** Blog Tour / Book Review ** GETTING WOUND UP by Jennifer Bernard and Erin Nicholas



A sweet, sexy and fun mash-up between some of the characters from the Love Between the Bases series by Jennifer Bernard and the Sapphire Falls series by Erin Nicholas.  I really enjoyed seeing these two worlds collide and take us on a sweet journey of friends finding love.  I can’t tell you how many times I smiled along the way at the sass between these two. 🙂

Caitlyn Murray has been crushing on her brother’s best friend for awhile now.  He’s sweet, he’s sexy as all get out, and he’s dedicated to loving and supporting his family.  How can she NOT get weak in the knees when she’s around him??

Eli Anderson gave up his dreams of playing professional baseball several years ago because family was more important at the time.  When Caitlyn up and kidnaps him to take him on a road trip to try out for the Kilby Catfish, how can he complain?

When things heat up between them, will they decide to pursue a long-distance romance or move on and fondly remember their one night in Kansas?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



Getting Wound Up
A Sapphire Falls/Love Between the Bases Crossover Novel
By: Jennifer Bernard and Erin Nicholas

Releasing April 12, 2016
EN Fiction, Inc.


 Caitlyn Murray has never let on that she’s had fantasies about her brother’s friend Eli Anderson for years. She’d do anything for the sexy baseball player who walked away from stardom to stay in Sapphire Falls and take care of his family. But she and Eli are friends. Just friends.

So when her brother hatches a plan to get Eli to the pro baseball try-out for the Kilby Catfish and another chance at his dream, Caitlyn is all in. After all, what’s a little kidnapping among friends?
A spot on the pitcher’s mound for the Catfish isn’t the only tempting thing about the spontaneous road trip. Eli already knows that Caitlyn is as sweet as the candies she makes for the Sapphire Falls bakery, but alone with her overnight in the tiny motel room in Kansas, it’s impossible to resist the urge to take a little taste.

But when that taste leads to falling for the girl next door just as his front door is moving hundreds of miles away, can Eli really have it all? Or do they have too many strikes against them?


Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2016/02/getting-wound-up-by-jennifer-bernard_24.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29862819-getting-wound-up


Buy Links:    Amazon | B&N | Kobo iTunes

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1NgGcyJ

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/getting-wound-up-1-erin-nicholas/1123179676?ean=2940152861495

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/getting-wound-up/id1101723417?mt=11

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/search?Query=Getting+Wound+Up



Caitlyn took her third shot. The look on her face as she swallowed the liqueur was adorable.

“How many more shots do you need?” she asked.

He frowned. “What?”

“Well, it took two to get you to kiss me. You just had your third. I’m wondering how many you need to take me to bed.”

He just stared at her. He blinked. He was pretty much raring to go right now, actually. “How many do you need?”

She gave him a smile that wasn’t a bit tipsy. And was fully seductive. “I didn’t need even one, Eli.”

It was like his cock was voice-activated.  All she’d done was talk and he was rock hard. “Damn, Cait.”

“You can’t be completely surprised.”

Was he surprised? That she was attracted to him? That she wanted to sleep with him?

Yeah, he fucking was. Because if his mind had ever even started to go in that direction, he would have shut it down.

“I don’t need anything to want you,” he said honestly. “I’m going to need a few more to get me past that.”

She took a long draw on her beer.  After she swallowed, she nodded. “Okay, well, I’m going to need two more to get to drunk-enough-to-fall-asleep-even-knowing-you’re-half-naked-in-the-next-bed and drunk-enough-to-not-even-get-up-in-the-night-for-the-bathroom.”

Ah yes, the bathroom last night. As if that had been far from his mind all day.

“Two more it is,” he agreed, even as his body screamed at him to shut the hell up.

If he kissed her again, if he kept going … well, from the look on Caitlyn’s face, they both knew where that was going to lead them.

She ate a fry and took a drink of beer, then licked her lips clean of the salt.

An image of her on her knees, those lips and that tongue wetting some other things, flashed through his mind. He coughed and shook his head.

Then she raised her hand to the waitress again. She held up two fingers and waved them between her and Eli.

The girl brought four more shots over and set them in the middle of the table.

Caitlyn picked one up. “Okay, moment of truth. We drink these shots and we go to the hotel, to two separate beds, and home to Sapphire Falls tomorrow as friends. Or we don’t take these shots and we go back to the hotel to one bed. And then go home to Sapphire Falls tomorrow as friends.”




Jennifer Bernard is a graduate of Harvard and a former news promo producer. The child of academics, she confounded her family by preferring romance novels to … well, any other books. She left big city life for true love in Alaska, where she now lives with her husband and stepdaughters. She’s no stranger to book success, as she also writes erotic novellas under a naughty secret name not to be mentioned at family gatherings.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Website:  http://jenniferbernard.net/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/JenniferBernardBooks

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/jen_bernard

GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5263027.Jennifer_Bernard


Erin Nicholas


Erin Nicholas is the author of sexy contemporary romances. Her stories have been described as toe-curling, enchanting, steamy and fun. She loves to write about reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines and happily ever afters. She lives in the Midwest with her husband who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books, her kids who will never read the sex scenes in her books, and family and friends who say they’re shocked by the sex scenes in her books (yeah, right!).

Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

Website:  http://www.erinnicholas.com/
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/people/Erin-Nicholas/100000437358976
Twitter:  http://twitter.com/ErinNicholas
GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3155383.Erin_Nicholas




Win a signed copy of Getting Over It by Erin Nicholas and Caught By You by Jennifer Bernard

a Rafflecopter giveaway

** Book Review ** CLAIMING THE ROYAL INNOCENT by Jennifer Hayward



The second installment in Hayward’s Kingdom & Crowns series offers readers a glimpse into royal life and how they deal with a brewing royal scandal.  We are drawn in by the secret we learn in the first chapter and enthralled to see how it plays out throughout the book.

Aleksandra Dimitriou has learned that she’s the secret child of former King Gregorios of Akathinia.  She finds a way to contact the royal family so she can meet her father who has been ill.

When the kingdom is threatened, Alex is put in the protective custody of Aristos Nicolades, whom she already shared a secret kiss with before he found out her identity. Though he’s been given strict “hands off” orders, will the close quarters that is thrust upon them be too much temptation and have him facing the wrath of the reigning King if their affair is discovered?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **


Kingdoms & Crowns #2
Jennifer Hayward
Harlequin Presents #3430
May 2016


When Aleksandra Dimitriou is revealed as the secret daughter of Akathinia’s former king, she’s torn from her comfortable existence and thrust into the royal world…under the protection of Aristos Nicolades.


Aristos has orders not to touch the innocent princess, but beautiful Aleksandra calls to the rebellious urges that the self-made Greek tycoon thought he overcame long ago.


As the heat of their desire rises, the rules begin to evaporate. It’s soon clear that the person Aristos should be protecting Aleksandra from is himself!


** Book Review ** WHEN YOU TOUCH ME by Marilyn Baxter


4 1/2 STARS!

A short, sweet read of healing and hope!

Jillian Logan has just returned home to Mimosa Bay after living away for several years. She’s getting settled in to her new job as a massage therapist at the Casa Blanca Resort and right away is given a special project.

Sam Hartman is not exactly happy to be on a beach front resort to remind him of the sandbox he just returned from with a few physical injuries to deal with and a whole lot of mental ones.  He’s not sure what to do with himself now that the Army isn’t his future anymore and he’s ready to take it out on anything in his path.

Will Jillian be able to help him work through some of his pain?  And will his constant flirting eventually wear her down?  Could there even be a future there considering the different places they are at in their lives?

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Marilyn Baxter
Kindle Worlds Barefoot Bay
April 14, 2016

Family woes bring Jillian Logan home to Mimosa Key, but she faces more trouble in her new job as a massage therapist at the Casa Blanca Resort in Barefoot Bay. Right away she’s given a special assignment: a wounded soldier who is a good-looking player with sex appeal and who threatens to throw her delicately balanced life off-kilter.

Sam Hartman, AKA Hart Throb, views the beach as just another sandbox all too reminiscent of the hellhole where he was injured. And the alternative therapies that Jillian offers him? He considers them pure voodoo. He would rather move their relationship off the massage table and into his bed, but as much as he wants her touch, it forces him to face the demons that still haunt him. Can the heat of their unlikely connection heal them both?





A short, sweet story about finding love when you least expect it!

Charlotte Oak is in Mimosa Bay to finalize a deal for the Super Min.  The deal has all been worked out and she just needs a signature, but what she finds is a hunky clerk working the counter who tells her Charity is not even in town for their arranged meeting!

Josh McLean has no clue who this woman is, or why she’s trying to reach his Aunt Charity, but he really enjoys flirting with her!  He convinces her to spend time with him so he can wheedle details out of her and try to figure out why in the world his aunt would consider selling her store.

Enjoying her time with Josh, who she thinks is just a regular guy, makes Charlie take a second look deep inside herself at the woman she has become and realize that getting ahead isn’t always what’s most important in life.  When she finds out that Josh isn’t who he seems and is instead super rich, will it change how she feels about him?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **


Leigh Duncan
Kindle Worlds Barefoot Bay
April 14, 2016

His secret might save the Super Min, but will the truth cost him his heart?

Tasked to bring a group of mom-and-pop convenience stores under one corporate umbrella, willowy blonde Charlotte Oak seizes the opportunity to secure her future…by any means necessary. But the hunky clerk who refuses to sell the Super Min to her not only blocks Charlie’s path to success, he forces her to take a good, hard look at herself. And she doesn’t like what she sees. Self-made billionaire Josh McLean does, though. When the golden-haired beauty struts into his Aunt Charity’s Super Min, Josh wants nothing more than to wine and dine the newcomer like only the head of a Fortune 500 company can…until he discovers Charlie’s real purpose in coming to Barefoot Bay will destroy the heart and soul of Mimosa Key


** Book Review ** TRIBAL LAW by Jenna Kernan


4 1/2 STARS!

These Cosen brother’s just keep finding themselves knee deep in trouble as they try to keep peace on the reservation for their people.  This time it’s Gabe’s turn to shine in the excitement as they try to figure who is up to no good, and we also see them getting closer to finding their missing sister in this 3rd book in the Apache Protectors series.

Gabe Cosen believes in adhering to the law and serving his tribe as the tribal Police Chief. He’s not one to bend the rules, which is why he’s no longer engaged.  His ex, Selena Dosela is never going to forgive him for arresting her father several years ago.

Selena works hard to take care of her family and the family business.  She’s not one to turn her back on them, or on the trouble they may bring home.  When they are all in danger, she has no other option than to accept help from Gabe.  Will being in close contacts again bring up those old feelings?

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TRIBAL LAW – Apache Protectors #3
Jenna Kernan
Harlequin Intrigue #1639
May 2016

Only the warrior from her past could save her now… 

Tribal police chief Gabe Cosen would do anything to protect his people and their reservation. This sheer dedication to the law had even cost him his fiancée. Selena Dosela had never forgiven him for sending her father to prison. But with trouble back on her doorstep, Gabe vowed to keep her safe.

Only extreme fear for her family would allow Selena to accept Gabe’s help. Despite all they had been through, Selena knew she could trust him with the lives of those she loved. The lawman would never break his word…but if she wasn’t careful, he might break her heart again.


** Blog Tour / Book Review ** YOU’RE STILL THE ONE by Darcy Burke



Dynamic!  The Ribbon Ridge series that Darcy Burke has shared with us has been been such a pleasure to read and experience!  The Archer family has a little bit of everything … sibling rivalry, love, laughter, tears, angst, guilt, you name it — but in the end, it’s all about being a family.  I stumbled across this series with Book 4, and have dearly loved 4, 5 and this one is #6.  I will one day find the time to go back and read 1, 2 & 3 because I love this family so much!  Kudos to Darcy for wrapping a family around my heart and making me wish for the world for them all.  I feel a great sadness that this is the wrap up of the Archer kids … but look forward to catching future glimpses at them from afar with more books set in Ribbon Ridge.

Hayden Archer has spent the last year in France escaping from real life, and when he returns home, isn’t sure where he fits in anymore.  After a family tragedy, his parents and siblings have all had a lot of healing to do and each has gone about it a different way, but have all settled back home in Ribbon Ridge.  When he arrives to find out his college girlfriend who broke his heart five years ago is now working for the family brewery, he’s not happy.  He finally got over pining for her and now she’s back in his life again.

Bex Holmgren couldn’t face staying in Ribbon Ridge with Hayden all those years ago. Turmoil over a loss they shared along with being overwhelmed by his large family drove her to need some space away.  Running into Hayden now that he’s home shows her that the love she thought she was over, is still there … he’s still the one … but can he ever forgive her and trust her with his heart ever again?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **




You’re Still the One
Ribbon Ridge #6
By: Darcy Burke

Releasing April 5, 2016
Avon Impulse


USA Today bestseller Darcy Burke concludes her Archer family saga with a second chance at first love…

Everyone thought college sweethearts Bex Holmgren and Hayden Archer were headed for the altar… until a tragic accident sent young Bex running from a future she wasn’t ready to claim. But when she’s offered her dream job at Archer Brewing, Bex can’t pass up the chance to reconnect with the big, crazy family that once welcomed her with open arms—and the one man she’s never stopped loving.

When he returns home after a year in France, Hayden is less than thrilled to find his ex-girlfriend working for his family’s company. He’s finally moved on, and being around her rekindles long-buried feelings he’d rather ignore. But Bex isn’t the same girl he knew—she’s more mature, more beautiful, more tempting than ever—and he can’t resist the pull of the intense passion he’s only ever shared with her.

Have five years changed them enough, or are they doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past? The only thing Bex knows for sure is that for her, Hayden is still the one.


Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2016/03/youre-still-one-ribbon-ridge-6-by-darcy.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25900554-you-re-still-the-one

Goodreads Series Link: https://www.goodreads.com/series/117022-ribbon-ridge


Buy Links:   Amazon | B & N | Google Play | iTunes | Kobo

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B011IT5CLS

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/youre-still-the-one-darcy-burke/1122599633?ean=9780062443533

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Darcy_Burke

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/unti-ribbon-ridge-6/id1018939148?mt=11

Kobo:  https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/you-re-still-the-one-6



“Your family is tough.”

He tipped his head up to look at her. “Tough?”

“It’s just . . . big. Complicated. Competitive.”

His brow furrowed. “Is that how you see us?”

“That’s how I see them. How do you see them?”

He smiled. “Complicated. Competitive.” He looked at her with appreciation in his gaze, which wasn’t helping her campaign to shelve her feelings for him. “It feels off being back now. I’ve always been the one to be here—you know that.”

He’d felt it was his responsibility to stay. Except maybe responsibility wasn’t what he’d felt. Maybe it was the desire to be the one who was necessary. Not martyrdom—nothing that self-serving—but a true need to feel . . . needed. Why had she never seen that before?

“I did know that, but I don’t think I really understood it until now. I shouldn’t have asked you to leave.”

He sat up and pivoted the stool so he was facing her. His knee brushed hers as he turned, and she felt the connection everywhere. He, on the other hand, didn’t seem to notice.

“Whoa,” he said. “This is a total one-eighty. I’m not sure I can wrap my head around this.” There were lines of humor around his eyes, so she knew he was at least half-joking.

“I know, right?” She brought the whiskey to her lips and drank.

“What happened?” he asked softly, his gaze intense. “Why do you say that now?”

Oh, this was dangerous territory. This intimate conversation, the dimness of the room, the familiarity and its pull—at least for her. “You seem out of sorts now, like you maybe can’t find your place, whereas before you knew what it was. You were Hayden the Dependable, the one everyone counted on.”

His stare pierced her. There was a bit of admiration there. She fidgeted with her glass, unsure where this was going.

“You get it. No one gets it.”

She wasn’t sure that was true, but maybe it was just that he hadn’t talked to them about it. And maybe he didn’t want to. Maybe his place wasn’t here. “I get it now,” she said, smiling. “But I didn’t before. And I’m sorry.”

“You said you shouldn’t have asked me to leave. Do you . . . do you regret leaving?”

Damn, that was the worst question ever. Yes and no. “Until I’d come back here, I would’ve said no. Now . . . I’m not sure. It’s hard to regret things, isn’t it? Because we are who we are today because of the choices we made. And I like who I am.” For the most part.

He hadn’t broken eye contact with her the entire time she’d spoken, and she wondered if he felt this connection, this bone-deep longing that she’d truly never experienced before. Then he leaned in, and she did the same. Did he realize how close they were? If they both leaned just a bit more, their lips would touch.

“Maybe that’s it.” His voice was soft, sexy, but dark, too. “Maybe I don’t like who I am.”


Darcy (2)


DARCY BURKE is the USA Today best-selling author of hot, action-packed historical and sexy, emotional, contemporary romance. Darcy wrote her first book at age eleven, a happily-ever-after about a swan addicted to magic and the female swan that loved him, with exceedingly poor illustrations.

A native Oregonian, Darcy lives on the edge of wine country with her guitar-strumming husband, their two hilarious kids who seem to have inherited the writing gene, and three Bengal cats. In her “spare” time, Darcy is a serial volunteer enrolled in a twelve-step program where one learns to say “no,” but she keeps having to start over. She’s also a fair-weather runner, and her happy places are Disneyland and Labor Day weekend at the Gorge.

Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Website:  http://www.darcyburke.com/

Facebook:  http://facebook.com/DarcyBurkeFans

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/darcyburke

GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5823441.Darcy_Burke




A signed set of Ribbon Ridge Series (Bks 1-5), a custom pint glass, coaster, and other Ribbon Ridge Swag. (U.S. Only). Additionally Avon Books will be giving away Three sets of Only In My Dreams and Yours to Hold (books #1 and #2) in digital downloads.
a Rafflecopter giveaway




Dedicated businessman meets his match in this story of overcoming past guilts to find happiness.  Easily connectible characters have you hoping for the best from the first page.

Orlando Cassano never expected that his whirlwind affair with CEO Isobel Spicer would change their lives forever, but when he finds out that it has, he doesn’t hesitate to step up to the plate.  He knows what it was like not having a father in his life, and he won’t let the same thing happen to his unborn child.

Isobel isn’t sure how she expected Orlando to react to her big news, but she sure wasn’t expecting to be planning a future with him.  When she catches wind of a family past that is unresolved, she encourages him to make peace with it before it affects the baby’s legacy.

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **


Andie Brock
Harlequin Presents #3428
May 2016

The proposal he never expected to make… 

Life as a single man suits Orlando Cassano just fine. He believes in working hard and taking his pleasures whenever he chooses. Until his affair with sassy CEO Isobel Spicer ends in a very unexpected result!

Orlando may not have had a father figure growing up but he will be a parent to his child. Yet getting independent career woman Isobel down the aisle will take more than his legendary skills of seduction. For she demands the one thing he’s never given anyone: that he confront his past if they are to have a future…


** Book Review ** THE SHEIKH’S LAST MISTRESS by Rachael Thomas



A commoner and a sheikh share a sensual affair with each thinking the other is cold and indifferent to the feelings flaring up between them.  They have each had their share of heartache, and I enjoyed seeing them attempt to overcome it with each other.

Sheikh Zafir Al Asmari has a job offer for Destiny Richards, and he’s willing to meet her demands to get her to accept.

Destiny Richards is desperate to get out from under the controlling figures in her life, so when the sheikh offers her a way to pave the way to a future on her own, she decides to take it.

What neither of them count on, is the heated attraction between them anytime the other is near.  They agree to one night of passion before they part ways … but destiny really has struck when consequences unfold!

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **


Rachael Thomas
Harlequin Presents #3427
May 2016

Promoted to Princess!

Destiny Richards knows she is playing with fire when she accepts charismatic Sheikh Zafir Al Asmari’s job offer, but it seems like a fair price to pay to start her life over again. Until the temperature reaches the boiling point and Destiny finds herself spending one out-of-this-world night with the sheikh!

When powerful Zafir seduces English rose Destiny, he never anticipates she’ll hold the title of his Last Mistress. But their scorching affair has shocking repercussions. Now, before their nine months are up, Zafir must convince Destiny to make their arrangement more permanent!


** Blog Tour / Book Review ** DIRTY SEXY INKED by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde


4 1/2 STARS!

I loved this book!  I really enjoyed the connection between Mason & Kat. They are super HOT and sexy, yet the best of friends who are always there for one another!

Mason Kincaid is a sexy tattoo artist who loves hot, dirty sex.  His motto is “hit it and quit it” because he doesn’t do relationships.  One night of fun is all a girl ever gets from him.  He’s all about using a woman to satisfy his internal demons.

Katrina Sands has been Mason’s best friend since high school and is the Manager at his tattoo shop, Inked.  When a wild night leads to something happening between them, will Mason change his ways, or will Kat be left to deal with being dumped by her best friend?


**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



Dirty Sexy Inked (Dirty Sexy Series Book 2) by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde

Date of Publication: April 5, 2016


Breaking hearts is what wild and rebellious Mason Kincaid does best. Hit it and quit it is his motto, and with his bad boy reputation and tattoos, he doesn’t lack for female companionship. Until one hot night with the one woman he swore he’d never touch becomes an all consuming addiction he can’t kick. Katrina Sands has been his best friend for years, but now that he knows what she feels like, and tastes like, there is no going back to being just friends. Hot, dirty sex has never felt so good…or so right.

Available From

About Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde

***About Carly Phillips***

Carly Phillips is the N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of over 50 sexy contemporary romance novels featuring hot men, strong women and the emotionally compelling stories her readers have come to expect and love. Carly is happily married to her college sweetheart, the mother of two nearly adult daughters and three crazy dogs (two wheaten terriers and one mutant Havanese) who star on her Facebook Fan Page and website. Carly loves social media and is always around to interact with her readers. You can find out more about Carly at www.carlyphillips.com.

***About Erika Wilde***

Erika Wilde is the author of the sexy Marriage Diaries series and The Players Club series. She lives in Oregon with her husband and two daughters, and when she’s not writing you can find her exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest. For more information on her upcoming releases, please visit website at www.erikawilde.com.

Find Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde Online


“WE’RE OFF TO Las Vegas, Kitty-Kat,” Mason Kincaid said as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “Sin City is the perfect place to get down and dirty and have some fun. What kind of trouble do you think we can get into while we’re there?”

Katrina Sands buckled her seat belt and settled more comfortably in the first-class leather seat next to Mason—her best friend since they were fourteen and freshmen in high school. She wasn’t at all surprised that he was already making a mental list of all the wild and reckless adventures that awaited him in a no-holds-barred place like Las Vegas. Mason Kincaid was a rule breaker, a thrill seeker, and a self-indulgent bad boy who was all about pleasure and instant gratification. From everything she’d heard about the city that never slept, he’d be right in his element.

Oh, joy, she thought with a resigned sigh. It wasn’t as though she was a prude. Far from it. She just wasn’t thrilled about watching her best friend’s man-whoring ways in action in Vegas. She spent enough time seeing it up close and personal on a day-to-day basis.

She turned her head and met Mason’s bright blue gaze. “You do realize that this trip isn’t all about you and your dick, right? That we’re heading to Vegas because your brother Clay is marrying Samantha?” she asked, reminding him of that one important detail.

The corners of his mouth curved with an indulgent grin. “Of course I realize my brother is strapping on the old ball and chain tomorrow afternoon. But that doesn’t mean the entire weekend is going to be all wedding, all the time. In fact, tonight Levi and I plan to take Clay out to make sure he spends his last evening as a bachelor in style.”

Which gave Mason the perfect opportunity to carouse for a willing female to take back to his hotel room for the night. It’s what Mason did. For as long as she’d known him, he’d had a hit-it-and-quit-it motto when it came to women, and he always made sure they knew the score up front. He didn’t make promises or do commitment or anything longer than a one-time fling.

And each time Katrina watched it happen, a little bit of hope died inside of her. The hope that one day Mason would see her as more than just a best friend and the woman who managed to keep his personal and professional shit together. But the man was oblivious to her deeper feelings for him, and she wasn’t willing to tell him and risk certain painful rejection. It was much easier, and safer, keeping them both squarely in the friend zone.

She’d known him for twelve years, and had truly come to believe that Mason Kincaid didn’t have the ability to commit to any single woman. And it really wasn’t hard for her to figure out why considering the kind of childhood he’d had—no father figure to speak of and a mother who cared more about her next fix than her own kids. Mason might be a master at giving off a carefree, I-don’t-give-a-crap attitude, but Katrina was one of the few people who knew just how much pain and resentment that laid-back demeanor really masked.

The commercial plane they were taking to Las Vegas finished the boarding process, and one of the cabin crew started closing the overhead luggage bins, while another made an announcement to set all electronic devices to airplane mode. A pretty brunette flight attendant stopped next to Mason’s aisle seat and set her hand on his shoulder.

He glanced up at her, and the woman smiled, her complexion flushing a bit as he turned all that potent male sex appeal her way. Yeah, Mason had that kind of breathtaking effect on women. Between his gorgeous features, that sexy, panty-dropping smile, and his sleeves of bad boy tattoos that wrapped around both muscled arms, he was an irresistible force to the female gender.

And the jerk knew it, too, and didn’t hesitate to use that charm to his advantage.

Hosted by:

** Book Review ** THE FLYBOY’S TEMPTATION by Kimberly Van Meter



Filled with intrigue, hot men, and combustible attraction!

J.T. Carmichael is trying to behave and save the charter flight business that he and his brother run together, he really is … but he just seems to attract trouble wherever he goes!

Hope Larson shows up with an offer he can’t refuse considering the business is about to go bankrupt.  She needs to get to South America, like yesterday!  When bullets start flying before they are even in the air, J.T. starts second guessing this “too good to pass up” deal he just agreed to.  When the plane crashes in the jungles of Mexico, will they make it out alive when the bad men that were after Hope come searching for them?


**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **