REVIEW: Last of the Red Hot Riders

Last of the Red Hot Riders


My first trip to Hell, TX …

And I really liked it! ๐Ÿ™‚

I hadn’t read the previous book, so I wasn’t familiar with the characters at all. At first getting them all down pat was slow, and I found myself going back and starting the book all over once I hit Chapter 3, because it still felt cloudy to me. Once I re-read through Chapters 1 & 2 and got a good handle on who was who, I really enjoyed the book. Cameron & Saint were great characters and I was right there rooting for them the whole time. Look forward to visiting Hell, TX again! ๐Ÿ˜‰

** Received free from Tina to review **

REVIEW: Wild Heat

Wild Heat


Caitlin (Kitty) Grant flees California to move back home to small town Alaska life. She’s a broken bird, escaping an abusive ex-husband, and just trying to find herself again. Her long lost best friend Tack picks up the pieces and shows her how to live again as their friendship redevelops and blossoms into more. The cultural and town history was a little heavy for me in the first part of the book, but once Kitty and Tack are settling in as friends again, their story comes to the forefront and has you lost in following their every move to see what will happen. A nice read!

** Received free from Lucy to review **

REVIEW: The Princess and the Player

The Princess and the Player


The continuation of the Montoro’s Dynasty did NOT disappoint!

In preparation of her brother Gabriel taking the throne as King of Alma, Bella Montoro leaves her party girl lifestyle in Miami behind to show family support in Alma. To her dismay, her father has an arranged marriage in mind for her with Will Rowling. She grudgingly agrees to meet him, but first runs smack into his twin brother James. The sexy soccer/football player flirts shamelessly and intrigues Bella.

Does Bella stay true to the family and marry boring Will to further the royal business relationships, or will she throw responsibility to the wind and choose the brother that sets her on fire with just a look? Watch as Bella learns to grow up and fall in love and make her way through the twists and turns that life decides to throw at her.

Very enjoyable read. I read it from cover to cover without putting it down!

** Received free from Kat to Review **