** Book Review ** AWAKENED by Elisabeth Naughton



I’m not the biggest fan of paranormal romance around, but I must say, I really enjoyed Awakened!  This is Book 8 in the Eternal Guardians series by Elisabeth Naughton, but the first one that I have read.  She describes everything in enough detail that you don’t feel like you’re coming in so far into a series.  It can easily stand alone.  Filled with lots of lust, intrigue and action!

Damon has no memories of his past prior to coming to be a play thing for the gods where he currently resides.  He’s sure that there must be something more out there for him, but has no clue what it is.

When he stumbles across the newest Siren trainee, Elysia, he realizes she’s different. None of them have ever been able to remember their past before,  and he feels an instant connection to her.

They overcome many obstacles to be around one another and eventually discover a secret past that has been hidden for many years and set out to right the wrongs that have been done to the universe.

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** Blog Tour / Book Review / Giveaway ** A BETTER MAN by Candis Terry



I adored meeting the Kincade family in Book 1 of the Sunshine Creek Vineyard series and can’t wait to see what more they have in store for us when the next sibling’s book comes out!  They are a family filled with love that has had some sadness, regret and secrets mixed in along the years that are coming to the surface now.

Jordan Kincade has been living the high life in the NHL since he was drafted right out of high school 15 years ago.  It takes the tragedy of his parents death to bring him running home to Sunshine Valley, Washington to face his grief along with his 4 brothers and little sister.  He never realized how much he pushed family aside and no longer fit into the pack until he walks through the door and feels like a virtual stranger.

He’s determined to make it up to his siblings for not being there, and starts out by handling their little sister who is bordering on flunking her senior year in high school because of a sudden attitude she has going on.  When he goes to meet with one of her teachers, he finds out it’s Lucy Diamond who he had a little thing with in high school.  He can’t resist flirting with her, but she’s intent on not forgiving him for the past.  Will he be able to change her mind?

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A Better Man
Sunshine Creek Vineyard #1
|By: Candis Terry

Releasing March 29, 2016


In Candis Terry’s first novel in her Sunshine Creek Vineyard series, the handsome Kincade brothers convene to rescue their legacy-but the last thing they expect to find is love….

Sooner or later…

Hockey star Jordan Kincade wasted no time ditching Sunshine Creek for the NHL, but his sports career has overshadowed everything else-a truth Jordan confronts when his parents’ deaths bring him home. Now his little sister Nicki is flunking out of school, and only one teacher can help Jordan save her-the shy but incredibly sexy Lucy Diamond, the same girl whose heart he broke years ago. But he’s determined not to make the same mistake twice. If only Lucy would give him the time of day.

Love has a way of catching up with you.

Lucy has no intention of drowning in Jordan’s deep blue gaze again, even if he seems to have turned over a new leaf. Still, his devotion to his sister is impossible to ignore. As they team up to salvage Nicki’s future, Lucy soon discovers that Jordan’s sweet caresses and lingering kisses might just be everything she needs.


Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2016/02/a-better-man-sunshine-creek-vineyard-1.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25858362-a-better-man

Goodreads Series Link: https://www.goodreads.com/series/157808-sunshine-creek-vineyard


Buy Links:  Amazon | B & N | Google Play | iTunes | Kobo

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0062351176/

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-better-man-candis-terry/1122340977

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Candis_Terry_

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/a-better-man/id1016473337?mt=11

Kobo:  https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/a-better-man-11



Today, she was a different person. Stronger because of the things she’d lived through. Smarter because she’d found a way to survive and come out the other side in a happy place. She knew exactly where she belonged, and that was teaching and helping students like Nicki. Which was why, right now, she was going to pull on her big girl panties and face the boy who had disappointed her head on.

Lucy managed to pull herself together as Jordan removed his sunglasses and slid them to the top of his head. His smile lifted a masculine pair of lips that somehow managed to look cruel and sexy at the same time.

The boy had turned into a man times ten.

Tall and broad shouldered, his chest looked a mile wide. Judging by the smooth ripples beneath his snug shirt he was packing muscle, not pounds. Jeans, worn and frayed at the stress points, accented his long muscular legs and trim waist. His longish nearly black hair gleamed beneath the overhead lights. And his sharp blue eyes focused intently on her.

It was all she could do to keep her heart at a normal pace and her legs solidly beneath her. If ever a man could be described as delicious, Jordan Kincade would be a menu’s specialty of the day.

Too bad he was such a jerk.

“Ms. Diamond?” He came forward and stretched out his very large hand. “Jordan Kincade.”

And clearly he didn’t remember her.

Lucy smiled as a funny little tickle moved through her chest. Maybe this was going to be fun after all. Rarely was she ever given the upper hand or the opportunity to have even the slightest edge.

When he moved closer his warm palm engulfed hers and her triumph died with a sizzle.

Close up she got a better look. She inhaled his sexy scent of worn leather and warm man. Every square inch of her female DNA perked up like it was party time. She hated to disappoint the little darlings but today was all about helping someone else.

“Please.” She kept the handshake brief and formal before she disengaged and motioned toward the chair in front of her desk. “Have a seat.”

He glanced at the standard school chair with a you’ve got to be kidding me lift of his brows. When he sat down, the orange plastic chair creaked and seemed ridiculously small beneath the scope of his height and muscles.

Lucy took her own seat and noticed that the difference in chairs made her tower over him and seemingly give her another advantage. But when he leaned back and crossed an ankle over a knee, he appeared completely comfortable.

So much for one-upmanship.

“I apologize if I seemed taken aback just now.” She opened the folder and pulled out Nicole’s progress report as well as several exams and the few assignments Nicole had actually turned in. Late, of course, but complete nonetheless. “I expected your brother Ryan.”

“He had business at the vineyard and sends his regrets.”

She couldn’t help notice how very deep and smooth his voice had become. Like hot buttered rum on a cold winter night. He had the kind of voice a woman could imagine whispering sweet nothings in her ear while he caressed her in places that tingled beneath his touch.

“I understand.” Snapping out of the fantasy, she imagined the enormous scope of duties Ryan Kincade must need to tend to after the death of their parents. Her heart sank a little further for the family. Especially for Nicole, who was so young and really needed the love and guidance of her mom and dad. “I hope you’ll accept my condolences. And I sincerely apologize for having you come down at this sorrowful time to deal with what might seem insignificant but—”

“Anything regarding my sister is important, Ms. Diamond. Now more than ever.” His brows dipped in a no nonsense fashion. “So don’t judge me when you don’t even know me.”

Oh, she knew him.

Knew he was the type who’d make a promise then shatter it without ever looking back.

But that was then, and this was now.

“My apologies, Mr. Kincade. That was certainly not my intent.”

His piercing eyes perused her face for a long, uncomfortable moment and she had to admit that the look did something funny to the beat of her heart.

Especially when with a slight tilt of his head he asked, “Why do you look so familiar?”

“Do I?” That erratic heartbeat kicked up another notch as she let go a chuckle to cover up what was really going on inside. “People say that all the time. I guess I just have one of those faces.”

She pushed Nicole’s schoolwork in his direction. “If you’ll take a look at these projects, you’ll see that even though she didn’t complete the assignment exactly as it was defined, Nicole has an enormous gift.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s a lie.”

“Excuse me?” Irritated, Lucy’s gaze shot up to the slight smile curling his lips. “How can you say that without even reading anything? I guarantee your sister has a multitude of talent.”

“I’m not talking about my sister’s work. I’m talking about you just having one of those faces.” He uncrossed his long, muscular legs and leaned forward without even looking at the papers she’d put in front of him. “So now I’m wondering why you sidestepped my question.”

Good God the man was intense. There was something in the combination of that nearly black hair that fell over his ears and his nape in perfect waves and those deep blue eyes that seemed almost otherworldly. She could imagine how he’d intimidate an opponent on the ice.

And it had nothing to do with his size.

But as far as admitting who she really was? Not going to happen. No need to dredge up a bad memory when all she really wanted was to help his sister.

“I apologize.” Her heart beat erratically as she avoided the intensity of his gaze. “But I would like to stick to the subject of your sister’s grades—or lack thereof—that may prevent her from graduating with the rest of her class. I genuinely care about her which is why I noticed a problem way before the loss of your parents.”

“And now you won’t even look at me,” he said. “Why is that?”

As he leaned in, his intoxicating scent came with him. Normally such things didn’t affect her. Well, at least not with her colleagues who tended to wear either too much aftershave or worse, too much body odor. Jordan wore his masculine scent like a sexual promise and Lucy swore he should come with a warning label.




Candis Terry was born and raised near the sunny beaches of Southern California and now makes her home on an Idaho farm. She’s experienced life in such diverse ways as working in a Hollywood recording studio to chasing down wayward steers. Only one thing has remained the same: her passion for writing stories about relationships, the push and pull in the search for love, and the security one finds in their own happily ever after.
Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

Website:  http://www.candisterry.com/

Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/CandisTerry

Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/CandisTerry

GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4935263.Candis_Terry


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** Book Review ** HUSBAND STAY by Louise Cusack


4 1/2 STARS!

I want more! 🙂  I fell in love with Angela & Jack and did NOT want their story to end.  It was sexy, sweet and I found myself smiling often as I read their fun, sassy dialogues.

Angela Lata is at a crossroads in her life.  She’s divorcing her cheating husband and is heartbroken over the broken dreams he left her with.  For years she thought they were happy and attempting to have a family, but in the end she finds out he had a vasectomy on the sly before they ever even got married!

While pursuing her dream of being a singer, Angela meets Jack Davenworth and has a spur of the moment fling with him one night.  He rocks her world and leaves her hungering for more, but she keeps pushing him away when he pursues her several times later.  Will she decide it’s worth the risk of another broken heart to take the chance on finding true love?

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** Book Review ** POSSESSION by Violetta Rand



This steamy novel is Book 2 in the Sons of Odin MC series.  If you read Book 1, you’ll recognize the main characters … Tina is best friends with Lily and Vincent is Treasurer in the club that Lang was President of when he met Lily. Even though he’s a bad boy and she’s a smart mouth, they have such a sweet connection that I really enjoyed.  Can’t wait to see what J.T. gets up to in Book 3!

Tina Bethel is an up-and-coming attorney working long hours to move up in her firm.  She doesn’t take time out for much in the way of fun, but she’s more than willing to change that when she runs into Vincent again a few months after “the night that almost happened” after Lily and Lang’s wedding reception.  If only she could get this guy to agree to hitting the sheets with her!

Vincent Ramas has a long history of ugliness behind him … a couple of divorces under his belt, memories of war, club business he can’t talk about … and he just does not have it in him right now to take a chance on any sort of committed relationship.  Will he change his mind after spending more time with Tina?

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** Book Review ** TO WIN HER HEART by Mackenzie Crowne



So good!  If you haven’t started reading the Players Series yet, you need to!  This is Book Three, and they just keep getting better!  Max and Jessi are so sweet together … not to mention HOT! 🙂

Jessi Tucker is Country’s music’s “It Girl” and is getting really tired of being smothered by her family and friends with constant security following her every move.  She isn’t concerned in the least with the most recent stalker she has attracted and thinks it’s all just par for the course.  She decides to reach out to her cousin Tuck’s friend Max to get him to pretend to date her so she can get some freedom from the smothering.

Jessi and Max have each been pining after the other for years but he doesn’t think a dangerous man with a history and past like his could ever be good enough for her, so he refuses to give her the time of day.  Will he be able to resist her when they are in close quarters and putting on a fake relationship show?

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** Book Review ** BIG ROCK by Lauren Blakely

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Spencer is a hoot!  He’s cocky (pun intended!) and loves to have a good time, but he’s such a sweetie inside.  He might be arrogant, but he’s not degrading to those around him.  I really enjoyed reading about him and Charlotte … and woo hoo … they’re HOT together! 🙂

Spencer Holiday considers himself God’s gift to women, and let’s be honest ladies, to a degree he is! 🙂  He’s sexy, rich, sure of himself and follows through with exactly what his attitude promises  ..  and he has his best friend Charlotte’s back no matter what!

When Spencer’s dad needs him to appear settled and family oriented for a business deal, he immediately recruits his best friend Charlotte to pretend to be his fiance.  All of their close quarters and pretend affection turns into the real stuff as they start to become attracted to each other.  Will this just be a quick fling while they are fake engaged, or will they not be able to walk away in the end?

** Blog Tour / Book Review ** DISTANT THUNDER by Larissa Ione



The exciting conclusion of the Mid-Season episodes finds the Rush family trying to cope with the fallout of the Senator’s scandal.  Marylee is ready to move heaven and earth to clean up after Sebastian’s mess and make sure his campaign is not affected.  Peyton and the kids are angry, but unwilling to rock the boat too much by speaking their minds.

Various members of the town are still up in arms as well.  Logan can’t forgive Ginny, Marcus doesn’t know how to handle Dakota, Brittany can’t help but hate her best friend, Marylee is constantly up to no-good, etc.

Can’t wait to see what happens when Season 2 picks up!


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Welcome to Storm, Texas, where passion runs hot, desire runs deep, and secrets have the power to destroy…

Nestled among rolling hills and painted with vibrant wildflowers, the bucolic town of Storm, Texas, seems like nothing short of perfection.

But there are secrets beneath the facade. Dark secrets. Powerful secrets. The kind that can destroy lives and tear families apart. The kind that can cut through a town like a tempest, leaving jealousy and destruction in its wake, along with shattered hopes and broken dreams. All it takes is one little thing to shatter that polish.

Reading like an on-going drama in the tradition of classic day and night-time soap operas like Dallas, Dynasty, and All My Children, Rising Storm is full of scandal, deceit, romance, passion, and secrets.

With 1001 Dark Nights as the “producer,” Julie Kenner and Dee Davis use a television model with each week building on the last to create a storyline that fulfills the promise of a drama-filled soap opera. Joining Kenner and Davis in the “writer’s room” for the Midseason Episodes of this serial opera are bestselling authors Lexi Blake and Larissa Ione who have brought their vision of Storm to life.

So get ready. The storm is coming.

Rising Storm - Midseason 2 Distant Storm

Secrets, Sex and Scandals …

Welcome to Storm, Texas, where passion runs hot, desire runs deep, and secrets have the power to destroy… Get ready. The storm is coming.

As Sebastian and Marylee plot to cover up Sebastian’s sexual escapade, Ginny and Dakota continue to reel from the fallout of Dakota’s announcement. But it is the Rush family that’s left to pick up the pieces as Payton, Brittany and Jeffry each cope with Sebastian’s betrayal in their own way…


Distant Thunder - Teaser 1


Experience Rising Storm Here…

Rising Storm Midseason Episode 1 (March 29): Lexi Blake’s After the Storm
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Rising Storm Midseason Episode 2 (April 5): Larissa Ione’s Distant Thunder
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Check out this fantastic excerpt from DISTANT THUNDER!


It had only been three days since the Great Founders’ Day Disaster, but it felt like a month. For the first twenty-four hours after Dakota’s revelation, the town had been mostly shell-shocked. Then the story started spreading through social media, and last night after Marcus dropped Brittany off after dinner at Murphy’s, she discovered that someone posted the Founders’ Day Disaster on YouTube. The media had descended on Storm like locusts this morning, and her father, whom she’d only seen in passing since Founders’ Day, had adopted a shelter-in-place stance.

Brittany had given him suggestions on where he could shelter in places that were much, much hotter than Texas, and then she’d run out the front door toward her car, only to be swarmed by reporters.

“Ms. Rush, is it true that your best friend is pregnant with your father’s baby?”

“Ms. Rush, how do you think this scandal will affect your father’s reelection campaign?”

“Ms. Rush, did you know about the affairs your father was having with your friends?”

Ugh. She and her mother shouldn’t have left Francine’s cabin so soon, and Jeffry certainly should have remained with one of his buddies. But when Marylee snapped her fingers and went into crisis mode, everyone came running and fell in line like good little minions.

“This blows,” Jeffry said, looking up from where he was lounging on the couch with his iPad.

“What blows?” She sank onto the love seat across from her brother. “The game you’re playing? Or the fact that we’re trapped like animals? Or maybe the fact that our father is a lying, cheating bastard who slept with our friends? Or the fact that my best friend is going to give birth to our little brother or sister?”

Yep, she might be a little bitter. And it was ex-best friend.

He tucked his feet under him on the couch and sighed. “Yeah.”

“I can’t believe Mom thinks we need to be here for him—”

She broke off as their mother, Payton, came around the corner with a tray of finger sandwiches and a pitcher of lemonade. They hadn’t spoken much about any of this, and Brittany wasn’t sure how to go about it. As far as she could tell, her mother hadn’t so much as shed a tear over the fact that her husband had knocked up a girl young enough to be his daughter and had probably slept with a dozen more.

“I brought you something to eat,” Payton said, and if she’d heard Brittany talking, she was choosing to ignore it. “Your father and grandmother are finished with their meeting with Mr. Stayton, and they’re on their way up to talk to you.”

“This should be good.” Jeffry reached for a sandwich as their mother put them on the coffee table. “I was wondering how long it would be before we got the circle-the-wagons lecture. Five bucks says he tries to convince us that everything Dakota said was a lie.”

“I know you two are angry and confused and you have a lot of questions,” Payton said as she took a seat next to Brittany, looking all prim and proper in a subdued green dress and gray scarf. “But we’ll get through this. I promise.”


stunning sensual young couple in love posing in summer field, happy lifestyle concept



Author pic - Larissa IoneAbout Larissa Ione:

Larissa Ione is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. An Air Force veteran, she traded in a career as a meteorologist to pursue her passion of writing. She now spends her days in pajamas with her computer, strong coffee, and supernatural worlds. She believes in celebrating everything, and would never be caught without a bottle of Champagne chilling in the fridge…just in case. She currently lives in Wisconsin with her U.S. Coast Guard husband, her teenage son, a rescue cat named Vegas, and her very own hellhound, a King Shepherd named Hexe.




Website | Facebook |Twitter | 1001 Dark Nights | Rising Storm on Goodreads


Prairie landscapes



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** Book Review ** LOVE WALKS IN by Samantha Chase



Such a sweet story!  I felt so many emotions as I read this book  ..  I felt sorrow for their loss, joy to see some of them finding happiness again and awe at the sight of so much unconditional sibling love.  It really must be surreal to have such a big, loving family such as this.  Can’t wait to read more of their stories!

The Shaughnessy family suffered great family tragedy years ago, and they each have dealt with it differently over the years.  Hugh chose to live a strict, regimented life.  Nothing is allowed to be spontaneous, and everything must be planned down to a tee.  When Aubrey Burke busts into his life unexpectedly, she is a breath of fresh air.  She makes him put down the schedule and actually see what living is like for a change.

Aubrey is trying to live her life to the fullest and is tired of the restraints that were placed on her for most of her life.  She wants to have fun, do things, go places, LIVE!

Will these two be able to find a middle ground where she can be free and happy while at the same time he can guard himself from going crazy at the thought of something being out of his control?


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** Book Review ** UNDENIABLE DEMANDS by Andrea Laurence



Family is strong … no matter how it’s made up!

Wade Mitchell needs to get his hands on something that could destroy his family if it were to be exposed.  He learns that Victoria Sullivan is the one that can return it to him, but she’s not going to be easy to persuade.

Victoria may be attracted to Wade, but she also despises him for firing her all those years ago and hanging her up to dry career-wise.  There’s no way she’s giving him what he wants … or will she?  She can’t deny the heat she feels any time he is near, and if the hunger she sees in his eyes is any indication, he feels it too!


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** Book Review ** THE GROWING SEASON, PART 1: A TIME TO UPROOT by Leigh Duncan

The Growing Season Part 1


A heart-wrenching story of great loss and how each family member copes and moves forward.  Can’t wait to read the next two parts!

Ann, Joy and Chuck Maywood have just lost their mother after a hard fight with breast cancer.  They each dealt with the diagnosis and treatment differently, and now that they are coming together for the funeral, times are stressful.

Ann put her entire life on hold to move home and take care of her mother, and now when she should be able to move forward, she has nothing left but drama from both her sister and brother.  Her promising career fell apart when she couldn’t be there for assignments, her boyfriend moved on because she was no longer there, and she spent her savings to keep everything afloat while caring for her Mom.

Will these siblings be able to pick up the pieces and maintain any type of loving relationship with each other now that Maggie is gone?


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