* Blog Tour/Book Review * ONE NIGHT WITH THE ARMY DOC by Traci Douglass

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Blog Tour/Book Review * ONE NIGHT WITH THE ARMY DOC by Traci DouglassOne Night with the Army Doc by Traci Douglass
Published by Harlequin Medical Romances on August 1, 2018
Buy on Amazon

Is one night enough…

To convince her to stay?

Traveling to Alaska to film the latest episode of her TV show is just what brilliant diagnostician Dr. Molly Flynn needs. It’s the perfect escape from her family’s expectations. Until she clashes with privacy-loving former army doc Jacob Ryder over her patient’s care! Only, as friction turns into flirtation, can Molly trust that Jake sees the real her and loves her—just the way she is?


With her first jaunt into the Harlequin Medical Romance line, Traci Douglass brings us a riveting read. It’s fast paced, has an air of intrigue to it and is full of family drama and simmering attraction! I really enjoyed the connection between Molly and Jacob as they raced against time to try to save his friend. He didn’t want to like her, but she was more than he was expecting. Very entertaining!

Dr. Molly Flynn’s specialty is diagnosing the most troublesome ailments that like to hide in plain sight. Her reality TV show travels the world looking for just the right cases to spotlight as she is put to the test to save patient after patient, and the her latest case has brought her to gorgeous Alaska. The countryside is just the break she needs from the daunting stress of real life and family expectations.

Former Army doctor and current surgeon Jacob Ryder hates the spotlight and when he finds out that Molly and her intrusive cameras are coming to spotlight his friend’s case, he refuses to be a part of it. Watching the beautiful diagnostician work though is quite intriguing, and before long, he just might be changing some of his thoughts about her.





On Tour with Prism Book Tours


One Night with the Army Doc
By Traci Douglass
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 256 Pages
August 1st 2018 by Harlequin Medical Romance

Is one night enough…

To convince her to stay?

Traveling to Alaska to film the latest episode of her TV show is just what brilliant diagnostician Dr. Molly Flynn needs. It’s the perfect escape from her family’s expectations. Until she clashes with privacy-loving former army doc Jacob Ryder over her patient’s care! Only, as friction turns into flirtation, can Molly trust that Jake sees the real her and loves her—just the way she is?

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequiniBooksKobo



About the Author

Thrilling Tales of Suspense, Fantasy, and Happily Ever Afters…

USA Today Bestselling Author Traci Douglass writes fiction bursting with romance and action, usually mixed with a healthy portion of fantasy, urban edge and/or snark. Her stories feature sizzling heroes with quick wits and dark pasts and smart, independent heroines who always give as good as they get.

She’s an active member of Romance Writers of America (RWA), Indiana Romance Writers of America (IRWA), and the International Thriller Writers (ITW), and holds a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University.




Tour Schedule

August 6th:
It’s All About the Romance
Books to Light Your Fire
Book Lover in Florida
August 7th:
Declarations of a Fangirl
E-Romance News
underneath the covers
August 8th:
Nicole’s Book Musings
Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader
Becky on Books
August 9th:
Rockin’ Book Reviews
Hearts & Scribbles
August 10th:
Thoughts of a Blonde
August 11th:
Grand Finale



Tour Giveaway

3 signed paperback copies of One Night with The Army Doc
US only
Ends August 15th

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* Blog Tour/Book Review * NICE TO COME HOME TO by Liz Flaherty

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Blog Tour/Book Review * NICE TO COME HOME TO by Liz FlahertyNice to Come Home To by Liz Flaherty
Published by Harlequin Heartwarming on August 1, 2018
Buy on Amazon

Will an apple a day…

Keep love at bay?

For Cass Gentry, coming home to Lake Miniagua, teenage half sister in tow, is bittersweet. But her half of the orchard she inherited awaits, and so does a fresh face—Luke Rossiter, her new business partner. Even though they butt heads in business, they share one key piece of common ground: refusing to ever fall in love again. But as their lives get bigger, that stance doesn’t feel like enough…


An emotional rollercoaster that will leave you smiling! This story was quick to draw my attention with it’s in depth details of what each character is feeling as the setting is laid out. We get not only the potential romance of Cass and Luke, but also several feel good moments between the older characters and with the teens. It’s a complex story with many pieces pulling at our hearts, but it comes together well. Memorable, sweet and very enjoyable. Loved it!

When Cass Gentry heads back to Lake Miniagua, it’s bittersweet. This is the only place that’s ever felt like home, but memories that made her run in the first place assail her at every turn. She’s temporarily in charge of her feisty teenage sister and has to decide what to do with her life. Checking out the orchard that she’s now half owner of is first on her list.

Luke Rassiter bought out her Aunt Zoey’s half of the orchard several years ago, so he’s now her partner. He too is at a bit of a crossroad, but the enjoyment he gets from working in this peaceful place is pulling him more than anything at the moment. The attraction between he and Cass is evident from the moment they meet, but they each have loved and lost and each carrying the baggage around to show for it. Will they find the pull too strong to ignore for long?





On Tour with Prism Book Tours


Nice to Come Home To
By Liz Flaherty
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
August 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Will an apple a day…

Keep love at bay?

For Cass Gentry, coming home to Lake Miniagua, teenage half sister in tow, is bittersweet. But her half of the orchard she inherited awaits, and so does a fresh face—Luke Rossiter, her new business partner. Even though they butt heads in business, they share one key piece of common ground: refusing to ever fall in love again. But as their lives get bigger, that stance doesn’t feel like enough…




Other Heartwarming Books


About the Author

Liz Flaherty was a little nervous about retiring from her day job, but making quilts, more family time, traveling at the mere mention of “why don’t we go…” and becoming a Harlequin Heartwarming author have made the past years more fun and exciting than she could ever have imagined.



Tour Schedule

August 6th:
Nicole’s Book Musings
Declarations of a Fangirl
Reading is my SuperPower
Hearts and Scribbles
August 7th:
Andi’s Book Reviews
Among the Reads
Inside the Mind of an Avid Reader
August 8th:
E-Romance News
Splashes of Joy
Book Lover in Florida
Britt Reads Fiction
Handcrafted Reviews
August 9th:
Book by Book
Becky on Books
Thoughts of a Blond
My Life, Loves and Passion
August 10th:
My Devotional Thoughts
It’s All About the Romance
Rockin’ Book Reviews
underneath the covers
August 11th:
Grand Finale


Tour Giveaway

5 PRIZE PACK WINNERS WILL RECEIVE: a backlist book, dish towel, magnet, and notepad (picture includes an example – not a complete prize)
US only
Ends August 15th

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* Blog Tour/Book Review * COOPER’S CHARM by Lori Foster

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Blog Tour/Book Review * COOPER’S CHARM by Lori FosterCooper's Charm by Lori Foster
Published by HQN Books on July 31, 2018
Buy on Amazon

One summer, two sisters and a chance to start over…

Before the burglary that shattered her confidence, Phoenix Rose had a fiancé, a successful store and a busy, happy existence. After months spent adrift, she takes a job at the lakeside resort of Cooper’s Charm. Surrounded by beautiful scenery, friendly colleagues and a charismatic, widowed boss, Phoenix is slowly inching her way back into the world.

Visiting Cooper’s Charm to check up on her little sister, Ridley Rose impulsively agrees to fill in as housekeeper. Still reeling from an ego-bruising divorce, she finds satisfaction in a job well done—and in the attention of the resort’s handsome scuba instructor.

For Phoenix and Ridley, Cooper’s Charm is supposed to be merely temporary. But this detour may lead to the place they most need to be, where the future is as satisfying as it is surprising…


The feel good romance of the season! With a quick wit filled with delectable sass, Lori Foster brings us the story of two sisters, both strong women who have been knocked down temporarily and are fighting their way through to the other side. One was hurt by the injustice of the world, while the other had someone she loved turn on her in a despicable way. Both are trying to find themselves again and figure out where they go from here. The love and support they give each other is inspiring as they settle into a new place filled with kind, generous souls and slowly make the journey towards redemption … and their sexy and sweet happily-ever-afters. Heartfelt, well-developed and oh so fun!

Phoenix Rose was living a good life with a fiancee by her side, a successful business keeping her busy and the world at her fingertips when a burglary and assault stole away her confidence in life and most of all in herself. She walked away from everything she knew and attempted to pick up the pieces of her wounded soul. This new job at the lakeside resort Cooper’s Charm is meant to center her again and give here some time away from everything she used to know to start to trust herself again. Friendly co-workers and a sexily brooding boss just might help ease her transition a little faster!

Ridley Rose is worried about her little sister and when she’s not getting the answers that she wants from her from afar, so she show’s up unexpectedly at Cooper’s Charm to check up on her. She stubbornly refuses to leave and ends up taking a temporary housekeeper job to keep herself busy and help out around the resort while she hounds Phoenix about her life. She recently had her own world turned upside down by her louse of an ex-husband, and now she’s determined to live it up … and the sexy scuba instructor giving her the eye might be just the way to do it!






Lori Foster
Publisher: Harlequin Books
On-sale date: July 31, 2018
ISBN: 978-1335017529
Format: Trade Paperback
Price: $15.99



One summer, two sisters and a chance to start over…

Before the burglary that shattered her confidence, Phoenix Rose had a fiancé, a successful store and a busy, happy existence. After months spent adrift, she takes a job at the lakeside resort of Cooper’s Charm. Surrounded by beautiful scenery, friendly colleagues and a charismatic, widowed boss, Phoenix is slowly inching her way back into the world.

Visiting Cooper’s Charm to check up on her little sister, Ridley Rose impulsively agrees to fill in as housekeeper. Still reeling from an ego-bruising divorce, she finds satisfaction in a job well done—and in the attention of the resort’s handsome scuba instructor.

For Phoenix and Ridley, Cooper’s Charm is supposed to be merely temporary. But this detour may lead to the place they most need to be, where the future is as satisfying as it is surprising…

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LORI FOSTER is a New York TimesUSA TODAY and Publishers Weekly bestselling author with books from a variety of publishers, including Berkley/Jove, Kensington, St. Martin’s, and most recently Harlequin. Lori has been a recipient of the prestigious RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award for Series Romantic Fantasy, and for Contemporary Romance. For more about Lori, visit her website at www.lorifoster.com.

@LorilFoster                            lorilFoster                                     @lorifoster

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* Blog Tour/Book Review * BAYSIDE HEAT by Melissa Foster

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Blog Tour/Book Review * BAYSIDE HEAT by Melissa FosterBayside Heat by Melissa Foster
Series: Bayside Summers #3
Published by World Literary Press on August 8, 2018
Buy on Amazon

Drake Savage has always done the right thing, especially where beautiful and fiercely determined Serena Mallery is concerned-even when it means keeping his feelings for her to himself. Serena has always wanted more than what their small town of Wellfleet, Massachusetts has to offer, and Drake's roots are so deeply entrenched in the Cape, it's all he can do to watch her pack up her life and move away.

Serena has always had big dreams. As a teenager she dreamed of becoming an interior designer and marrying smart, musically inclined, sexy-as-sin Drake Savage. Now she's finally landed a killer job with a top interior design firm, but though she has spent the last four years working side by side with Drake, he's never made a move. Four years is long enough for her to accept reality, and her new job in Boston is the perfect way to move on.

A weak moment leads to sizzling, sensual kisses, opening a door through which they've both been aching to walk. But Serena's determined not to give up her shot at the career she's always dreamed of, and Drake has loved her for too many years to stand in her way. With true love at their fingertips and a world of unstoppable passion igniting between them, can the two star-crossed lovers find their way to their happily ever after?


The Bayside gang is always good for lots of laughs, feel good moments and steamy sexy times and that certainly holds true for Drake and Serena’s story! We’ve obviously seen them and their sexual tension in previous stories, and this one brings them to the forefront and has their life start to be upheaved as Serena makes plans for the future. The characters were well developed and the chemistry was off the charts. The storyline was a little cliche, but it worked so well … she woke up her man!

For four years, Serena Mallery as been working side-by-side with the man that she’s been lusting after since she was in high school. They are the very best of friends, but she wants more so bad she can’t stand it, but Drake is steadfast in friend zoning her. She can’t take it anymore, so when a dream job shows up on the horizon for her, she decides it’s time for her to jump at the chance … even if it means leaving the Cape and heading to Boston!

Drake Savage is just as into Serena as she is to him, but he’s not willing to compromise her dreams and hold her back. He’s a Cape guy through and through and doesn’t ever want to change that, but Serena has always dreamed of making it big in the city and doing great things with her life. He wants that for her … even if it means he’s had to bury his desire for all of these years. But things have a way of changing when turmoil is in the air, and that’s exactly what happens when she announces she’s moving to Boston. He wishes her well, but it’s going to be hard not having her by his side day in and day out … and that pull just might lead to a kiss before she leaves … and that kiss, just might lead to feelings being shared!





Bayside is bring the HEAT in this sexy, fun and
oh-so romantic friends-to-lovers romance!
Bayside Summers #3
Melissa Foster
Releasing Aug 8, 2018
World Literary Press


Drake Savage has always done the right thing, especially where beautiful and fiercely determined Serena Mallery is concerned—even when it means keeping his feelings for her to himself. Serena has always wanted more than what their small town of Wellfleet, Massachusetts has to offer, and Drake’s roots are so deeply entrenched in the Cape, it’s all he can do to watch her pack up her life and move away.

Serena has always had big dreams. As a teenager she dreamed of becoming an interior designer and marrying smart, musically inclined, sexy-as-sin Drake Savage. Now she’s finally landed a killer job with a top interior design firm, but though she has spent the last four years working side by side with Drake, he’s never made a move. Four years is long enough for her to accept reality, and her new job in Boston is the perfect way to move on.

A weak moment leads to sizzling, sensual kisses, opening a door through which they’ve both been aching to walk. But Serena’s determined not to give up her shot at the career she’s always dreamed of, and Drake has loved her for too many years to stand in her way. With true love at their fingertips and a world of unstoppable passion igniting between them, can the two star-crossed lovers find their way to their happily ever after?

Don’t miss the other Bayside Summers titles

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance and new adult romance with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Melissa’s emotional journeys are lovingly erotic and always family oriented–perfect beach reads for contemporary romance lovers who enjoy reading about wealthy heroes and smart, sassy heroines.



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* Review * CAPTIVATING THE BEAR by Jane Godman

* Review * CAPTIVATING THE BEAR by Jane GodmanCaptivating the Bear by Jane Godman
Series: Beast #3
Published by Harlequin Nocturne on August 1, 2018
Buy on Amazon

Beauty…and Her Beast?

Desperate to escape an arranged marriage, Lidiya Rihanoff sets off to find the only man who can help her. Ged Taverner wants the world to think he’s just the manager of a rock band, but Lidi knows the truth: he’s a king in exile—and a shape-shifter, just like her. She’s not ready for the overwhelming desire she feels for him. And he’s not expecting to find his destined mate…


Destiny prevails! With book three in her Beast series, Jane Godman brings us Ged’s story. Each story in this series has had one of the members of the band meeting their mate and traveling the dangers to be able to be together. With Ged, we learn his past and see the fireworks that happen when the woman he’s destined to be with finds him. It’s a great story … probably my favorite of the series so far!

Bear shifter Ged Taverner is the manager of the ever-popular rock band Beast that he created from a bunch of guys he met during his heart’s work of helping shape shifters who are in danger. He’s enjoying watching the guys settle in and prosper. He never expects his past to come calling in the middle of the night … and in the form of his mate!

Lidiya Rihanoff is in dire danger and knows the only man that can help her is Ged … but she knows him as who he really is … Gerald Tavisha, exiled King of Callistoya! Lidi refuses to marry Ged’s stepbrother, the standing King who was responsible for the worst day of his life. She needs Ged’s help to get her father to safety and knows that he needs to take back his life while he’s at it!


* Review * CRAVING HIS BEST FRIEND’S EX by Katherine Garbera

* Review * CRAVING HIS BEST FRIEND’S EX by Katherine GarberaCraving His Best Friend's Ex by Katherine Garbera
Series: The Wild Caruthers Bachelors
Published by Harlequin Desire on August 1, 2018
Buy on Amazon

Heartbreak gives her only one place to turn…

the arms of a forbidden man.

Until now, Crissanne Moss has been off-limits. As his best friend’s significant other, she is Ethan Caruthers’s friend, too. So he’s always snuffed out any spark between them. Now Crissanne is single and seeking comfort. Ethan is happy to give her all she needs—and desires. But can their friendship truly become more when one explosive revelation changes everything?


Forbidden love! With the next book in Katherine Garbera’s The Wild Caruthers Bachelors series, we get Ethan’s story. He’s lusted from afar for years after he moved too slow to make the first move before his friend swooped in and made her his, but when circumstances put Chrissanne within his reach for once, temptation may be too strong. The characters and situation were attention grabbing, and the plot had a bit of intrigue to it as well leaving us wondering what was going to happen for awhile there. Enjoyed it!

When the woman he loves shows up on the doorstep of Ethan Caruthers, he should be thrilled … if only she wasn’t his best friend’s girl! When she makes the announcement that she’s suddenly single and needed a friendly ear, Ethan takes her in and offers her comfort. He’s wanted her since the first moment he saw her all of those years ago … but you can’t get with your best friend’s ex … can you?

Chrissanne Moss can’t believe she’s wasted so many years of her life on a man that doesn’t want forever with her. When she needs a friend, who else would she turn to but Ethan? She has known that he has feelings for her for awhile .. should she admit her attraction as well? When surprising news comes, they are blown away and seek comfort with each other … but can it last considering their history?


* Review * BEDFELLOWS by Lola Leighton

* Review * BEDFELLOWS by Lola LeightonBedfellows by Lola Leighton
on July 31, 2018
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I wasn't looking to fall for one man. Let alone two...
Sullivan and Will are as close as two friends can be. Growing up in the system forced them to rely on each other, and they've become accustomed to sharing everything--including women.

Now they're ready for more. To find love. To start a family. To see the dreams they've shared since childhood come true.

Apparently I tick off every box on their list--brains, beauty, and sass. I never hesitate to put both men in their places--which they find sexy as hell.

One problem, I'm a traditional girl, with traditional values--one man, one woman, till death do us part--kind of values.

They're willing to work to prove how very right the three of us could be, but what happens next is anyone's guess...


Steamy, taboo and oh so fun! With a dip into a steamier type of story, we get the first book from a bestselling author that many know and love under a new pen name. The characters were rich with chemistry, kind hearts and all around goodness. The story line was a little rushed, but had an overall exciting feel to it. Really enjoyed! *WARNING* You must be okay with menage and M/M to enjoy this story.

Best friends Sullivan and Will have been together forever. Growing up in a group home was hard for them, but after they met, it was better. They have each other’s back through thick and thin, run a business together and share their women. They’re tired of the thrill of it all and just want to find the woman of their dreams, settle down and have a family. When Sullivan meets Adrienne, he thinks their dreams might have just come true!

Adrienne is as straight laced and traditional as they come, so when she finds out that Sullivan has a guy at home that he likes to share with, she’s super hesitant. Only after coercing her with his sexy grin does she agree to at least go to dinner with them in order to meet Will. Agreeing to a second date with each one of them individually to see how they each click goes beyond her comfort zone, but it also makes her realize she could really be into these guys. The road is going to be long and filled with obstacles, but she’s going to start walking down it!


* Blog Tour/Book Review * HER LOST AND FOUND BABY by Tara Taylor Quinn

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

* Blog Tour/Book Review * HER LOST AND FOUND BABY by Tara Taylor QuinnHer Lost and Found Baby by Tara Taylor Quinn
Series: The Daycare Chronicles
Published by Harlequin Special Edition on August 1, 2018
Buy on Amazon

Friends. Without benefits. They both agreed.

Until she stole his heart.

Tabitha Jones will find her kidnapped toddler…even if it means searching every daycare in Southern California. So when her hunky, wealthy neighbor, Johnny Brubaker, offers a deal, Tabitha sees it as an ideal way to expand her search. In exchange for working his food truck, Johnny agrees to pose as Tabitha’s husband. It’s the perfect relationship…until Johnny realizes posing as a family man isn’t enough anymore.


Tragedy brings together two lost souls! With her Harlequin Special Edition debut, Tara Taylor Quinn brings us a story of a woman searching for her missing child who partners with a man who is on a sabbatical from life to pay tribute to a lost loved one in a special way. They join forces to support and help each other and along the way start to feel more than friendship for each other. The missing child storyline was very intriguing and emotional. Really enjoyed it!

When pediatric nurse Tabitha Jones became friends with her new neighbor, she had no clue he was going to be her saving grace for the last few months. He’s her support system, her sounding board and her partner in crime as she searches all of the daycares in the are for her kidnapped toddler.

Johnny Brubaker is happy to help Tabitha in any way he can, and in exchange, she helps him with a food truck mission he’s been on. He tries not to let her get too discouraged, but also tries to reign her in when she gets too excited over a possible sighting. He’s determined to help her find her son … and lately he’s been wanting her to decide to add him to her family as well!




On Tour with Prism Book Tours


Her Lost and Found Baby
By Tara Taylor Quinn
Contemporary Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 224 Pages
August 1st 2018 by Harlequin Special Edition

Friends. Without benefits. They both agreed.

Until she stole his heart.

Tabitha Jones will find her kidnapped toddler…even if it means searching every daycare in Southern California. So when her hunky, wealthy neighbor, Johnny Brubaker, offers a deal, Tabitha sees it as an ideal way to expand her search. In exchange for working his food truck, Johnny agrees to pose as Tabitha’s husband. It’s the perfect relationship…until Johnny realizes posingas a family man isn’t enough anymore.

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About the Author

The author of more than 70 original novels, in twenty languages, Tara Taylor Quinn is a USA Today bestseller with over six million copies sold. A 2015 RITA finalist Tara appears frequently on bestseller lists, including #1 placement on Amazon lists, and multiple showings on the Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller list. She has appeared on national and local TV across the country, including CBS Sunday Morning.

Tara is a supporter of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. If you or someone you know might be a victim of domestic violence in the United States, please contact 1-800-799-7233.



Tour Schedule

July 30th:
Andi’s Book Reviews
By Her Shelf
July 31st:
Inside The Mind of An Avid Reader
Book by Book
Wishful Endings
August 1st:
Jorie Loves A Story
Becky on Books
August 2nd:
My Devotional Thoughts
Rockin’ Book Reviews
Harlie’s Books
August 3rd:
Thoughts of a Blonde
Busy Bumble Bee Book Reviews
Aubrey & Co.
August 4th:
Grand Finale


Tour Giveaway

1 winner has their choice of any two TTQ backlist ebooks
Open internationally
Ends August 8th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab Our Button!


* Review * HOW TO KEEP A SECRET by Sarah Morgan

* Review * HOW TO KEEP A SECRET by Sarah MorganHow to Keep a Secret by Sarah Morgan
Published by HQN Books on July 10, 2018
Buy on Amazon

When three generations of women are brought together by crisis, they learn over the course of one hot summer the power of family to support, nourish and surprise

Lauren has the perfect life…if she ignores the fact it’s a fragile house of cards, and that her daughter Mack has just had a teenage personality transplant.

Jenna is desperate to start a family with her husband, but it’s… Just. Not. Happening. Her heart is breaking, but she’s determined to keep her trademark smile on her face.

Nancy knows she hasn’t been the best mother, but how can she ever tell Lauren and Jenna the reason why?

Then life changes in an instant, and Lauren, Mack, Jenna and Nancy are thrown together for a summer on Martha’s Vineyard. Somehow, these very different women must relearn how to be a family. And while unraveling their secrets might be their biggest challenge, the rewards could be infinite…


Family dynamics steal the show in the latest from Sarah Morgan! I was drawn in immediately into the life of Lauren, then when things happen for her, it leads her back home to the US and we meet her sister and mother and start to unravel what makes each character tick and what secrets from the past will mean for the future of this family. They’re faced with challenges of keeping secrets, of accepting people’s mistakes and most of all of learning to forgive and still love each other. Really great story!

When Lauren Hudson’s world crumbles around her, it sends her and her daughter Mack back home to Martha’s Vineyards for the summer. She will have to pick up the pieces from the fallout of the secrets she’s kept for all of these years, and try to move forward with a new life.

Her sister Jenna Sullivan is there to support her every step of the way, but she has her own issues distracting her as well. She wants a baby more than anything, but it’s not happening, and her husband Greg just doesn’t seem all that upset about it. It weighs on her mind each and every day, so how can he be so casual about it?

Her mother Nancy is just as standoffish and judgemental as always, but as they sort through a lifetime of memories over the summer, secrets come to light that explain just why she has always been the way she’s been. Truths are uncovered, new lives are started and above all, love is showered all around!


* Review * THREE COURAGEOUS WORDS by Elle James

* Review * THREE COURAGEOUS WORDS by Elle JamesThree Courageous Words by Elle James
Series: Mission: Six
Published by Harlequin Intrigue on August 1, 2018
Buy on Amazon

Once, he had to leave her behind…

Will she now trust him with her life?

The woman he just rescued is the one “Buck” Graham Buckner lost when he had to pull a vanishing act. Now the navy SEAL has to get Angela Vega out of Africa before the warlord he came to the continent to find kills them both. But the beautiful physician has children in her care, so they embark on a treacherous journey to protect them. Now Buck has a new mission—rekindling the love he never forgot.


Danger abounds as this SEAL team continues their mission! With the third book in her Mission: Six series, Elle James brings us Buck’s story. He had a past that he was running from when he joined the service, and this mission runs him smack dab into the one person he regretted having to leave behind. The story is packed full of dangerous situations, sweet memories and a satisfying reconnection. Enjoyed it and looking forward to more!

While on a secret mission in Africa, Navy SEAL Graham “Buck” Buckner sees a familiar face in a situation that instantly terrifies him! He can’t believe his eyes, but his college girlfriend who he left behind without even a goodbye when he had to go on the run is about to run into a group of terrorists. He has to get her out of there!

Dr. Angela Vega is with Doctors Without Borders at a refugee camp when she decides to march in protest with the locals to demand the resources that should have been coming to their camp. She is clueless to the danger about to cross her path, but even when Buck snatches her from the street, she’s spitting mad and fighting against leaving her mission! Will he be able to accomplish helping the kids she has in her care while dodging the danger that’s right on their heals?
