Book Review -A FAMILY AFTER ALL by Kathy Altman



I really enjoyed reading this book.  The writing style is rich and filled with many emotions to take you along on the journey of each character you meet.  I felt sad when reading about the past, I felt hopeful for the future, I grinned and chuckled at their witty dialogue with each other.  It was nice to see a few familiar faces from previous Castle Creek adventures.

Ivy Millbrook runs a dairy farm in Castle Creek, PA.  She’s spent the past year flirting with the owner of Tweedy’s Feed & Seed, trying to get him into her bed.

Seth Walker is a single father of two and isn’t looking for casual.  He doesn’t want to sneak around, but won’t parade anyone temporary into his kids’ lives.  But he can’t deny the attraction he has for Ivy.  Every time they are around each other, it’s filled with hot flirting and torment.

When Ivy has a sudden need of help at the farm, Seth is there to lend a hand even though it inconveniences him and his kids.  While they are working together and getting to know each other better, will they decide to actually date or will Ivy continue to push commitment away?

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Reviewing … DOG COLLAR CRIME by Adrienne Giordano



Such a cute, quirky mystery!  Can’t wait to see what happens in Book 2!

Lucie Rizzo is an out of work investment banker.  When she lost her job, she had to tuck her tail and run back home in order to save money until she can find another job.  She hates living at home and being right in the middle of the mob drama her family thrives on.  She just wants to be out on her own where everyone doesn’t think of her as a mob princess when they hear her last name.

Frankie Falcone is Lucie’s on again/off again boyfriend/wanna-be fiance. Right now they are OFF, but with all the support he’s showing her with her temporary dog-walking & dog accessory making jobs, she’s considering giving it another try.

When the dogs she walks start getting dognapped right under her nose, they have to scramble to figure out who’s doing it, and why before another dog is taken.

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BOOK REVIEW – Special Forces Savior – Janie Crouch



Loved Derek & Molly!

Omega Sector agent Derek Waterman feels like he’s finally closing in on some evidence that will lead him to the masterminds behind a recent terrorist act.  He rushes to get Dr. Molly Humphries to help him analyze the data.

Molly is the lead forensic scientist for Omega and has been crushing on Derek for years.  When she’s kidnapped because of the evidence he has her trying to process, Derek has to admit how much he cares about her too.

Will they be able to bring down the enemy before they do more destruction?

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BOOK REVIEW – Forgotten Promises – Jessica Lemmon



Our introduction to Tucker leaves us with the impression that he is dark and brooding, but as his story unfolds, you see the true man and ache to hug away his pain.

Tucker Noscalo is fresh out of prison, and eager to settle a score with Baybrook’s Chief of Police, his dear old Dad.  He needs to obtain the proof he needs to convince people of his ugly truth.

Morgan Young is celebrating her 21st birthday, but it quickly turns into her wanting to drown her sorrows … and then she runs into Tucker at a convenience store.  She knew him from high school when he stepped in to rescue her from a bad situation one day, and she wonders if she should invite him to take her mind off of her current dilemma.

Tucker recognizes Morgan, and knows she is the daughter of the best lawyer in town.  He has to get her to convince her Dad to help him and he’s willing to do anything he has to in order to achieve that goal.

When Morgan learns of Tucker’s past, will she be able to help him?  And will the emotionally scarred ex-con ever be able to see a future with “daddy’s little princess”?

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BOOK REVIEW – Unbuttoning the CEO – Mia Sosa



Great chemistry!

CEO Ethan Hill gets sentenced to community service for reckless driving and chooses to do his work at Learn to Net.  His new, temporary, boss is Graciela Ramirez.  The board of directors insists he keeps the info quiet, so he goes in incognito.

Attraction flies between them and soon they decide to have a no strings affair while he is there working off his sentence.

When Gracie finds out who he really is, will she be able to forgive his deceit?  And will they decide to extend their “no strings” arrangement?

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BOOK REVIEW – Protecting His Assets – J.K. Coi



I enjoyed these characters!  You don’t think they are going to click very well, but the chemistry between them quickly shows you how wrong you are.  Even though they are very different, they make a nice team!

Steve Nolan, CEO is receiving threatening notes and emails.  He blows them off as nothing, but when his partner becomes aware, he insists that he needs a bodyguard.

April Porter thinks she is immune to sexy, charming men like Steve, but when she gets to know him and sees what a nice guy he actually is, she learns that she doesn’t have her heart guarded quite as much as she thought she did.

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BLOG TOUR / BOOK REVIEW – The Marriage Contract -Katee Robert


3 1/2 STARS!

Teague O’Malley is NOT happy when his father insists he is going to marry Callista Sheridan in order to bring together an alliance of their families.  Once he sets eyes on her and sees the bruises around her neck, he decides to take her under his wing and make sure no one ever hurts her again.

Callie is drawn to Teague from the first moment she sets eyes on him.  She’s knows his family is bad, but she can’t resist his appeal.

Will their families survive a union?

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 by Katee Robert

When Teague O’ Malley and Callista Sheridan are ordered to marry they soon realize that there is much more at stake than money. Fans of Jackie Ashenden’s Make You and Kresley Cole’s The Master, Unexpected, will devour the super steamy and fast paced first book, The Marriage Contract in the O’ Malley series by NYT and USA Today Bestselling Author Katee Robert.

Series: The O’Malley Series #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: Paperback- December 22, 2015 Digital- June 2, 2015
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing- Forever



Teague O’Malley hates pretty much everything associated with his family’s name. And when his father orders him to marry Callista Sheridan to create a “business” alliance, Teague’s ready to tell his dad exactly where he can stuff his millions. But then Teague actually meets his new fiancée, sees the bruises on her neck and the fight still left in her big blue eyes, and he decides he will do everything in his power to protect her.

Everyone knows the O’Malleys have a dangerous reputation. But Callie wasn’t aware of just what that meant until she saw Teague, the embodiment of lethal grace and coiled power. His slightest touch sizzles through her. The closer they get, though, the more trouble they’re in. Because Callie’s keeping a dark secret—and what Teague doesn’t know could get him killed.


Get More information at: Goodreads  | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes



“Any other untoward habits I should know about in my future wife?” Future wife. Fuck if he didn’t love the sound of that, especially when it meant that four short weeks from now, Callie would be his. It was a savage thought, but he couldn’t shake it. Or deny exactly how much he wanted it.

“I love old movies.” That brought his attention back around to her, a moth to her flame. She twisted a lock of her blond hair around her finger. “If it has Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, or Audrey Hepburn in it, then I own it and have watched it entirely too many times to admit in public.”

He could see that. There was something about Callie that brought to mind the glamour and grace of actresses from that time period. He took a drink of his whiskey, enjoying the ease of their conversation. It didn’t matter that he’d convinced her to come out tonight in order to stop a war he was beginning to get the feeling there was no way to stop. Hell, he liked her. “I’d like us to be clear on something.”


“This”—he motioned between them—“is a date.”

She gave him a look like she wasn’t sure if he was joking or not. “Okay…”

“Which means that we’re going to eat, and after that, I’m going to walk you to your car.” He leaned forward, crowding her a little. “Then I’m going to kiss you.”

Her eyes went wide. “And if I don’t want you to?”

He didn’t so much as twitch, because she looked like she was torn between bolting and actually liking the idea. He wanted to point out that, reasons for initiating it aside, she’d sure as fuck enjoyed their kiss in the alley. Not to mention the fact that they were getting married in a month, but that wasn’t a threat he was willing to utter. Neither of them had chosen this pairing, no matter how well they seemed to get along right now, and he couldn’t go into this expecting a certain outcome. But he could hope—and he could stack the deck in his favor as much as possible. “Do you?”

“I…” Her mouth opened and then closed, as if reconsidering whatever her knee-jerk reaction had been. “Yes.”

His breath left him in a whoosh. He’d thought she was just as interested as he was, but there was always the risk of miscommunication. No longer. Now he knew exactly where Callie stood. She wanted him, whether she was comfortable with the feeling or not. He took her hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of her knuckles. “In that case, I hope you’re hungry, because here comes our food.”



Katee Robert.04.205px.png (1)

New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Katee Robert learned to tell her stories at her grandpa’s knee. She found romance novels at age twelve and it changed her life. When not writing sexy contemporary and speculative fiction romance novels, she spends her time playing imaginary games with her wee ones, driving her husband batty with what-if questions, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.  Connect with Katee at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Google + | GoodReads | Instagram | Tumblr | Youtube



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RELEASE BLAST / BOOK REVIEW – Harvest Moon – Sharon Struth



I enjoyed this book even more than the last one in the series!  It was nice to see Duncan and Sophie again after enjoying them in Share The Moon, but I really enjoyed meeting his brother Trent.  There’s just something about two injured souls finding each other that pulls at the heartstrings, so having him find Veronica was really comforting to read.

Trent Jamieson has had a dramatic life, but he’s finally coming into himself and finding that he’s happier being himself and living an honest life.  He has moved closer to his brother to take a new job for a Vineyard they are starting up, he has an interesting friendship with someone he met on-line, and he’s looking forward to the future.

Veronica Sussingham is a haunted soul due to past happenings in her life, so she has been leading a plain, unfulfilling life where she can feel safe and comfortable.  She has felt the first excitement in her life in many years by chatting with a guy online for the past 6 months.  He really gets her.  Then in walks Trent to add to the excitement with his sexy smile and glimmer in his eyes each time he teases her.

When they put two and two together and realize that they not only like each other in real life, but they are looking at the person that has been sharing their life with them virtually for months, will they be happy with who they see in front of them?

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Harvest Moon
Blue Moon Lake #2
By: Sharon Struth
Releasing December 22, 2015
Lyrical Shine



 Getting past the librarian’s guard…

Trent Jamieson isn’t one for virtual romance, but there’s something about the intriguing woman he meets on the Internet he can’t resist. Then the small town bachelor discovers the mystery woman who shares her secrets with him online is the laced-up librarian in his self-defense class! Veronica Sussingham may just be his toughest student yet. Because how can he show the vulnerable beauty that some men areworth letting your guard down for?

Veronica returned to her hometown seeking shelter for her shattered spirit. The last thing she needs is a blue-eyed charmer who wants to show her how to live—and love—again. Then she discovers Trent is not just another admirer, but a man who knows her deepest secrets. Now Veronica must choose between running from her past—or finding future happiness with the kind of man she swore she’d never fall for….


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This kiss. Oh, this heavenly kiss. Veronica patted herself on the back for pushing aside her first instinct to remove Jim’s hands from her waist in a public place. The way he’d whispered “sexy” drove a warm blast straight to the core of her belly.

This time when they kissed, his mouth molded perfectly to hers, not his usual awkward preamble. He was strong and demanding, yet not too pushy. His relaxed lips lulled her into a quick surrender, a surrender she strangely didn’t mind at all.

His hand slipped to the back of her head, and she sighed into his mouth, wishing this kiss would never end. Slowly and surely, however, he pulled away, but she kept her eyes closed, clinging to the sensation a few seconds longer as his breath landed near her ear.

“God, baby,” he said, low and husky. “I can’t wait to get out of here with you later.”

Not. Jim’s. Voice.

Her eyes flashed open. She slapped her palms to the stranger’s chest, pushed him away. “What the hell!”

He stumbled back a few steps, his mouth agape and brows furrowed. “You’re not Angie.”

“Well, you’re not Jim! How dare you touch—”

“Calm down. I thought you were my date.” He blinked a few times. “Hey, I know you. From—”

“The elevator.” Her head spun as she stared into his crystal blue eyes. His gaze swept her from head to toe, making his dark lashes flutter. “Thank God you kept your lips to yourself then.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” His smiled dropped. “I’d never do that to a stranger.” With a slight cock of his head, a grin creased his cheeks and he lowered his voice. “Although I’m pretty sure we both enjoyed what just happened.”

Her face burned, as if set on fire. “How dare you suggest that I—”

“Hey! You guys are early.” Sophie entered the bar area, Duncan in tow.

Veronica tried to speak but found herself more flabbergasted when Sophie walked right up to Hotlips and they hugged. “Hi, Trent.”

Veronica pinched herself in a bid to wake from this surreal dream. Before she could gather her bearings, Duncan surrounded her in one of his big bear hugs. “Ronnie, you look beautiful. New dress?”

She blinked, nodded.

Sophie came over and hugged Veronica. “You okay?” she whispered in Veronica’s ear.

“I’m fine. Happy birthday.” From over Sophie’s shoulder, Trent watched them. Veronica narrowed her gaze, but he only grinned, like the devil might if he learned your biggest secret.

Duncan slung an arm around Trent’s shoulders. “I see you’ve met my brother.”

“Yes. I have.” The heat of her cheeks still simmered.

Trent winked in her direction, and a sizzling blast assaulted every inch of her skin.

“Pearls made me feel right at home.”

“Pearl? That’s not my name.”

“Pearls,” he corrected, an extra emphasis on the s. “Like your necklace.”

She reached up and touched the smooth, hard jewels near her collarbone. A few other guests arrived and snagged Sophie and Duncan’s attention. While she clutched the hard beads and tried to digest what just went down, she glanced at Trent. He watched her closely, but a playful twinkle in his eyes suggested the case-of-mistaken-identity kiss hadn’t upset him a bit.





“Heart-tugging small town romance with real emotion. Struth is an author to watch!” —Laura Drake, author of RITA-award winning The Sweet Spot

Sharon Struth is an award-winning author who believes it’s never too late for a second chance in love or life. When she’s not writing, she and her husband happily sip their way through the scenic towns of the Connecticut Wine Trail. Sharon writes from the small town of Bethel, Connecticut, the friendliest place she’s ever lived. For more information, including where to find her other novels and published essays, please visit her website.


Author Links:  Website | Blog Facebook Twitter | GoodReads




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BOOK REVIEW – Undercover Justice – Misty Evans / Adrienne Giordano



A quick, sassy read.  The chemistry between Mitch & Caroline makes the book!  They are fun and sexy together.

Caroline Foster is on her way to Vegas to take part in a bachelor dating reality show.  Her boyfriend Mitch Monroe is along for the ride.

Members of the Justice Team, an off-the-books operation filled with former FBI agents among others, they are trying to locate the missing daughter of a US Senator who was a contestant on the reality show and suddenly went missing after partying with some of the bachelors.  Caroline is going in undercover and Mitch is along as her back-up … until he sees the get-up they have her in and finagles himself onto the show as well.

Will Mitch be able to keep himself in check as he watches man after man paw all over Caroline?  Will they be able to track down the missing girl before it’s too late?

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BOOK REVIEW – Can’t Hold Back – Serena Bell



A sweet “finding your way back to each other no matter what” type of story.

Alia Drake met Nate Riordan years ago at a get-together at a friend’s house.  She felt sparks and was intrigued by getting to know him better, but instead she introduced him to her sister who was there with her, and stepped back to let her lil’ sis have the nice guy.  Things ended poorly, and hard feelings were felt from some secrets that were kept.

Fast forward to a couple of years later, and Alia is helping out her friend Jake with his rehab retreat when Nate walks in the door as her patient. Can she get through to him and convince him that her physical therapy can help him manage his pain?  Will their time together give them time to get over past hurts?  And when they admit to how they feel, can there be a future for the two of them even after all of the past they share?

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