BLOG TOUR / BOOK REVIEW – Compromising Her Position – Samanthe Beck



A fun, sexy read that came at just the right time to get me into the Christmas spirit and wishing I could see a hot Santa like Rafe standing near a supply closet! 🙂

Chelsea Wayne has just finished a project that went well and is celebrating at the company Christmas party.  When Santa, who she thinks is her boyfriend Paul, walks by, she grabs him and ducks into a supply closet to “celebrate”!

Rafe St. Sebastian is at the party to announce the takeover of Las Ventanas into the St. Sebastian Luxury Resorts family  and lets some of his people talk him into arriving as Santa.  Imagine his surprise when he’s given the bonus of Chelsea wrapping her body around his in the closet!

Chelsea has lots of surprises that night, and winds up helping Rafe with some business at another location, where they decide to have fun while they work together.  Only when it’s time to walk away, neither of them wants to, but won’t speak up and tell the other how they feel.  Will they walk away instead of risking their pride?

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Compromising Her Position
a Compromise Me Novel
By: Samanthe Beck
Releasing November 16, 2015
Entangled Brazen



A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

He’s not who she expected, but he’s exactly the man she needs…

When Chelsea Wayne drags Santa into a supply closet for a little office party nookie, she assumes the man in the suit is her on-again/off-again coworker boyfriend. Instead, it’s Rafe St. Sebastian, a man known for his hard-driving ways in business as well as the bedroom–and, kill her now, the brand spanking new owner of Las Ventanas–who grants her naughtiest Christmas wishes.

So much for her reputation, not to mention her career.

Rafe needs to close three acquisitions to prove to his father he’s ready to take the helm of St. Sebastian Enterprises. A hot interlude in a supply closet after deal number two seems like the perfect illicit Christmas bonus. Unfortunately, when that “bonus” becomes the key to the final deal, he finds himself back in bed–so to speak–with Chelsea, and after their steamy tryst, he’s not interested in keeping things professional


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“There is nothing personal between us.”

“I beg to differ. In fact, I’m fairly certain I know your deepest, darkest secret.”

“I sincerely doubt that.”

He brought his mouth to her ear. “You knew I wasn’t Paul.”

“No.” The denial, though immediate, sounded slightly breathless, slightly desperate.

She had to have at least suspected, at some point. He refused to believe otherwise. “Not at first. But when I had you clinging to the tables, trembling so hard you could barely stand? You knew.”

“You-you’re delusional. If I’d realized you weren’t Paul, don’t you think I would have stopped you?”

“No. By the time you realized, you didn’t care.” The crowd around them erupted into a countdown.

Ten… He cupped her jaw in one hand…
Nine… and slid the other down her back. Then lower. Eight… “You didn’t care about anything except my tongue tracing the path of your thong”—he let his fingers do the honor now—“all the way down until I could taste your sweet, throbbing little—”

“I thought you were Paul!” Her wide eyes darted to his, pupils huge.

Five… “Remember how you used your body to beg for more? There’s no f-ing way you’ve ever begged like that for Paul Barrington. No f-ing way. I could have you begging again.”

Her breathing came in quick, shallow pants. The hands she’d rested lightly on his shoulders tightened, bunching his jacket in a white-knuckled grip. She shook her head. “Not going to happen.”

Three… He was risking getting his face slapped in the middle of a dance floor on New Year’s Eve, but he didn’t care. For some inexcusable reason, he needed to know she wanted him, not Barrington.

Two… He spread his palm over the perfect curve of her ass and hauled her against him, so she’d feel just how well he remembered every damn detail of their last meeting.


“It’s not?” he challenged, and then crushed her lips under his.

Cheers of “Happy New Year” echoed around them over the strains of “Auld Lang Syne.” A flotilla of black and silver balloons sailed down from the ceiling. Guests laughed, and sang, and jostled them while he kissed her. Sparkly, star- shaped confetti rained over everyone and everything, and he kept right on kissing her. Her arms twined around his neck. Her lips parted. She flattened one hand against the back of his head and held on. When he bent her over his arm and swept his tongue into her soft, yielding mouth, she wrapped her leg around his hip. The heat of her body practically seared his thigh through his tuxedo pants.

He trapped her lower lip between his teeth and nibbled. There went his no biting promise, but her shuddery moan told him she didn’t mind.

The song ended. The house lights came up a few notches. He slowly drew her upright, and even more slowly relinquished her mouth. She stared up at him, dazed, her lips plumped from their kiss.

“You’re a terrible liar, Miss Wayne.”

Giving her a grin he hoped didn’t reveal how much the move cost him, he walked away.




Author Info

Wine lover, sleep fanatic, and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy contemporary romance novels, Samanthe Beck lives in Malibu, California, with her long-suffering but extremely adorable husband and their turbo-son, Hud. Throw in a furry ninja named Kitty and Bebe the trash talking Chihuahua and you get the whole, chaotic picture.

When not clinging to sanity by her fingernails or dreaming up fun, fan-your-cheeks sexy ways to get her characters to happily-ever-afters, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads







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RELEASE BLAST / BOOK REVIEW – Dirty Little Lies – Cassie Cross


Dirty Little Lies
Dirty Little #2
By: Cassie Cross
Releasing December 1, 2015


 Ben Williams is a billionaire CEO at the top of his game. He’s a handsome, eligible bachelor who could have any woman…except the one he wants. Marisa Blake is the love of his life, the one who got away. Ben is willing to do whatever it takes to win her back.

Marisa is a young entrepreneur whose family is falling apart. Her parents are involved in a well-publicized scandal, and both her and her sister’s names are being dragged through the mud. Just when she thinks things can’t get any worse, Ben shows up at her doorstep. He was her college boyfriend, and a serial cheater.

Great sex is the only thing they ever had in common, and Marisa is determined to keep things physical. Still, she finds herself falling for him. Again.

When a former classmate blackmails Marisa with information that will destroy what’s left of her family, Marisa is forced to make a decision: sacrifice Ben to protect her sister, or forsake her family to follow her heart?

It’s not long before Marisa gets caught up in some dirty little lies…


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I enjoyed seeing Mia and Caleb again that we met in Dirty Little Secrets, and being introduced to Ben & Marisa.  A nice second-chance romance!

Marisa Blake hasn’t seen Ben Williams in almost 5 years, when they broke up for the last time.  They met and dated in college and broke up and got back together a few times.  It was always about him cheating.  Finally Marisa had enough and walked away for good.

Ben is living a good life as a billionaire CEO of his own software company and could have any woman he wants, but he can’t forget “the one that got away”.

Ben stops by out of the blue to check on Marisa because of the huge scandal in the media about her parents.  She’s alone and needs a distraction, so she decides to use him for the best thing their relationship ever had … hot sex! … but isn’t going to allow him back into her heart again.

Can Ben convince her that he’s changed and he’s ready for the love that he feels for her this time?

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Author Info

Cassie Cross is a Maryland native and a romantic at heart, who lives outside of Baltimore with her two dogs and a closet full of shoes. Cassie’s fondness for swoon-worthy men and strong women are the inspiration for most of her stories, and when she’s not busy writing a book, you’ll probably find her eating takeout and indulging in her love of 80′s sitcoms.


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BLOG TOUR / REVIEW – Steal Me – Lauren Layne


Steal Me
New York’s Finest #2
By: Lauren Layne
Releasing November 24, 2015




Being a cop might be in Anthony Moretti’s blood, but protecting and serving the city of New York has always been more than just the family business. If that means his love life stays locked up, well then that’s just another sacrifice made in the line of duty. That is, until he sets eyes on the gorgeous new waitress at The Darby Diner and suddenly Anthony’s morning coffee is leaving him a whole lot more hot and bothered than usual.

Though waitressing at The Darby isn’t exactly Maggie Walker’s dream job, it pays the bills and gives her time to work on her novel. Now if only she could stop fantasizing about gorgeous Anthony Moretti every time he sits down at her table, she’d really be in great shape. But when he needs her help identifying a criminal threatening The Darby—and Maggie recognizes her ex-husband—she fears her fresh start might be a pipe dream. Faster than a New York minute, Maggie and Anthony find themselves in one perilous pursuit that only gets hotter with each and every rule-breaking kiss.


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It’s official … I want to be a Moretti!  This family cracks me up and makes me want to be a part of them.  A good ol’ Italian family made up of a retired cop, his wife, their 4 sons who are all cops, 1 daughter who’s an attorney and a mouthy grandmother hanging around to make things fun.  There’s laughter, love & loyalty in every interaction.

Oldest son, Anthony Moretti has just made Captain when he’s thrown a nightmare case.  They’ve got a thief who they have no clue how to catch terrorizing the city, and Anth is catching flack from all sides.

Maggie Walker is a waitress at the diner that the Moretti’s hang out in alot and they’ve sort of adopted her as one of their own … well … all except for Anthony the jerk.

When Maggie happens upon Anthony’s table when he’s working on the case and sees a picture of her ex-husband, she becomes the break in the case that Anth has been searching high and low for.  As he spends time with her to learn more info and get her help getting into her ex’s head, he finally has to stop being a jerk and admit he likes her.  Having been scarred in the past, will he be able to see a future for them or will he continue to hold her at arms length?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



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Maggie Walker had become their default waitress at the diner back when their old waitress Helen had retired a couple months ago. And while Anthony missed Helen and her too-strong floral perfume, he had to admit that Maggie was the better to look at.

She had a wholesome, girl-next-door look that appealed to him mightily. Brown hair that was always on the verge of slipping out of its ponytail, wide, compelling green eyes that made you want to unload all your darkest secrets.

Curvy. Hips that were exactly right; breasts that were even better.

And then there was that smile. It managed to be both shy and friendly, which was handy because he was betting it was very hard for even the most impatient customers to get annoyed at her.

But Anth didn’t buy the doing-my-best routine, and seeing as she was dealing with an entire table of observant cops, he was betting the rest of his family wouldn’t buy it either.

Then Luc leaned forward and gave Maggie an easy grin. “Don’t even worry about it, Mags. Didn’t even notice I was running low!”

Luc’s girlfriend, Ava, smoothly reached up one hand and swatted him on the back of the head, the gesture so graceful, so practiced, that she never once sloshed her coffee. Anthony nearly smiled.

To say that Ava Sims was good for his little brother would be an understatement. The big brother in Anthony would be forever grateful that the gorgeous reporter had helped Luc vanquish his demons. But the big brother in Anth was also grateful that Ava helped keep his younger brother in line. Or at least tried to.

He rolled his eyes as Luc shot a guilty smile at his girlfriend, but even as he slid his mug towards the edge of the table so Maggie wouldn’t have to reach as far.

Then Anth watched in utter dismay as Vincent did the same.

Vincent. The guy who’d practically devoted his life to being perverse, was trying to make life easier for their inept waitress.


Anthony was so busy trying to figure out what about the frazzled waitress turned his brothers into a bunch of softies that he didn’t think to move his own mug to be more convenient, and Maggie had to lean all the way in to top off his cup.

It was a feat that their old waitress could have handled readily, but Helen had retired months ago and for reasons that Luc didn’t understand, the rest of the Moretti family had embraced Maggie as Helen’s replacement.

Anthony didn’t realize that his mug had overflowed until scalding coffee dripped onto his thigh.

“Son of a—”

He caught himself before he could finish the expletive, grabbing a large handful of napkins from the silver dispenser and trying to soak up the puddle of coffee on his jeans before it burned his skin.

“Nice, Anth,” Elena said, tossing another bunch of napkins at him. Like this was his fault.

“Oh my God,” Maggie said, her voice horrified. “I’m so sorry, Officer…”

“It’s Captain,” he snapped, his eyes flicking up and meeting hers.

Silence descended over the table until Vincent muttered douchebag around a coughing fit.

But Anthony refused to feel chagrined. The woman had waited on the family every Sunday for weeks; one would think she could get his title right. To say nothing of mastering the art of pouring coffee.




Author Info

Lauren Layne is the USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance.

Prior to becoming an author, Lauren worked in e-commerce and web-marketing. In 2011, she and her husband moved from Seattle to New York City, where Lauren decided to pursue a full-time writing career. It took six months to get her first book deal (despite ardent assurances to her husband that it would only take three). Since then, Lauren’s gone on to publish ten books, including the bestselling Stiletto series, with several more on the way in 2015.

Lauren currently lives in Chicago with her husband and spoiled Pomeranian. When not writing, you’ll find her at happy hour, running at a doggedly slow pace, or trying to straighten her naturally curly hair.

 Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads







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BLOG TOUR / BOOK REVIEW – His All Night – Elle Wright


His All Night
Edge of Scandal #2

By: Elle Wright

Releasing November 24, 2015



In relationships, Calisa Harper has clear rules: no expectations, no commitments, no one gets hurt. She doesn’t need a diamond ring to bring her happiness. She just needs Jared. Fine, fit, and ferocious in bed, Jared is Calisa’s ideal combination of friend and lover. But the no-strings status they’ve shared for years is about to get very tangled.

Jared Williams is the kind of man most women long for: sexy, successful, and ready to settle down. He knows convincing the commitment-phobic Calisa that forever is nothing to fear won’t be easy—especially when his ex turns up with a daughter she never told him about. In a heartbeat, Jared and Calisa’s passion goes from fiery to fragile. He wants to hold on to the love they share but is terrified that their next night together could be their last…


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A little different of writing style than I typically read, but I really enjoyed it!  Cali and Red had a chemistry that made you want more.  More sex, more cuddles, more laughter, more talking, etc.  Just more of “them”.  A sexy read with lessons in being a survivor no matter what life throws at you.

Calisa Harper is one tough cookie.  She takes what she wants and doesn’t take any slack for it.  What she wants right now is Jared Williams.

Red’s twin sister, Sydney, is Cali’s best friend.  They’ve known each other for years and were great friends first, and for a few years now have added benefits to their friendship.  They keep it on the down low, and always say “no strings”.  But Red’s life changed when he found out that he fathered a little girl with an ex.  He’s trying to find out where she is, and knowing that he’s a Dad has changed his outlook on life.  He wants a happily ever after … but Cali is still running scared from her past.

Will Red be able to convince Cali that she can have a happy ending?  And will finding his daughter help them, or end them?

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Author Info

As a little girl, I loved to be holed up in my room creating stories with my Barbie Dolls. There was no subject I didn’t tackle. It was always my dream to write a soap opera. As I grew older, I assumed that dream was just that… a dream.

Born and raised in Southeast Michigan, near Ann Arbor, my mother always instilled in me the importance of reading. There was never a time when I wasn’t going to read, in the process of reading, or just finished reading a book. It was also my mother who, later on in my life, gave me my first romance novel: Indigo by Beverly Jenkins. From that moment on, I became a fan of Ms. Jenkins for life and a lover of all things romance.

I’m living my dream now.


Author Links:  Website |FacebookTwitter | GoodReads



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“Why don’t you get rid of the stiff and come up to my room?”

Tempted as she was, Cali wasn’t going out like that. “No,” she breathed, suddenly feeling very…hot. “I have a date.”

Slowly, Jared edged closer to her. She retreated until the hard doorknob dug into her back. Reaching behind her, he flipped the lock on the door, the click echoing in the empty bathroom. Sucking in a deep breath, she waited, anticipating his next move.

His fingers flitted across the hem of her dress and he inched it up a bit. Kneeling down, he slipped his hands under her dress and slowly pulled down her underwear. She held her breath, wondered what he would do next.

“Step out of them,” he ordered in a low, deep voice.

Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she stepped out of her lace panties. With a smirk, he stood up, tucked the thin material into the inside pocket of his suit jacket, and pulled out a tiny key card. He placed it in her hand and closed her fingers around it. “Room 1179,” he murmured, his lips a mere inch away from hers. Closing her eyes, she took in the smell of cognac on his breath and leaned closer.

His soft laugh brought her mind back to their location and she opened her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but he placed a finger over her lips.

“Shh. Try not to think about what I’m going to do to you, while you’re on your date.” Swinging open the door, he walked out, whistling.

She hated him—in the best way.



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BLOG TOUR / REVIEW – Tell Me You Need Me – Joya Ryan



Exciting & hot … with an undertone of sweet thrown in!

Gage McGraw has been visiting Beaufort, North Carolina for years now.  As a Search-N-Rescue guy, he travels alot and is on the go anytime an emergency happens.  But for two years, he’s been spending a weekend of downtime in Beaufort with Chloe Franklin.

Chloe loves the excitement that Gage brings to her life, and she loves being able to walk away anytime she wants.  When Gage starts pushing for more of her then just a quick tumble into bed, she balks.  She can’t set herself up to be hurt down the road!

Can Gage convince her that they have a future of more than just an occasionally booty call?

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Book Title: Tell Me You Need Me

Author: Joya Ryan

Release Date: 11/16/15

Genre: Contemporary Romance (HOT)

Tour Host: DRC Promotions

Book Blurb

Playing dirty can be the best kind of fun…

Chloe Franklin wouldn’t call herself a commitment-phobe, so much as she’s allergic to anything long term. She loves the sexy, sweaty and intensely hot hours of the night that come before the sun rises, though. Especially when those nights are spent with Search-and-Rescuer Gage McGraw…

Gage loves his job, but there is one thing he’s starting to like more than the rush of a mission—a stacked blonde with a mouth that haunts his dreams. Every time he steps foot in the sleepy town of Beaufort, he hooks up with Chloe. But he’s tired of hooks-ups. He wants more.

Just the sight of Gage gets Chloe’s blood going. Hot, bothered, and finally naked, she’s ready for their night to start. But before he takes her, he whispers what his intentions really are…and then the games really begin.

Buy The Book

AmazonBN Entangled Publishing


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About The Author

National and international bestselling author Joya Ryan is the author of more than 15 adult and new adult romance novels. Passionate about both cooking and dancing (despite not being too skilled at the latter), she loves traveling and searching out new adventures.

Connect with Joya


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BLOG TOUR / BOOK REVIEW – Pulled – A.F. Crowell



O M G … I loved Brody, really, I did!  But now I love Jaxon too.  Who do I want her to choose?  I don’t know!

Leila Matthews short-lived happiness was turned upside down when she told her boyfriend Brody that she was pregnant.  Their 3 months together was over before she knew it.  Her heart was ripped out and handed to her.  If she hadn’t had her great friend Jaxon there by her side making her get up every day and live her life, she didn’t know what she would have done.

Jaxon Henderson AKA Remi, is a former Marine badass and a part of the Marines MC.  He met Leila a few weeks before she had met Brody when she treated him in the ER.  He had been asking her out, but she kept telling him no.  They became friends though, even though Brody hadn’t liked it.

As they share their lives together, their friendship turns to love and they are so happy together.  He’s treating her like gold and treats her unborn baby like it’s his very own.  When Brody shows back up in the picture, and Jax does something to let her down, how will Leila react?  Does she give Brody another chance after the way he treated her and abandoned her when she needed him most?  Can she look the other way and forgive Jax for letting her down?

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E.R. nurse Leila Matthews’s whole life turned upon one single sentence: “Brody, I’m pregnant.” What she thought would be the happiest day of her life became a nightmare as she was abandoned by the father of her soon-to-be-born child. If her friend Jaxon wasn’t there to pick up the pieces, she couldn’t have coped. Then what had started out as a deep and abiding friendship became a soul-searing love. 

Yet, while Jaxon is the man of her dreams, Leila doesn’t want her child to grow up not knowing its father. The situation, a triangle involving tortured pasts and unstoppable passion, will test everyone involved. Both suitors will seek forgiveness for terrible mistakes, and Leila will soon be pulled between two powerful men: a handsome CEO who owns all he surveys, and an ex-soldier whose M.C. teeters on the brink of the unforgivable. Leila must choose the man who is perfect for her future…and for the future of her child.




© A.F. Crowell 2015
Once we got home, I drove out to Johns
Island, praying the entire way. One minute I prayed Brody would still be in New
York. The next I prayed he would be there, waiting for me, ready to tell me
what a fucking moron he had been.
I knocked on the door and Jane answered.
I could see the pity in her eyes. She knew. I felt the tears welling up in my
eyes, but I swallowed, blinked them back and went inside with her.
“Ruger is just out back. Come on. Let’s
go to the kitchen. Are you hungry? Can I make you some lunch?”
“No thanks Jane. I’m not hungry. I don’t
really have an appetite at the moment. I just want to get Ruger and get out of
here before he gets home,” I said, looking around for my Shepherd. “You don’t
know when Brody is getting in do you? Because I don’t want him to find me here.
He was mad enough last night. I just want to grab my stuff and my dog, then I
will leave him alone, like he wants.”
“Sweetie, I understand y’all are havin’
some issues right now, but just please give him some time to come around. He
will. He just needs time.”
“Jane, I love you to death, but I don’t
have time to wait for him to pull his head out of his ass. I have a baby to
think about. I need to worry about us.” I placed my hand on my abdomen. “And
how I am going to raise him or her by myself.” And here come the tears. “I’m going to go get my things from Brody’s
bedroom. I won’t be long.”
Racing up the stairs, I grabbed
everything of mine I could see. I left the gifts, jewelry and toys. I didn’t
need any more reminders of Brody than I already had. Throwing the duffle over
my shoulder, I went back down to get Ruger.
“Jane, I think I have everything. If you
see anything else, would you please just set it to the side and call me. I
could meet you somewhere.” I hit the bottom step. “You know, so I don’t have to
come back out here.”
A look of panic flashed on her face and
I knew.
He was home.
FML. Part of me wanted to run out the
front door, but I could hear him talking to Ruger in the family room.
Fuck, fuckidy, fuck, fuck, fuck!
I knew he saw my car out front. It was
pretty hard to miss. I felt a stray tear slip past and quickly wiped it away.
Jane walked to the foot of the stairs
where I was standing and whispered, “Please Leila, just go talk to him. I
promise he is calm. You know he won’t yell in front of me. Or Ruger for that
matter,” she said with a little giggle, trying to lighten my mood.
“Jane, I don’t think it’s a good idea, I
need to just go. He made it perfectly clear last night what his decision was.
Please, don’t make this any harder on me.” I bit the inside of my cheek to
distract myself from the emptiness and ache in my chest. We were whispering
back and forth when I heard him clear his throat. I closed my eyes, looked down
and took a deep breath.
You can do this. Just walk out the front
door, whistle for Ruger and walk away. Come on, one foot in front of the other.
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” Brody



A.F. Crowell lives in Charleston, SC with her
husband and two sons. They have two dogs, Diesel, a German Shepherd rescue
and Dez, a black Labrador Retriever. She shares her love of books with her
children, who have a head start on becoming life-long readers.
Romance fiction hit her radar when her husband
forced her to watch Twilight one weekend when they were snowed in. That
was it! From there her love grew; Contemporary Romance, Paranormal, YA and
Dystopian are her preferred reads.
Social Media:
Website  –



RELEASE BLITZ – BOOK REVIEW – Once Upon a Power Play – Jennifer Bonds

Once Upon a Power Play


Love this book!  I was hooked by the first page.  A poor girl getting dumped by text … AGAIN??  You just have to be invested until the end to see if she’ll ever find her happily ever after!

Chloe Jacobs is a feisty badass, and when she’s dumped yet again by another loser of a guy, she’s fed up and swears off of men.  That doesn’t last long once she sets eyes on Ryan Douglas.  He’s an arrogant, cocky, gorgeous man and he pisses her off to no end.  So of course she’s hugely attracted to him!

Chloe and Ryan share a dangerous experience together immediately after meeting and then spend a hot night enjoying each other.  Expecting it to be a one time thing, imagine her surprise when she runs into him again and finds out he’s NHL NY Rangers team captain.  Will this flirtation and hot sex lead to more or will she stick to her guns and refuse to date a jock again?

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Welcome to the Hottest Faceoff this NHL Season

He’ll do whatever it takes to get her against the boards…Chloe Jacobs was sure things couldn’t get worse after surviving an armed robbery. She never imaged a one night stand would land her in the tabloids…or that the sexy stranger would turn out to be the NHL’s hottest center. Find out in Jennifer Bonds’s newest Risky Business novel, ONCE UPON A POWER PLAY, who will win the hottest faceoff of the season.



He’ll do whatever it takes to get her against the boards…

Sidelined by a potentially career-ending injury, the only thing hockey player Ryan Douglas should be thinking about is recovery. But after sharing a near death experience and a night of passion with a spunky brunette, the only thing on his mind is five and a half feet of sexy sarcasm. And he’ll do whatever it takes to get her back in his bed–even if it means playing dirty.

Chloe Jacobs is done with fairytales. And men. She’s kissed her share of frogs and what’s it gotten her? Dumped by text–again. Determined to eighty-six illusions of romance and prove she’s more than just a good-time girl, the last thing she needs is a pushy, arrogant hockey player testing her resolve. Especially one who’s sinfully good with his hands and thinks date-by-blackmail is a perfectly acceptable social convention.

Ryan wants to play games? Fine by her, but this is one faceoff he’s going to lose.
On Sale in Digital: November 16, 2015

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 Add ONCE UPON A POWER PLAY to your TBR pile on Goodreads!

Check out the first book in the Risky Business series!



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Author Bio:

Jennifer Bonds writes sizzling contemporary romance with sassy heroines, sexy heroes, and a whole lot of mischief. When she’s not writing or wrangling toddlers, she can be found curled up with a good book and a bottle of wine. Jennifer lives in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where her overactive imagination and weakness for reality TV keep life interesting. She’s lucky enough to live with her own real life hero, two adorable children, and a pair of rambunctious dogs. Loves Buffy, Mexican food, the Winchester brothers, and all things zombie. Sings off-key.

Connect with Jennifer:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon

BLOG TOUR – Book Review/Giveaway – Beauty and the Boss – Diane Alberts

Beauty and the Boss


A sexy, yet sweet read that makes you believe there’s someone out there for everyone just waiting to be found!

Maggie Donovan is Head Researcher at Gale Incorporated, and secretly lusts after her boss.

Benjamin Gale III didn’t earn the nickname of “The Beast” from his employees for no reason.  He’s a cold, hard-nosed workaholic.  That doesn’t stop him from noticing Maggie though.

When caught in a compromising position, Maggie defends Benjamin by telling his mother they have been dating since before she came to work there a few months ago, and are now engaged.  Benjamin plays along, and later they come up with an agreement to keep up the charade for awhile.

Will they part ways after they portray the image they wanted to achieve, or will they actually start to have feelings for each other?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



BEAUTY AND THE BOSS by Diane Alberts
November 16, 2015
Modern Fairytale / Entangled Publishing: Indulgence

Book Summary:

Beauty is about to tame her beast…Researcher Maggie Donovan has no luck with men, and it doesn’t help that she can’t keep her eyes off of her sexy boss – the one everyone else in the office calls The Beast. Relationships in the office are forbidden. So no one is more surprised than Maggie when she pretends to be his fiancée to save him during a difficult situation. Not only has she put her job on the line, but the future of the company.

Billionaire Benjamin Gale III doesn’t believe in love or romance, but the look on his mother’s face when Maggie tells her that she’s his fiancée is worth millions. Instead of firing her for her insubordination, he goes along with the ruse. In his arms-and in his bed-she’d be everything he could ever want…which is why he can’t have her.

But if he doesn’t let her go, they’ll lose everything…





Author Bio:

Diane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling contemporary romance author with Entangled Publishing. She also writes New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling new adult books under the name Jen McLaughlin. She’s hit the Top 100 lists on Amazon and Barnes and Noble numerous times with numerous titles. She was mentioned in Forbes alongside E. L. James as one of the breakout independent authors to dominate the bestselling lists. Diane is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency.

Diane has always been a dreamer with a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she put her pen where her brain was, and became a published author.  Since receiving her first contract offer, she has yet to stop writing. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, and a cat. Her goal is to write so many fantastic stories that even a non-romance reader will know her name.

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To Dare a SEAL


A fun, sexy read!  The characters feel real and make you want to like them.  By the first couple of chapters, you are pulling for them to get together.  The one thing I wasn’t enthralled by, were all of the descriptive scenes that they imagined doing to each other.  After a hot scene, I want to see how they interact and whether they’re going to admit their feelings, etc. … not have them be abruptly pulled back into real life and out of their head.  It was still a very enjoyable book, I just would have given it 5 Stars if I hadn’t disliked that aspect of how it was written.

Jack Barnes, US Navy SEAL, is on leave to be best man at his fellow SEAL Cade’s wedding in Vegas.  He’s marrying Lucia, who is the little sister to Natalie Lewis, the bartender at Bottoms Up that Jack has been crushing on for years.

When Natalie overhears a bet made between Jack & his brothers and fellow SEAL’s about whether he can get her into his bed during the trip to Vegas, she decides to set him up.  She’s going to do the seducing, and then walk away before falling into his bed.  Only it doesn’t exactly turn out that way.

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **

Book Title: To Dare a SEAL
Author: Sara Jane Stone
Release Date: 11/16/15
Genre: Contemporary Romance (HOT)
Tour Host: DRC Promotions

Book Blurb

Playing best man in his teammate’s Las Vegas wedding is not U.S. Navy SEAL Jack Barnes’ idea of a vacation—especially when the maid-of-honor is the one woman who knows how to push his buttons. Now his teammates are taking bets on whether he’ll end up in the fiery bartender’s bed. Not one to turn away from a challenge, Jack vows to seduce Natalie Lewis. And he’ll do so on his terms—demanding complete control.

The tantalizing SEAL may have a hand-over-your-panties smile and a body she’d love to explore, but there’s no way Natalie’s falling into his bed. No, she’s going to get revenge. After bringing Jack to his knees with a series of Sin City dares, she’ll walk away. It’s the perfect plan—until it backfires. Beneath his devil-may-care attitude, Jack’s unbridled desire proves irresistible. But he also requires the one thing Natalie can’t give. Control.

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Other books in the series

The first book in the sexy new Sin City SEALs series by Sara Jane Stone!

He can resist everything…except her.

For the first time in her life, art therapist Lucia Lewis is ready to live. And the masquerade ball in Las Vegas is just the place to find a ridiculously hot guy to complete her wicked to-do list. The only rule? Her elegant Venetian mask-which conceals the scars that have always held her back from the life she deserves-stays on.

Navy SEAL Cade Daniels heads to Vegas on a mission to keep his best friend’s little sister out of trouble. Except the woman he’s sent to find is all heat and flame…and perfectly capable of handling herself. And him. But the moment Lucia’s mask slips, the need to heal her, body and soul, is complete and absolute temptation.

But revealing himself could cost him the one thing he isn’t willing to risk…his heart.

Buy The Book

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About The Author

After several years on the other side of the publishing industry, Sara Jane Stone bid goodbye to her sales career to pursue her dream-writing romance novels. Sara Jane currently resides in New York with her very supportive real-life hero, two lively young children and a lazy Burmese cat. Visit her online at or find her on Facebook at Sara Jane Stone.

For sneak peeks at Sara Jane Stone’s latest red-hot reads, giveaway and more, join Sara Jane’s Seducers!

Connect with Sara


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DUAL BOOK TOUR – Falling for Her Enemy by Victoria James AND Kissing Her Crush by Ophelia London


Falling For Her Enemy

Falling for Her Enemy
Still Harbor #2

By: Victoria James

Releasing November 9, 2015
Entangled Bliss


Falling for Her Enemy: Still Harbor #2 by Victoria James

 She’s falling for the one man who could destroy everything…

Alex McAllister always dreamed of a life filled with the laughter and love of a family, but being abandoned at a young age left her wary of letting anyone in. Now that she’s settled in Still Harbor, Alex struggles between keeping her distance and the magnetic pull of the handsome stranger who claims he’s the biological father of her adopted daughter.

Hayden Brooks never wanted to be a father. Long hours spent building his family’s real estate empire suits him just fine. But when he discovers an ex put the baby he unknowingly fathered up for adoption, his world crumbles. He tracks the child to Still Harbor with the intention of bringing her home—and comes face to face with his daughter’s stunning adoptive mother.

The paternity test is in. And Hayden’s about to make the most shocking decision of his life, just in time for Christmas…

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Definitely a pulls-at-your-heartstrings kind of read!  Loved it!  I couldn’t figure out whether to love Hayden or hate him, but there were just too many lovable moments and I admit it, I was weak and let him weasle his way into my heart. 🙂

Hayden Brooks is minding his own business being his typical workaholic self, when his world is blown away.  A one night stand from years prior shows up at his door to announce he’s a Dad … of a 6 year old daughter that she put up for adoption when she was born.

Alexandra McAllister gets her own shock when she gets notified that there’s a man claiming possible paternity to her daughter.

Hayden comes to Still Harbor to meet Alex and try to convince her to let him have a DNA test done on Cassy.  They spend time together on several occasions to get to know each other.  They start to feel like true family outings.

When the paternity test results come back just in time for Christmas, what will happen to the feelings Hayden and Alex are having for each other, and will Cassy have a new Dad, but lose her Mom?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



Author Info

Victoria James is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance.

Victoria always knew she wanted to be a writer and in grade five, she penned her first story, bound it (with staples and a cardboard cover) and did all the illustrations herself. Luckily, this book will never see the light of day again.

In high school she fell in love with historical romance and then contemporary romance. After graduating University with an English Literature degree, Victoria pursued a degree in Interior Design and then opened her own business. After her first child, Victoria knew it was time to fulfill her dream of writing romantic fiction.

Victoria is a hopeless romantic who is living her dream, penning happily-ever-after’s for her characters in between managing kids and the family business. Writing on a laptop in the middle of the country in a rambling old Victorian house would be ideal, but she’s quite content living in suburbia with her husband, their two young children, and very bad cat.

Sign up for Victoria’s Newsletter to stay up to date on upcoming releases and exclusive giveaways, follow her blog for daily antics and insight into her daily life, and get to know her on twitter and Facebook. She loves hearing from readers!

Author Links:  
WebsiteFacebook | Twitter | GoodReads


Kissing Her Crush

Kissing Her Crush
Sugar City #2

By: Ophelia London

Releasing November 9, 2015
Entangled Bliss


Kissing Her Crush: Sugar City #2 by Ophelia London

 He’s sweet trouble…

 Natalie Holden wants three things: To be the best chocolate chemist in Hershey, Pennsylvania, to prove her chocolate recipe can help teenage depression, and to get over gorgeous Luke Elliott, the guy she’s had a crush on since birth. Unfortunately, he’s the microbiologist set to debunk her chocolate study. And, of course, he looks more delicious than ever!

Luke Elliott is still bitter over his divorce. Work is his passion now, and landing a huge promotion is just what he needs. What he doesn’t need is a crackpot trying to prove that chocolate cures depression. The last thing he expects is for the crackpot to be Natalie Holden—his “what if” girl from high school—or that she’d still tempt the hell out of him.

They may not see eye-to-eye on her project, but they can’t deny the explosive chemistry that keeps pulling them together. Even when it risks their jobs and the very different futures they both want…
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Kissing Her Crush


A fun read!

Natalie Holden is over the moon because she just got approved for a grant to test her pet project!  Making a secret recipe for chocolate that will help teenage depression has been her passion for awhile now.  She heads to a restaurant to meet her family to celebrate, and runs into Luke Elliott.  She’s had a crush on him for like forever, but he moved away and got married years ago.

Luke is begrudgingly in town for a job.  He hasn’t lived in Hershey, PA for years and he doesn’t miss it.  He’s been divorced for a couple of years now, and when he sees Natalie across the room, he does a double take.  When her family is running late, he joins her and they have dinner with nice conversation and lots of flirting.  But towards the end, a revelation is made that puts a damper on their reunion.  Luke is the person sent by NIH to oversee and observe her project to make sure everything is above board.

They butt heads over just about everything, but they also can’t seem to resist each other.  Over the next few days, they keep sneaking off to have time together and grow closer.  Will Luke still make a hasty retreat when all is said and done, or will he and Natalie have a future together?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **





Author Info

USA Today bestselling author Ophelia London was born and raised among the redwood trees in beautiful northern California. Once she was fully educated, she decided to settle in Florida, but her car broke down in Texas and she’s lived in Dallas ever since. A cupcake and treadmill aficionado (obviously those things are connected), she spends her time watching arthouse movies and impossibly trashy TV, while living vicariously through the characters she writes. Ophelia is the author of AIMEE & THE HEARTTHROB; DEFINITELY, MAYBE IN LOVE; the Abby Road series; Perfect Kisses series; Sugar City series; and the brand new cozy mystery CHALK LINES & LIPSTICK. Visit all her books HERE, but don’t call when The Vampire Diaries (or Dawson’s Creek) is on. #paceylove

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