** Book Review ** UNDER AN ADIRONDACK SKY by Karen Rock

Under an Adirondack Sky


In this heartfelt story, Karen Rock wraps a group of troubled teens deeply around our hearts!  She makes us see them as more than just problems and shows the deep respect and appreciation that can come from being shown kindness, respect and love.  A true gem of a book!

Aiden Walsh has his hands full!  He works more hours in the day than he should, always on the go, always flitting from one thing to another in order to get it all done.  He’s trying to take care of his family and their legacy in the only way he knows how, but it’s not enough … he can’t stop his little brother from getting into trouble.

Rebecca Day is the school psychologist and when expulsion is on the table for Aiden’s brother Connor, suggests a wilderness adventure through the Adirondacks with a group of teens and counselors from around the region as a way to get through to Connor and hopefully save his education … but Aiden accompanying him on the trip is mandatory.

They travel the ups and downs of trying to reach Connor and the other kids and make them better people along the way.  The attraction Aiden and Rebecca are trying to fight just keeps growing stronger.  When he can’t even make enough time in his schedule to give his brother the attention he needs, how can he fit a relationship into the mix?

ARC received via the Author.

** Book Review ** GLASS CEILINGS by A.M. Madden

Glass Ceilings


I really disliked the constant changing back and forth between present day and the past in this book, but I enjoyed the story.  The characters were fun, the plot was thick with hot sex and mystery.

During an undercover op with the FBI two years ago, Nick Farley was posing as a bartender to bring down a local mob infiltration.  On one of his last nights there, he met gorgeous Angela Cavallo. She was sweet and sexy and pushed all of his buttons in a way no one ever had before.  They had one sexy, hot night together before parting ways.

Angela has been hiding for so long now, but she needs to see Nick and tell him about the son that came from their night together.  Will Nick be able to forgive her deceit?  And will he be able to help her stay safe from the life she’s been running from?

ARC received via NetGalley

** Blog Tour / Book Review ** BODYCHECKING by Jami Davenport



In Book 7 of the Game On in Seattle series, Jami Davenport takes us on a ride of heartache, healing and trust!

Bellani Maxwell has always been the wild child of the Maxwell clan.  Her sisters are all settled into their futures and she’s still partying along from night to night.  That all changes after a scary attack that leaves her needing comfort in a whole new way!

Hockey player Cedric Pederson was all about the game and his next hook-up for a long time, but meeting Bella slowly changed him.  It was hot and fun on their occasional nights together, but after awhile, he found himself wanting more.

On the night of her attack, it’s Cedric’s arms she runs to.  As he helps her heal and cope with life again, will she decide that she’s all in and actually give him the commitment that he wants, or will she leave him hanging while she keeps it casual?

ARC provided by Tasty Book Tours



Game On in Seattle #7
By: Jami Davenport

Released April 30, 2016
Cedona Enterprises


As the wild child of the family, Bellani Maxwell isn’t interested in settling down. Between a fledgling party crashing business, teaching self-defense at a martial arts studio, and hitting the bar every night, she has her hands full. She doesn’t need the added responsibility or commitment of a relationship.

Hockey star Cedric Pederson has all the puck bunnies he could ever want, but a chance encounter eighteen months ago leaves him with eyes only for the gorgeous, free-spirited Bella. Too bad she isn’t interested in what Cedric has to offer beyond frequent hookups, and he’s grown tired of their on-again, off-again non-relationship. He wants to be all-in or all-out.

When a brutal attack leaves Bella in need of comfort, protection, and healing, the only person she wants is Cedric. But once she’s living in his condo, Bella is confronted with a decision she’s been avoiding—can she finally commit to Cedric, or will she let him go one last time?

CONTENT WARNING: Contains graphic and potentially disturbing descriptions of an assault.


While all books in this series can be read as standalones, you’ll most likely enjoy reading the other books in the Game On in Seattle sports romance series:

Book 1–Skating on Thin Ice (Seattle Sockeyes Hockey)
Book 2–Crashing the Boards (Seattle Sockeyes Hockey)
Book 3–Crashing the Net (Seattle Sockeyes Hockey)
Book 4–Love at First Snow (Seattle Sockeyes Hockey)
Book 5–Melting Ice (Seattle Sockeyes Hockey)
Book 6–Blindsided (Seattle Steelheads Football)


Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2016/02/body-checking-game-on-in-seattle-7-by.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26026628-bodychecking

Goodreads Series Link: https://www.goodreads.com/series/126686-game-on-in-seattle


Buy Links:  Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo

Amazon:  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DPV093S

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/bodychecking-jami-davenport/1123617938?ean=2940153182681

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/bodychecking/id1057023412?ls=1&mt=11

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/bodychecking




Hugging the sweatshirt tight to her body, Bella hurried past a boarded-up building looming darkly across the cracked sidewalk. The gloomy brick façade gave her the creeps, and she trotted down the street, cutting across to the other side. She’d be soaked before she got to her car.

Miserable and desperate to get out of the rain as soon as possible, she decided to take a shorter route back, ignoring the detour, which would take her two to three blocks out of her way but along well-lit streets. Instead, she veered around the corner and into the construction zone, ignoring the “Do Not Enter” signs. She’d cut through here before but not alone. It was exactly the type of area she would’ve told her self-defense students to avoid as unsafe.

Only Bella was savvy and well-trained in martial arts. She could take care of herself. She had absolute confidence she’d battle her way out of any situation. Even so, a little chill slid down her spine, and she shuddered. Shrugging it off as unfounded, she attributed her nerves to the rainwater dripping down the back of her neck.

She had very little room to maneuver as she navigated along a sawhorse-lined path made of plywood and concrete with partially demolished buildings on one side and deep utility trenches on the other. She could barely see even with the flashlight on her cell phone.

“Admit it, Bells, this wasn’t one of your smarter moves,” she muttered to herself.

She frowned as she swore she heard a noise. Only, how the fuck could anyone hear anything over this incessant rain?

There it was again. Splashing. Like boots slapping against water-laden concrete and plywood.

Her heart rate accelerated, and she increased her pace, wishing she’d brought her purse with her Mace in it. Instead, she’d grabbed a small pocketbook. She refused to glance over her shoulder, even as her senses went on high alert.

She definitely heard footsteps, and they were gaining.


Jami Davenport


USA Today Bestselling Author Jami Davenport writes sexy contemporary and sports romances, including her two new indie endeavors: the Game On in Seattle Series and the Madrona Island Series. Jami’s new releases consistently rank in the top fifty on the sports romance and sports genre lists on Amazon, and she has hit the Amazon top hundred authors list in both contemporary romance and genre fiction multiple times. Jami ranked Number Seven on Kobo’s Top Ten Most Completed Authors, an honor bestowed on the year’s “most engaging” authors based on an average page completion rate by their readers.


Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Website:  http://www.jamidavenport.com/

Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/jamidavenportauthor

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/jamidavenport

GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1637218.Jami_Davenport



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** Book Review ** HIS PREGNANT SLEEPING BEAUTY by Lynne Marshall

His Pregnant Sleeping Beauty


Lynne Marshall has a way with words that wraps you up in the life of her characters and takes you along for the ride with them as they travel the ups and downs of life and happily ever after!

Carey Spencer finds herself vulnerable, pregnant and alone in the beginning of this story, and almost immediately walks right into danger!

Paramedic Joseph Matthews is at the right place at the right time to come to Carey’s aid and get her medical treatment as soon as possible.  He sits by her bedside just waiting for this beautiful woman to open her eyes and tell him she’s okay.  Though his life has been in an upheaval due to his ex-wife’s betrayal, he’s not the type of man that can turn his back on a woman in need, so he offers Carey all the help she needs to get settled back on her feet after she wakes up.

Neither Carey nor Joe can ignore the attraction they feel for each other.  They try to fight it, but it just won’t go away.  Can this wayward woman be the answer to healing Joe’s heart?  And will this good-hearted paramedic show Carey that there are men out there that you can truly trust?

ARC received via Author/VA


** Book Review ** SUGAR DADDY by Sawyer Bennett

Sugar Daddy


A riveting tale of lust and revenge!

Sela Halstead was getting by.  Going to school, dragging herself through from one day to another, surviving.  That all changed when she caught a glimpse of a tattoo on an interviewee on TV one day.  She became embroiled with a new mission.  Alive again.  Empowered to make herself into what she thought she needed to be to accomplish her goal.  Her revenge.

With a goal of infiltrating millionaire Jonathon Townsend’s inner circle, Sela becomes one of the girls interested in using the The Sugar Bowl to further herself … to get closer to JT … to find out who his accomplices were that night … the night her innocence died.  She never expects to hit the stumbling block of Beckett North, who takes her breath away.

Beck is the tech side of his and JT’s partnership in The Sugar Bowl.  He’s living large and doesn’t commit to anything but business.  Until he meets Sela.  He’s drawn to her and pursues her, breaking his own rules of just one night.  As they pursue their attraction and develop feelings for one another, will she trust him with her secrets?


ARC received via NetGalley

** Book Review ** PROTECTING JUSTICE by Misty Evans and Adrienne Giordano

Protecting Justice


Another action based mystery to solve with the help of The Justice Team!  There is never a dull moment when this team is brought in.  Lots of suspicion is cast about as they try to figure out who murdered the Senator and what the ultimate reason was.  It’ll keep you guessing!

High-end political fixer, Fallyn Pasche is devastated when she’s called home to DC when her twin sister, US Senator Heather Pasche is found dead in her home.  Fallyn finds it strange that her young, healthy sister is suddenly dead and starts a little investigating of her own.  As turmoil swirls around her, she calls a friend for a favor and The Justice Team arrives to support her.

Tony Gerard is at a bit of a turning point in his life.  He’s blaming himself for the death of the Chief Justice who was killed on his watch, and he’s not sure what to do with his life at this point.  He’s filling in temporarily with The Justice Team, and is sent out as a bodyguard/security for Fallyn.

As Fallyn’s investigation starts turning up info that someone is willing to repeatedly break in to try to get, they turn up the heat to get to the bottom of this mystery.  Will they discover who murdered her sister and why?  And will this hot, sexy attraction between Fallyn & Tony lead to a future for the two of them?

ARC received from Author

** Blog Tour / Book Review ** TOUCHED BY LOVE by Melissa Foster



In Book 6 of The Remingtons series, Melissa Foster takes us on a journey of finding love when you least expect it and allowing yourself to heal and blossom after suffering life’s injustices.  The characters are fun and super easy to connect with, and in no time, you’re right there invested in if they make it or not!

Firefighter Boyd Hudson happens to be in the right place at the right time to lend his friend Janie a hand when she has an accident that hinders her being able to get around the way she likes to. She’s forced to lean on him for support, and he’s forced to admit the attraction he’s felt for her since the first day he laid eyes on her.

Fiercely independent Janie Jansen knows that there are way bigger things in life than being blind, and she works hard to prove it to those around her.  She loves and enjoys life and her freedom, and doesn’t think highly of being sidelined in any way.  She has to work at letting Boyd help her when she needs it.

Before they know it, they are falling hard and fast and can’t imagine their lives without each other, but will they each be able to get over their own demons in order to accept the love the other one has to give?

ARC received from Tasty Book Tours



Touched by Love
Love in Bloom: The Remingtons #6
By: Melissa Foster

Released May 18, 2016
World Literary Press
Fiercely independent Janie Jansen has always believed there were worse things in life than being blind, and she’s spent her life proving it. She’s moved away from her overprotective parents, built a life in New York City, and is one of the top technical editors in her company. That is, until an unfortunate accident turns her life upside down and she’s forced to give up the very independence she’s worked so hard to achieve.

Firefighter Boyd Hudson pushed past his tragic past and is weeks away from accomplishing his ultimate dream—being accepted into medical school. His intense focus on his goal while working three jobs has taken its toll. With a trail of failed relationships behind him, Boyd is painstakingly aware of his limitations and avoids girlfriends completely—a difficult task given his attraction to one of his co-workers.

When Boyd comes to Janie’s rescue, she’s forced to accept his help, and Janie discovers there’s more to the sexy-sounding office flirt than one-liners. Their connection deepens as Janie heals, but it turns out that Janie isn’t the only one who needs healing. Boyd’s painful past comes back to haunt him, threatening their relationship and forcing Boyd to reevaluate everything he knows about himself.

Buy Links:  Amazon | B & N | GooglePlay | iTunes | Kobo


Melissa Author Photo (2)

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes contemporary romance, new adult, contemporary women’s fiction, suspense, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Her books have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the World Literary Café and Fostering Success. When she’s not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on Fostering Success. Melissa has been published in Calgary’s Child Magazine, the Huffington Post, and Women Business Owners magazine.

Melissa hosts an Aspiring Authors contest for children and has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Melissa lives in Maryland with her family.

Visit Melissa on social media. Melissa enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups, and welcomes an invitation to your event.


Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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** Book Review ** NATIVE BORN by Jenna Kernan

Native Born


In this final book of the Apache Protectors series, Jenna Kernan brings us the story of Clyne, the strict, serious Cosen brother, and the family’s fight to get their little sister back into the family.  I really enjoyed hearing more about the back story of their family, and culture and seeing all four brothers come together to embrace and protect their own!

FBI field agent Cassidy Walker isn’t happy to be assigned to protect the man who is trying to take her daughter from her, but she’s always been one to do her job and do it well.  She will keep Apache Tribal Couciller, Clyne Cosen safe if it’s the last thing she does!

Clyne Cosen never appreciates having feds on his reservation, and he appreciates this particular woman even less!  He’s been battling her in court for months to try to get access to get to know their little sister who has been missing from them for years.

As they spend time together and sparks fly, will they ignore their attraction and continue their feud, or will they open their eyes to the connection that’s spinning around them?

ARC received from Author

** Book Review ** ONE NIGHT, TWIN CONSEQUENCES by Annie O’Neil

One Night, Twin Consequences


With a fun sass to her writing style, Annie O’Neil immerses us into the lives of her characters and takes us on a whirlwind trip to finding love!

Dr. Matteo Torres has dedicated his life to helping orphans and young mother’s in his home country.  When he visits a hospital in London in hopes of receiving funding to expand his facility, he meets nurse Harriet Monticello.

Harriet is a shy, work-oriented person, and enjoys making her facility run smoothly.  When her boss and Matteo put the idea out there that she should visit Buenos Aires to decide if they should fund the new project, she is torn.  She loves her job and doesn’t want to be away for a second, but Matteo is HOT and she would follow him anywhere!

Can Harriet manage to get past the walls Matteo has erected around his heart, or will she only be banging her head into them in trying to reach him?

ARC received from Author/VA

** Book Review ** THE GIRL HE USED TO LOVE by Amy Vastine

The Girl He Used to Love

4 1/2 STARS!

In this first book of a new series “Grace Note Records”, Amy Vastine introduces us to the town of Grass Lake, Tennessee.  She weaves the townsfolk, culture and traditions into a cozy place that calls to us to grab a rocking chair on the front porch and settle in to enjoy!  I really liked Dean and Faith’s story and look forward to reading this series again.

Dean Presley never intended to return home to Grass Lake, TN.  The fear of all the memories living there kept him away for years.  It’s only the bad luck of traffic leading him off the main highway on his way back to Nashville, combined with a flat tire that has him walking into the local bar & grill looking for help.

Faith Stratton never thought she’d see that face again.  It’s been years since Dean walked out on their young love and left her behind.  The shock of seeing him again brings back a flood of memories.

Dean is stuck in town for awhile and forced to address the past with Faith.  They eventually find some peace, but future trouble brews on the horizon.  Dean needs to sign her talented brother to his floundering record label, or he will probably go under … but at the same time, Faith needs Sawyer to continue helping her run their horse therapy farm.  Can they find their way to a happy ending?

ARC received from the Author.