** Book Review ** THE DOCTOR’S FORBIDDEN FLING by Karin Baine

The Doctor's Forbidden Fling


A sexy doctor reunites with his childhood best friend/crush and sparks ignite!  A fun take on “the help falling for the royal” grabs our attention and takes us on a journey of redemption and everlasting love.

When Violet Dempsey is called home due to family illness, she makes the trek back to the royal life she left a dozen years ago.  Upon arriving, she runs into the boy she left behind all those years ago.

Cardiologist Nate Taylor never knew why Violet left, but it turned him cynical about love and thoughts of happily ever after when she basically threw his feelings back in his face by walking away without a word.  He’s risen above his upbringing as the son of the servants, and has done well for himself.

Fighting their attraction doesn’t work very well for the two of them, and when they discover they have a little surprise on the way, how will they decide to deal with it?  Will she decide to run for the hills again or will he convince her she’s worthy of the love he has always had for her?

ARC received from Author/VA.


** Book Review ** LUCY & THE LIEUTENANT by Helen Lacey

Lucy & the Lieutenant


In this second book in her “The Cedar River Cowboys” series, Helen Lacey brings us a sweet story revolving around a battle weary Army vet and his girl-next-door!  She weaves a great tale centering on the horror still living inside this wounded soul’s mind and how the power of love goes a long way in achieving some healing.

Dr. Lucy Monero has been crushing on Brant Parker since she was the teenage girl next door.  He barely knew she existed, but she went on to college, med school, and to live her life, with thoughts of him always in the back of her mind.

Brant spent years in the Army and then suddenly he was out and back in town.  He knew Lucy was interested in him, but he just wanted to be alone and ignored her often … until the day came that she would no longer let him ignore her anymore.

Will Brant be able to dig his way through his demons to open his heart to living again?  And will Lucy finally get that happily-ever-after she’s been dreaming about for so long?

ARC received from the Author/VA.

** Book Review ** WHEN I FOUND YOU by Kate James

When I Found You


In Book 3 in The K-9 Trilogy, Kate James brings Logan O’Connor’s story to life!  We met him as the K-9 Unit Captain in both Cal and Rick’s stories previously, but now we get to see a softer side of him.  We delve into his family history, his connection with Boomer, and get to watch the mighty Jagger fall hard for a special lady.  I really enjoyed Logan & Ariana!

Ariana Atkins has only been Chief of Security at the San Diego International Airport for a short time now, and all of a sudden there is a rash of security breaches happening.  Is someone out to get her?  Or could she be involved somehow?

Logan O’Connor is filling in as the liaison for his K-9 unit and explosive threats at the airport.  He and his canine partner, Boomer, are leading the search into finding out how these security breaches are happening and who could possibly be the culprit.  He’s falling hard and fast for Ariana, so he’s not willing to believe she has anything to do with it … even if evidence keeps pointing the finger her way.

ARC received from the author.

** Book Review ** THE PRINCE AND THE MIDWIFE by Robin Gianna

The Prince and the Midwife


In Book 5 of The Hollywood Hills Clinic series, Robin Gianna takes us on a discovery of love when you least expect it, and how a heart of gold can find happiness again after loss.

Dr. Rafael Moreno may be a close friend of the higher ups in The Hollywood Hills Clinic, and he may even be royalty, but that doesn’t stop midwife Gabriella Cain from fuming when he comes in and takes over her department!  Who does this arrogant man think he is?

As they work side-by-side with a high profile patient, the sparks fly between the Prince and the midwife and it isn’t long before they start to fall for each other!  Will they get their happily ever after after secrets are exposed?

** Book Review ** GOOD GIRL by Lauren Layne

Good Girl


I loved the characters, I loved the background of the story, and I laughed out loud a few times at the interaction between them… but over-all, it just was not one of my favs that I’ve read by Lauren.  There just seemed to be some depth missing somewhere there.  I’d still recommend it as a fun read when you want to enjoy a little humor and some fun sex scenes, it’s just not in my top 5 favs by her or anything.

Jenny Dawson is catching her stride in Nashville with her most current album hitting double platinum, when scandal hits and she’s being bombarded by the press.  She decides to get away from it all for awhile and work on writing the songs for her next album in a place she had visited years ago in Louisiana.

Noah Maxwell has lived a sort of combined double life for years now.  He’s been poor and he’s been rich but right now he just wants to get away from his own troubles for awhile. He knows he should tell Jenny who he really is when she mistakes him for the caretaker where she’s staying, but he’s enjoying the simple life for a change.

When she finds out the brooding common guy she’s falling for is actually Preston Noah Maxwell Walcott, an insanely rich guy, will she be able to forgive his deception?

ARC received from NetGalley

** Blog Tour / Book Review ** THE FIREFIGHTER’S REFRAIN by Loree Lough

The Firefighter's Refrain


A couple of loners with huge hearts connect and enjoy getting to know each other!

Sam Marshall cared enough about his music to move to Nashville to chase the dream a few years ago, but he has never lost his connection to his family back in Colorado, nor his passion to help others through teaching at the fire academy.

Finn Leary has been taking care of life for longer than she can remember thanks to her dreamer parents.  If she never came across another head-in-the-clouds musician in her life it wouldn’t hurt her feelings a bit.

When Sam meets Finn at her cafe, he’s instantly drawn to her.  When he hears she’s not up on musicians, he tries to keep his distance, but he can’t help but like her and her adorable kid sis.  Can he convince her that he’s not a bad guy and worthy of her taking a chance on him?

**  ARC received from Prism Book Tours  **



On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

The Firefighter's Refrain (Those Marshall Boys, #3)The Firefighter’s Refrain
(Those Marshal Boys, #3)
by Loree Lough
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 pages (large print)
May 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He’s a man who wants it all…if only he could have it….

Dreams of stardom took musician and firefighter Sam Marshall far from his Colorado roots. Starting fresh in Nashville hasn’t been easy, especially after an injury on the job, but he’s working his way to the Grand Ole Opry one open mike at a time, teaching at the fire station to make ends meet. Yet Sam’s intentions are shaken when he meets the lovely owner of a local café. Suddenly, Sam’s dreams are filled with her. Too bad that as the daughter of country-music wannabes, Finn Leary’s been there, done that. She’ll never choose a musician. So how can Sam possibly get the girl and keep the guitar?

Other Books in the Series

Once a Marine

Once a Marine
(Those Marshal Boys, #1)
by Loree Lough
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 377 pages (large print)
February 1st 2015 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Does she even need a hero?

Summer Lane is no damsel in distress. For the past two years, she’s been battling her way back from her worst nightmare, all by herself. So she doesn’t need the fabulous former Marine Zach Marshall swooping in to save her.

But she needn’t worry. Zach has hung up his shining armor. His instinct to rescue has only brought him heartache, and he’s not about to risk it all again–even though everything about Summer makes him yearn to help.

Will she accept his challenge to step up and conquer her fears on her own–even her deepest fears, like trust…and love?

** Book Review ** HEART BREAKER by Erin McCarthy

Heart Breaker


I liked the characters of this book, and I enjoyed what there was to it, but I wanted more. More background into the lives they hint about growing up with, more depth to their relationship other than just a few days of making up and breaking up, etc.  I would recommend it for a quick fun read at the beach.

Jolene Hart is a singer/songwriter in Nashville who had a very public break-up with her boyfriend a few months ago.  Now her manager is pestering her to get back to work writing the next album … only problem is, her songwriting partner and fellow duo performer is Chase Rivers, her EX!

Chase grew up in the fold of Nashville songwriting and it’s in his blood.  He doesn’t care so much about the getting famous part though.  He’s happy to be behind the scenes pumping the songs out.

When they agree to go away for a week to a secluded to cabin to work on writing together again, it turns into a free-for-all of fighting, then making up, then fighting some more!

ARC received via NetGalley.

** Book Review ** THE GROWING SEASON, PT 3: A TIME TO REAP by Leigh Duncan

The Growing Season Part 3


This third and final part to The Growing Season was touching!  These three siblings lost the mother they all adored to breast cancer, and it all seemed destined that they were falling apart afterwards.

Ann had held things together for as long as she could during their Mom’s battle, and then she basically was ready to wash her hands of the turmoil and resign herself to a life of simply existing … until things start to change in her life!

Cass was off the rails more than ever before with her pill addiction, and wouldn’t admit it, much less ask for help … until a bottom of the barrel epiphany finally makes her see the light of a brighter tomorrow!

Chuck had closed himself off and was on the verge of losing everything he wanted out of life if he couldn’t simply be honest about all that he felt and all that he wanted … and when he took the chance, everything started to roll into place!

This three part book was a pleasure to read.  It brought pain, loss, love and laughter to life between it’s pages.  A bittersweet loss … turned into a stronger than ever family.

ARC received from author.

** Book Review ** GHOST DANCE by Catherine Gayle

Ghost Dance


A gut-wrenching story of being on top of the world, but stupidly making a mistake that rips it all away in the blink of an eye!  A story of guilt, of punishment, and of redemption.

Dmitri Nazarenko was in his glory that night all those years ago when his team won the Stanley Cup.  It’s what a hockey player prays for, and he was lucky enough to be granted his wish … but what his mistakes that night cost someone close to him will forever haunt him.

Dima still plays hockey, now for the Tulsa Thunderbirds, but he is a different man.  He is surly and gruff, covered in tattoos and a beard to hide behind.

London Hawke has overcome her own trials in life, so when she sees Dima wasting his life on guilt, it really pushes her buttons.  She makes it her mission to get in his face and make him see things differently for awhile.  The fire that rages between them when they start sparring with one another burns even hotter when their dance turns physical.  Will she be able to get through to him and show him that living half a life isn’t truly living at all, or will he push her away so many times that she doesn’t even try anymore?

ARC received from author.

** Blog Tour / Book Review ** DOG COLLAR COUTURE by Adrienne Giordano

Dog Collar Couture


I adore Lucie Rizzo and her shenanigans!  This was another great book filled with her quirky life of business, family & love in the making.  I hope this isn’t the end, because I really want to see more of her enjoying life with Tim!

In her normal way, Lucie stumbles across trouble while out walking one of her dog clients. She may have witnessed a theft of a million dollar piece of film history, but no one is accepting the little bit that she can tell them and is making her out to be the number one suspect!

Her boyfriend Tim O’Brien, AKA Detective O’Hottie, has to walk a fine line of doing his job in investigating, and trying to keep Lucie out of trouble for simply being in the area.  Bring her best friend Ro, her brother Joey and her newly paroled mob boss father into the mix to try to clear her name and you have a comedy of errors bound to happen!



Title:                            Dog Collar Couture
Series:                         Lucie Rizzo Mysteries
Author:                       Adrienne Giordano

Release Date:           May 10, 2016
Publisher:                 SilverHart Publishing
Genre:                        Mystery

Buy Links:                 Amazon / iBooks / Barnes & Noble / Kobo



Mafia princess turned canine couturier Lucie Rizzo knows dogs are woman’s best friend. Thanks to her fashion-forward four-legged clients, Lucie’s dog walking/designer pet accessory business is booming. And for once her love life isn’t far behind.

Lucie devotes her days to building the Coco Barknell brand, but her nights are all about roguishly sexy Tim O’Brien. At least they will be if she and Detective O’Hottie finally take their relationship to the next level. But bring an Irish cop home to her mobster father? Fuggetaboutit.

Lucie’s knack for finding trouble lands her in the doghouse—and on the six o’clock news. Someone’s absconded with a million-dollar piece of cinematic costume history, with Lucie the only witness to the crime. Not to mention the prime suspect. To clear her name, she’ll need an assist from her entire wacky crew: friends, family…and future (hopefully) lover.


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Dog Collar Couture – Excerpt 3 – May 13, 2016

(Follow the tour to read a different part of the excerpt each day, as they are all part of Chapter One and in chronological order. You can find the list of blogs participating here: http://bit.ly/1pTuXGH.)


Now she was a pro and whipped out her card to anyone with even a passing interest. Her growing bank account helped inspire this newfound aggressiveness.

Estelle took the card. “Thank you. I have a little guy at home myself. A mutt, but the cutest darned thing. Maybe I’ll buy him a collar or something.”

“Sure. Check out our Web site. If there’s something you see, let me know, and I’ll drop it by next time I walk Fin.”

“Oh, that’d be great. Thank you.”

Finally, Estelle bent over and gave Fin a good rub.

“Stay, Fin,” Lucie warned.

Please don’t let him launch. With Fin, she never knew. One second he’d be calm and the next—airborne.

But, lookie here, he stayed put. He’d definitely get a treat for that.

“Good boy, Finnie!”

Lucie pulled out another treat. Peanut butter this time. Although the carob seemed to be his favorite.

He made a move to jump, but Lucie tightened her hold on the leash. “Stay.”

“Well, now I’ve made a new friend.” Estelle gave him one last pat. “I’ll be sure to look out for you now, Fin.”

“He loves people,” Lucie said. A little too much.

“I see that. It was lovely meeting you, Lucie.” She held up the card. “I’ll check out your Web site.”


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Giordano Author Photo (1)


USA Today bestselling author Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and mystery.  She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane’s Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction.

Connect with Adrienne:  Website / Newsletter / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads / Street Team


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 There are two giveaways on this tour – one is a $20.00 Gift Card plus a Swag Pack from Adrienne and the second is a $20.00 Gift Card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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May 10, 2016

SOS Aloha
Long and Short Reviews
Romance Junkies
Recommended Romance

May 11, 2016

Harlie’s Books
Just The Write Stuff

May 12, 2016

Thoughts of a Blonde
The Book Beacon
Blogging By Liza

May 13, 2016

Cricket’s Chirps
Em & M Books

May 14, 2016

Lush Book Reviews
StoreyBook Reviews
Nicole’s Book Musings

May 15, 2016

Becky on Books
So Many Reads

May 16, 2016

Renee Entress’ Blog
The Romance Dish

May 17, 2016

C.K. Crouch
Nerdy Dirty & Flirty