the hell out of her before she could protest and then let the chemistry take over.

“Whit,” he said, his voice low and rough. “Push me back or pull me closer.”

She slid her hands up to his chest, not sure until the last moment if she was going to fist his shirt and pull him in or push him away.

Cam, however, didn’t look surprised when she pushed.

He let go and stepped back though. He didn’t seem angry or even frustrated. It seemed that he’d been expecting her reaction actually.

“Okay,” he finally said.

She wet her lips. “Thanks,” she said, hoarsely. And she meant it. She appreciated that he was giving her these choices. Kind of.

It would be a lot easier to just climb him like a tree and give in to everything zipping between them if he’d just back her up against the wall, seal his mouth over hers, and start running his big hands over her body. Then she could pretend she was just caught up in the moment and enjoy the hell out of it without actually admitting she wanted any of that.

Which he knew.

She could see it.

He knew that she wanted him, but that she didn’t want to admit it.

So, of course, he was going to make her confess before he did anything more.

“In case you’ve forgotten, I’m very stubborn,” he said.

Whitney gave him a nod. “I remember.”

“And something you should know about me and the past ten years,” he said, holding her gaze steadily, “I’ve also gotten very used to winning. “

That actually made her heart trip and her inner muscles clench.

See, she should really feel trepidation at that implied promise from him. But she didn’t.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said, trying desperately not to act excited about the idea of him trying again and again to get close to her.

He looked at her for a long moment and a thought flickered through her mind—he knows.

About Erin Nicholas

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Erin Nicholas has been writing romances almost as long as she’s been reading them. To date, she’s written over thirty sexy, contemporary novels that have been described as “toe-curling,” “enchanting,” “steamy,” and “fun.” She adores reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines, and happily ever afters. Erin lives in the Midwest, where she enjoys spending time with her husband (who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books), her kids (who will never read the sex scenes in her books), and her family and friends (who claim to be “shocked” by the sex scenes in her books).

Connect with Erin

Website: http://bit.ly/2NkB2uF
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2tdTM8e
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2QLd1Pr
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/3a3rnm4
Instagram: http://bit.ly/36NqV9y
Website: http://bit.ly/2FM3Doo
Stay up to date with Erin Nicholas by joining her mailing list: http://bit.ly/38a5Fv5


* Release Blast * KANE by Sawyer Bennett


Kane (Arizona Vengeance, Book #8)
Sawyer Bennett
Release Date: September 15, 2020


Are you ready for Kane Bellan’s story?

I have a problem.

Potential problem?

I’m not really sure. Here’s the deal.

There’s this girl—isn’t that how it always starts?—and her name is Mollie. I like her. I mean really like her. I hope that doesn’t make me seem less manly than my professional hockey player persona implies. But here’s the issue—she’s my best friend. The one person I can count on for everything, who’s been there with me for all the moments, big and small.

When Mollie shows up at my door, travel weary and scared following an incident with an ex, my instinct to protect her goes into overdrive. It’s then that I know she’s more than just my best friend and the skates are swept out from under me when I find out she feels the same way.

Our transition from friends to lovers to potentially something more is seamless, the Arizona Vengeance is back on the ice looking for a repeat championship, and my life has never been better. Just when I think I’ve got it all figured out, the realities of us both having careers which keep us on the road put our blossoming relationship on ice.

It feels like the game just went into overtime and I’m on the verge of either the biggest win or most disappointing loss of my life. And losing is never an option.


Download Kane:
Amazon | Nook | Apple | Google | Kobo
Print | Audible (narrated by Jeremy York and Lessa Lamb)


About the Author:

New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Sawyer Bennett uses real life experience to create relatable stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From contemporary romance, fantasy romance, and both women’s and general fiction, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.

A former trial lawyer from North Carolina, when she is not bringing fiction to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to her very adorable daughter, as well as full-time servant to her wonderfully naughty dogs.

If you’d like to receive a notification when Sawyer releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter (sawyerbennett.com/signup).


Connect with Sawyer:
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | BookBub | Amazon
Newsletter | Master Blogger List


* Review * KANE by Sawyer Bennett

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Review * KANE by Sawyer BennettKane by Sawyer Bennett
Series: Arizona Vengeance #8
Published by Big Dog Books on September 15, 2020
Buy on Amazon


Are you ready for Kane Bellan’s story?

I have a problem.

Potential problem?

I’m not really sure. Here’s the deal.

There’s this girl—isn’t that how it always starts?—and her name is Mollie. I like her. I mean really like her. I hope that doesn’t make me seem less manly than my professional hockey player persona implies. But here’s the issue—she’s my best friend. The one person I can count on for everything, who’s been there with me for all the moments, big and small.

When Mollie shows up at my door, travel weary and scared following an incident with an ex, my instinct to protect her goes into overdrive. It’s then that I know she’s more than just my best friend and the skates are swept out from under me when I find out she feels the same way.

Our transition from friends to lovers to potentially something more is seamless, the Arizona Vengeance is back on the ice looking for a repeat championship, and my life has never been better. Just when I think I’ve got it all figured out, the realities of us both having careers which keep us on the road put our blossoming relationship on ice.

It feels like the game just went into overtime and I’m on the verge of either the biggest win or most disappointing loss of my life. And losing is never an option.


An exhilarating friends-to-lovers match up! With book eight in her always endearing Arizona Vengeance series Sawyer Bennett brings the awe factor with KANE’s story. He’s a professional hockey player on the rise, she’s a highly anticipated travel blogger … they’ve been best friends for years, but a life-altering mishap calls the future into place and makes them have to face up to the more than friendly love they each have been hiding.

Kane Bellan is adorable! He’s focused and intent on the ice, but sweet and comforting with Mollie. I really loved watching this side of him come to life.

Mollie Callister brings the wow factor of having someone you can truly be vulnerable with to the forefront in this book. She’s strong and able on her own, but when the occasion calls for it she knows she has open arms waiting for her to fall into.

I highly recommend this book and the entire series to anyone who loves hockey romance with a whole lot of heart. A close-knit group of teammates and friends make for a great back drop as player after player finds their one true love.


* Review * IT’S IN HER KISS by Rachel Lacey

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Review * IT’S IN HER KISS by Rachel LaceyIt's in Her Kiss Series: Midnight in Manhattan #2
Published by Rachel Lacey on September 15, 2020
Buy on Amazon


Two Broadway actresses, one starring role, and a kiss that might turn rivals…into lovers.

Sophie Rindell has dreamed of performing on Broadway since she was a little girl. But after more than ten years of auditioning, she’s still waiting tables and sleeping on a friend’s couch while she waits for her big break. When she lands an audition for a new musical called It’s in Her Kiss, she’s sure this is the one. Not only is she auditioning for the lead, but it’s a queer role, the role of a lifetime for Sophie.

Julia Vega has been working on Broadway for years now, but she hasn’t landed a starring role…yet. When she meets Sophie at the audition for It’s in Her Kiss, she senses a kindred spirit. They’re both talented and driven, but unlike Sophie, who’s been out since high school, Jules is still coming to terms with her sexuality. This role—if she lands it—could help define more than her career.

As their rivalry heats up, Jules and Sophie fight an attraction that blazes hotter than the spotlight. When the curtain rises on opening night, love might take center stage.


Sweet temptation holds all the cards! With book two in her Midnight in Manhattan series Rachel Lacey brings a familiar face to life as Jules takes center stage. Fans of the first book in the series will recognize Jules who adopted kittens from Josie in that book. This book will be a particular draw to fans of Broadway because the story line delves deeply into the production lifestyle. It wasn’t my favorite book from this author, but it was steadily paced and entertaining.

Jules Vega drove me nuts. She’s trying to reach her dreams on stage at the same time that she’s on the verge of accepting her newly realized bisexual lifestyle, but she’s burying her head in the sand so hard that she’s about to let life pass her by. I could sympathize with her fear and anxiety … it just felt like she was being unfair to Sophie too much for my liking.

Sophie Rindell is confident in her self, her talent and her attraction to Jules. She has been living openly as a lesbian for more years than she can count, and has been burned in the past by indecisive partners.

I recommend this book to fans of Broadway and lesbian romance who enjoy an emotional roller coaster on the way towards that HEA.


* Release Blast/Review/Excerpt * TEMPTED BY LOVE by Melissa Foster

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Release Blast/Review/Excerpt * TEMPTED BY LOVE by Melissa FosterTempted by Love by Melissa Foster
Series: The Steeles at Silver Island #1
Published by World Literary Press on September 9, 2020
Buy on Amazon


Years ago, bestselling author Jack “Jock” Steele lost his girlfriend and baby in a horrific accident that drove a wedge between Jock and his family, keeping him from sharing a devastating secret. An aging philanthropist saved him from the brink of despair, and for a decade Jock cared for his ailing friend who became his family. Now his friend has passed away and left him a fortune—on the condition that he publishes another book. Jock is floundering, unsure how to rebuild the life he’d walked away from, much less find his muse, have another relationship with a woman, or even think about having a family of his own. But he can’t get his sweet, sexy new friend, single-mother Daphne Zablonski out of his head, and her adorable toddler must know something he doesn’t, because she wraps her tiny fingers around his heart and won’t let go.

Daphne has been through the wringer with her ex-husband and doesn’t believe true love is in the cards for her. Friends she can handle, but letting a man see her mom bod naked? Especially someone as strikingly handsome and unbelievably sexy as Jock? No, thank you. Besides, she has a toddler to chase after and enough fictional boyfriends to fill her lonely nights. If only her book boyfriends could make her body tingle the way one look from her mysterious neighbor does.

As Jock and Daphne’s friendship turns to something too tempting to deny, their lives take an unexpected turn. Can a man who has lost everything find redemption with a woman who has everything to lose? And then there’s that secret…


Melissa Foster is on fire with the kick off to her new Steeles at Silver Island series! In TEMPTED BY LOVE we quickly fall in love with Daphne’s little girl Hadley who has her heart set on making sure Jock is hers. The story line is emotional, the characters are endearing and the family and friends around them add so much depth to their story. I loved Silver Island and the Steeles and can’t wait for more from this family. What a ride!

Jack “Jock” Steele is a bit of a mystery at first, but it doesn’t take long before Daphne has unraveled his history and we feel so much for this guy who’s had it rough over the years. Watching him begin to heal and feel again is heartwarming.

Daphne Zablonski is a doll and quickly steps into the protective mother roll as she watches her little girl’s heart hurt as time and again Jock runs away from her. Watching him start to fall under her spell is so rewarding, and their passion for each other is off the charts HOT!

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves an emotional, family and friend centric plot that adds another dimension to the steamy romance taking place as they fall in love.




The Steeles at Silver Island
Melissa Foster
Releasing Sept 9, 2020
World Literary Press



Enjoy heart-meltingly beautiful and toe-curlingly sexy romance in Tempted by Love, an emotionally riveting story about a man who has lost it all and carries a torturous secret, a divorced single mother who has everything to lose, and the little girl who helps them heal. Fall in love on the sandy shores of Silver Island, home to coffee shops, boat races, midnight rendezvous, and the sexy, sharp-witted Steeles. They have a penchant for pranks, a passion for loyalty, and a trunk full of secrets.


Years ago, bestselling author Jack “Jock” Steele lost his girlfriend and baby in a horrific accident that drove a wedge between Jock and his family, keeping him from sharing a devastating secret. An aging philanthropist saved him from the brink of despair, and for a decade Jock cared for his ailing friend who became his family. Now his friend has passed away and left him a fortune—on the condition that he publishes another book. Jock is floundering, unsure how to rebuild the life he’d walked away from, much less find his muse, have another relationship with a woman, or even think about having a family of his own. But he can’t get his sweet, sexy new friend, single-mother Daphne Zablonski out of his head, and her adorable toddler must know something he doesn’t, because she wraps her tiny fingers around his heart and won’t let go.

Daphne has been through the wringer with her ex-husband and doesn’t believe true love is in the cards for her. Friends she can handle, but letting a man see her mom bod naked? Especially someone as strikingly handsome and unbelievably sexy as Jock? No, thank you. Besides, she has a toddler to chase after and enough fictional boyfriends to fill her lonely nights. If only her book boyfriends could make her body tingle the way one look from her mysterious neighbor does.

As Jock and Daphne’s friendship turns to something too tempting to deny, their lives take an unexpected turn. Can a man who has lost everything find redemption with a woman who has everything to lose? And then there’s that secret…


Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51262761-tempted-by-love

Goodreads series link: https://www.goodreads.com/series/282375-the-steeles-at-silver-island


Buy Links:

➜KINDLE: https://smarturl.it/TBLS_Kindle
➜APPLE:  https://smarturl.it/TBLS_Apple
➜NOOK:  https://smarturl.it/TBLS_Nook
➜KOBO: https://smarturl.it/TBLS_Kobo
➜GPLAY:  https://smarturl.it/TBLS_GPlay
➜PAPERBACK: https://smarturl.it/TBLS_Pb

Available in audiobook (narrated by Brian Pallino and Jennifer Mack)

➜AMAZON: https://smarturl.it/TBLSa_Amazon
➜APPLE: https://smarturl.it/TBLSa_Apple
➜AUDIBLE: https://smarturl.it/TBLSa_Audible


Author Info
Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance and new adult romance with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Melissa’s emotional journeys are lovingly erotic and always family oriented–perfect beach reads for contemporary romance lovers who enjoy reading about wealthy heroes and smart, sassy heroines.

Author Links:  
Website:  http://www.melissafoster.com/
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/MelissaFosterAuthor
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Melissa_Foster
GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3023973.Melissa_Foster
Newsletter: http://melissafoster.com/newsletter/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/melissa-foster
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melissafoster_author/

Series Links:

❤️ MY TRUE LOVE (Book 2)

➜KINDLE: https://smarturl.it/MTL_Kindle
➜APPLE:  https://smarturl.it/MTL_Apple
➜NOOK:  https://smarturl.it/MTL_Nook
➜KOBO: https://smarturl.it/MTL_Kobo
➜GPLAY:  https://smarturl.it/MTL_GPlay
➜PAPERBACK: https://smarturl.it/MTL_Pb



Read First Chapter here, https://melissafoster.com/tempted-by-love-sneak-peek/


* Review * MUST LOVE DOGS … AND HOCKEY by Kelly Jamieson

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Review * MUST LOVE DOGS … AND HOCKEY by Kelly JamiesonMust Love Dogs...and Hockey by Kelly Jamieson
Series: Bears Hockey #1
Published by Loveswept on September 8, 2020
Buy on Amazon


Lilly: My life is like the love child of a train wreck and a dumpster fire right now. I’ve been canned, my professional reputation is shredded, and now I’m walking dogs to make ends meet.
But I still believe everything will work out. Somehow.
Then a dog at the park attacks my friend’s dog. At first, I’m ready to give the owner hell—but it turns out he’s in desperate need of doggie daycare. I figure, why not? I love dogs and I need the cash.
Too bad his cocky bad boy attitude annoys me. He’s too damn cute for his own good. And I’m not talking about the dog.

Easton: My coach is riding my ass and I’m not handling it well. When I’m saddled with an abandoned pooch, my teammate thinks a dog will keep my temper in check. I think I have enough problems already.
But when my new dog gets into a tussle that leads me to meet a smoking hot chick who knows how to handle the rascal, I start to think pet ownership isn’t all bad. At least it gives me an excuse to see Lilly again. . . .
Neither of us are interested in a relationship. First they steal your bed, then they steal your heart. And I’m not talking about the dog.


An adorable meet cute leads to an emotional happily ever after! With the first book in a brand new Bears Hockey series Kelly Jamieson shines bright with witty dialogue, emotional depth and hockey with heart! I loved the set up and the connection between the two characters was quick to catch and hold my attention as they each deal with fallout of their past. I’m looking forward to watching the series progress!

Easton Miller is the sweetest. Sure, he’s a bit sure of himself and has a boat load of baggage, but he’s quick to connect with an adorable pooch needing a home and his attraction to Lilly is so endearing.

Lilly Evans is a fun character to watch develop. She has a lot of issues when it all starts out, but watching her step up and take control of her life is empowering.

I highly recommend this book to any hockey fans who enjoy a good bit of drama on top of the game action in their story. Can’t wait for more in the series!


* Review * SAY IT AIN’T SO by Lani Lynn Vale

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Review * SAY IT AIN’T SO by Lani Lynn ValeSay It Ain't So by Lani Lynn Vale
Series: SWAT Generation 2.0 #9
on September 8, 2020
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He should’ve never left his house. He should’ve stayed at home. He has a legitimate excuse—he’s running a fever and he’s fairly sure he’s developing pneumonia. He should have called in sick…but he doesn’t.

He goes to work, because his team is relying on him.

First, he has to sign about eight thousand calendars—all from women who purchased said calendars to benefit the Fallen Officer fundraiser. And when he’s done with that, he has to endure a television interview along with the rest of the SWAT team seeing as they made national news with their ‘Hot SWAT’ calendar that’s sold a million copies to women all over the world.

Needless to say, when Samuel Adams walks into the pharmacy hours later, he only has one thing on his mind. Ibuprofen.
Sadly, he never gets to the Ibuprofen. Mostly because before he gets there, he finds a junkie waving a gun around threatening to kill anybody that moves.

He’s running a fever. That has to be the reason that the girl in the corner begins cursing up a storm and drawing the junkie’s attention. Has to be.


Stop it, stop it, stop it!

She tells herself to take a deep breath. Tells herself that she needs to calm down. Tells herself that if she doesn’t get her act under control, things are going to get ugly.

And, of course, that’s when the curse words start flying.

The more nervous she gets, the worse her Tourette’s becomes. Which is, of course, why she stands up and gives the man a perfect target.

Thank God that the coughing giant in the corner makes the same move and saves her life.

And how does she repay him? By calling him every awful word in the dictionary.

Thank you, Tourette’s.


A heartstopping connection filled with love, laughter and so many feels! With book nine in her KPD SWAT Generation 2.0 series Lani Lynn Vale continues to deliver a boat load of heart and angst in that run towards happily ever after and I am loving it so much! This series is a lot of fun to read and just when you think you can’t love another couple more, here comes another adorable combination knocking on your heart. Looking forward to the last few guys in the series!

Sammy Spurlock is a whole lot of YUM! He’s sweet, he’s sexy and his heart is a goner when Hastings comes onto the scene.

Hastings is the sweetest! She’s quick to love and loyal as all get out and I just couldn’t love her and her shenanigans more.

I highly recommend this book as well as the entire series to anyone looking for a close knit group of friends and coworkers who have so many family connections coming into the picture as they fall in love that every book is like a down home family reunion. I love these people!





Say It Ain’t So
Lani Lynn Vale
Release Date: September 8, 2020

He should’ve never left his house. He should’ve stayed at home. He has a legitimate excuse—he’s running a fever and he’s fairly sure he’s developing pneumonia. He should have called in sick…but he doesn’t.

He goes to work, because his team is relying on him.

First, he has to sign about eight thousand calendars—all from women who purchased said calendars to benefit the Fallen Officer fundraiser. And when he’s done with that, he has to endure a television interview along with the rest of the SWAT team seeing as they made national news with their ‘Hot SWAT’ calendar that’s sold a million copies to women all over the world.

Needless to say, when Samuel Adams walks into the pharmacy hours later, he only has one thing on his mind. Ibuprofen.

Sadly, he never gets to the Ibuprofen. Mostly because before he gets there, he finds a junkie waving a gun around threatening to kill anybody that moves.

He’s running a fever. That has to be the reason that the girl in the corner begins cursing up a storm and drawing the junkie’s attention. Has to be.


Stop it, stop it, stop it!

She tells herself to take a deep breath. Tells herself that she needs to calm down. Tells herself that if she doesn’t get her act under control, things are going to get ugly.

And, of course, that’s when the curse words start flying.

The more nervous she gets, the worse her Tourette’s becomes. Which is, of course, why she stands up and gives the man a perfect target.

Thank God that the coughing giant in the corner makes the same move and saves her life.

And how does she repay him? By calling him every awful word in the dictionary.

Thank you, Tourette’s.


Purchase Links

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2Ei2esx
Amazon Intl.: https://geni.us/kFLr
Apple: https://apple.co/2EflA1h
Nook: https://bit.ly/2E6xdYK
Kobo: https://bit.ly/324SEl0

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2Ei2JCV


About Lani Lynn Vale

Lani Lynn Vale is a Wall Street Journal & USA Today Bestselling Author of over thirty titles. She is married with three children, two dogs, two cats, a donkey, and a couple (a couple also meaning over twenty) chickens.

When she’s not writing, you can find her curled up in her favorite chair reading.

Lani is married with three children and lives in the Great State of Texas.

Website: http://www.lanilynnvale.com/
Facebook: https://bit.ly/LLV-fb
Instagram: https://bit.ly/LLV-IG
Twitter: https://bit.ly/LLV-twitter
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/LLVgoodreads
BookBub: http://bit.ly/LLVbb


* Review * THE ITALIAN’S UNEXPECTED HEIR by Jennifer Faye

* Review * THE ITALIAN’S UNEXPECTED HEIR by Jennifer FayeThe Italian's Unexpected Heir by Jennifer Faye
Series: The Bartolini Legacy #3
Published by Harlequin Romance on September 1, 2020
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Her baby surprise proves…

…that one night will never be enough!

Reeling from the secrets that have torn his heritage apart, Enzo Bartolini is set on selling his family’s Tuscan vineyard and trying to forget the impulsive, dazzling night he and best friend Sylvie shared in Paris. While the sale moves forward, the thrilling awareness between him and Sylvie is harder to move past…especially when she upends Enzo’s world by revealing she’s carrying his baby!


An emotional conclusion to a dazzling series! THE ITALIAN’S UNEXPECTED HEIR by Jennifer Faye is the third book in the Bartolini Legacy trilogy. I enjoyed this series as a whole, but I found myself wanting a little more from Enzo’s story. Maybe it’s because we already knew the conclusion of the paternity twist from the previous book, or maybe it was that I wanted more interaction with the siblings as a whole to feel a lock up from all of the emotions they stirred up in their search and competition. Overall the story was fast paced and satisfying.

Enzo Bartolini was a little underwhelming at first. He had a big voice during his sister’s previous two books in the series yet in this one he seemed to roll over and admit defeat where there really didn’t need to be any. I grew to understand him more as the book went on, but I wanted a little more from him.

Sylvie was really easy to like. She quickly gained my sympathy as she was floundering with not knowing where she belongs if her job isn’t going to be there anymore.

I recommend this book and the entire trilogy to anyone who enjoys a passionate telling of happily ever afters and family drama.


* Review * RESCUING THE RANCHER by Claire McEwen

* Review * RESCUING THE RANCHER by Claire McEwenRescuing the Rancher by Claire McEwen
Series: Heroes of Shelter Creek #4
Published by Harlequin Heartwarming on September 1, 2020
Buy on Amazon


She’ll help protect his ranch…

And heal his heart

Firefighter Jade Carson needs to get the local residents out of a wildfire’s path, but Aidan Bell isn’t moving. Still grieving a tragedy, the stubborn rancher plans to stay and save his animals. Jade and Aidan battle the blaze on his property, only to feel the spark of something unexpected. Secrets are shared, hope kindles…but can they leave the past’s ashes behind and let love grow?


Attention grabbing characters, fever pitched drama and more feels than you know what to do with … this may just be my favorite book by Claire McEwen yet! With book four in her always endearing Heroes of Shelter Creek series she dazzles with a heart wrenching story of a grieving rancher whose property is in the path of an out of control wildfire and the headstrong firefighter left to fight by his side. The story line was riveting, the characters were extremely easy to like and each of their backstories were heartfelt. I loved everything about this book!

Aidan Bell is such a good guy! I instantly felt affection for him and wanted to see how his choices would fair. It was rewarding to see him make a connection with the first person that’s caught his eye in quite some time.

Jade Carson was a bit abrupt at first but we could see through her bluster to the heart of gold underneath.

I highly recommend this book as well as the entire series to anyone who loves a sweet romance filled with a whole lot of heart.
