** Book Review ** BACK IN THE SADDLE by Karen Templeton


4 1/2 STARS!

A great story that pulls at your heartstrings many times over.  It was a pleasure to be thrust into the Talbot family once again as we learned Zach’s story and saw Levi & Val continue their journey to wedded bliss.  Zach & Mallory were simply magical together.

Mallory Keyes decides she just has to get away from the Hollywood lifestyle for awhile, so she buys a place in Whispering Pines, New Mexico.  Her life changed years ago after an accident, and though she loves her son dearly, she needs some time away from the spotlight.

Zach Talbot is doing his best to hide away from anything more than doing his job as the town Veterinarian and raising his adorable sons.  When he stumbles into a meeting with Mallory, not even realizing who she is at first, he feels drawn to her.  She’s a breath of fresh air with her down to earth take on life.

Will they decide to take the chance on the attraction building when they are around each other, or is each too scarred from the cards life has dealt them to move forward?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **

** Blog Tour / Book Review / Giveaway ** TAKING THE SCORE by Kate Meader


4 1/2 STARS!

A steamy read!

Property tycoon Brody Kane, hired Emma as his personal assistant because she was prim and proper and dressed like a hideous librarian.  He doesn’t need distraction in the office.

Emma Strickland is trying to be a good girl and stop the cycle of she and her sister getting into trouble, but she’s stuck in a bad position when her sister ends up owing a louse of a guy a ton of money, and volunteers HER to work it off.

Brody can’t believe his eyes when he takes a client to a strip club and out walks Emma.  His supposedly dowdy assistant is showing off all of her wares!

When he takes her in and tries to help her out of her hard spot, will Emma tell him the truth and let him settle the debt for her or will she continue to play games because she doesn’t want him to know about her sister?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **




Taking the Score
Tall, Dark, and Texan #2
By: Kate Meader

Releasing February 15, 2016
Entangled Brazen


A sexy category romance from Entangled’s Brazen imprint…

 His office temptation is now his full-blown fantasy…

Paying down her sister’s debts has left Emma Strickland with little more than the thrift store suit on her back. And as if the suckfest couldn’t get worse, she’s forced to moonlight as a waitress to support herself and her cat. At a strip club. Her uptight, sexy-as-hell boss Brody Kane can never find out.

Texas property tycoon Brody Kane hired Emma for her spreadsheet skills, but her prim and proper demeanor sealed the deal. There’s no room in his life for a sexy distraction … and yet, he can’t stop lusting after the delicious Ms. Strickland. And then he takes an important client to a Chicago strip club and gets the worst lap dance in adult entertainment history. From Emma.

Now that he knows his office good girl has a naughty streak, Brody makes it his mission to uncover her secrets, one steamy, illicit, over-the-desk encounter at a time. But Emma is hiding more than her side job, and her final secret could end up destroying them both.


Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2016/01/taking-score-tall-dark-and-texan-2-by.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28490176-taking-the-score

Goodreads Series Link: https://www.goodreads.com/series/154602-tall-dark-and-texan


Buy Links:   Amazon B & N Google Play iTunes Kobo

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Taking-Score-Tall-Dark-Texan-ebook/dp/B01ARSJKDW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1455228628&sr=8-1&keywords=B01ARSJKDW

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/taking-the-score-kate-meader/1123271865?ean=9781633755642

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Kate_Meader_Taking_the_Score?id=G8JnCwAAQBAJ&hl=en

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/taking-the-score/id1076274501?mt=11

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/taking-the-score




A growl erupted from his throat, an unabashed display of possessiveness that even he found to be clichéd. But it drew the perfect reaction. Her teeth snagged on the pillow of her lower lip and emerged moist. Her nipples budded against the thin fabric of his tee.

Ms. Strickland likes it when you growl.

He closed the gap between them, gratified when she stepped back against the counter.

“Admit you’re jealous, Emma.”

“Never,” she said defiantly.

“Just your nipples then. They’re pouting.” He inclined his head. “And these earlobes have a greenish tinge to them.” He brushed his lips across the delicate shell of her ear. “And this spot where your neck meets your shoulder”—he inhaled her scent and placed the lightest kiss at that sensitive patch of skin—“the most jealous of all. And you in that tee is not helpin’ anyone, baby.”

“Are you telling me your engine gets all revved up when you see an old tee?” Fake bravado trilled through her voice. She pulled at the hem of the shirt. It fell to midthigh, but her drawing attention to it stirred his blood into a cauldron of need.

“When I see you in it. Because now it’s going to smell of you.” Reaching behind her, he bunched the material so it shaped to her perky breasts. “I know it brushed your skin, rubbed your nipples, that you were wearing it when I fucked you to paradise on my bedroom floor. Maybe you hitched it up to your hips while you thought about me and stroked yourself last night.”

He gave her a moment to pull out of his grasp, and when she didn’t, he hiked the tee higher, up past her ass. A wisp of lace crashed into his vision field as she parted her legs on a moan.

“You have other clothes. Ones I bought you. You don’t have to wear this, so why are you tormenting me?”

Her breathing came in short tugs, her breasts straining against the fabric he held taut against her body. Every part of him howled to be completed by her surrender. He could dip his head and suck her stiff nipple, but she had to ask for it. Beg for it. Last time, he took.

“Why are you wearing it?” he repeated.

“Be-because it’s soft.”



Not satisfied with that answer, he nudged his knee between her legs. Her lips parted to reveal all that wet, succulent pink, mimicking the pliant heat he longed to plant his cock into over and over. “And?”

“It smells of you.” In a surprise move, she put him on the back foot by leaning in and inhaling from his neck. “But it’s a ghost of your scent and can’t possibly compete with the real thing. God, you smell so good. It was the first thing I noticed about you when I interviewed. You shook my hand and I walked out of there on a contact high. No one should smell that good or look that hot. And in glasses, too, you fucking dick.”





Originally from Ireland, Kate Meader cut her romance reader teeth on Maeve Binchy and Jilly Cooper novels, with some Mills & Boon thrown in for variety. Give her tales about brooding mill owners, oversexed equestrians, and men who can rock an apron or a fire hose, and she’s there. Now based in Chicago, she writes sexy contemporary romance with alpha heroes and strong heroines who can match their men quip for quip.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads 

Website:  http://katemeader.com/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/authorkatemeader
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/KittyMeader
GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6551743.Kate_Meader




$25.00 Amazon eGift Card

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** Blog Tour / Book Review / Giveaway ** THE BRIDE WORE STARLIGHT by Lizbeth Selvig



An inspirational story of living through loss … loss of love, loss of dreams, loss of life … yet finding the strength to come back from lower than you ever thought possible to find all of those things again … and even better!

Joely Crockett once had the world on a string.  She won beauty pageants with ease, she was a favorite in the barrel racing circuit, she could simply shine at anything she did.  Until one day her world fell apart.  A horrific accident took everything she had ever loved and thought defined her away from her.

Alec Morrissey has known his share of loss and heartache.  He meets Joely at her sisters’ combined wedding and sees the pain in her and knows her will to not try make anything better is what’s holding her back.  He sets out to nag her into getting mad and trying to shut him up and prove him wrong.

Their time spent together leads to friendship as well as strong attraction between the two.  Will they each be able to overcome their fears to find their way to being each other’s future?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **




The Bride Wore Starlight
Seven Brides for Seven Cowboys #3
By: Lizbeth Selvig

Releasing February 9. 2016
Avon Impulse


 Once comfortable on stage in front of thousands, Joely Crockett is now mortified at the thought of walking—or rolling—down the aisle at her sisters’ wedding. Scarred and wheelchair-bound, the former beauty queen has lost more than the ability to walk—she’s lost her fire. But when one handsome, arrogant guest accuses her of milking her injuries and ignites her ire, Joely finally starts to feel truly alive again, and soon it’s impossible for her to resist her heart’s desire.

Alec Morrissey knows a little something about loss. A famous rodeo cowboy before he was injured in Iraq, he’s managed to create something of a normal life, even if it’s not the one he always imagined. Encountering stunning but damaged Joely, he sees a kindred spirit who can learn from his mistakes.

As these two healing souls begin to fall in love under the Wyoming stars, they must discover if they are willing to give in to the tragedies of life or fight for a future together.


Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2016/01/the-bride-wore-starlight-seven-brides.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24331551-the-bride-wore-starlight

Goodreads Series Link: https://www.goodreads.com/series/147787-seven-brides-for-seven-cowboys


Buy Links:  Amazon | B & N | Google Play | iTunes | Kobo

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Bride-Wore-Starlight-Brides-Cowboys-ebook/dp/B00RLVDHC4/ref=sr_1_1?

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-bride-wore-starlight-lizbeth-selvig/1122887856?ean=9780062413963

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Lizbeth_Selvig

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-bride-wore-starlight/id954593040?mt=11

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/the-bride-wore-starlight



The contact with Alec’s strong, long-fingered hand didn’t do anything to quell the annoyance dancing in her stomach. Or was it attraction? Or just a very long time since a man had taken her hand?

He tugged gently and braced his feet so she could stand and get her solid leg beneath her.

Her eyes came level with his tie. That put him at roughly six feet, she thought inanely, although, in truth, no thoughts but inane ones filled her head. Up close his eyes shone a dark, rich amber, and his full, upturned lips made him appear prone to smiling. His hat looked so natural on him he might well have been born with it on.

He held out his right elbow. “Just think of me as a human hiking stick.”

He hadn’t said “cane.” He hadn’t said “crutch.” She offered a tentative, grateful smile, took a deep breath, and nodded.

What could have been horribly awkward turned out to be an easy partnership. Alec seemed to know instinctively how to step where she needed him for support, and his arm offered a perfect grip that she could lean into as firmly as she wanted. It took a dozen or so strides to get the coordination right, but slowly she figured out how to step firmly with her right leg and use Alec’s weight to help swing and step quickly with her left. She’d walked like this with crutches, but this felt so quasi normal—she almost enjoyed it.


They came to the stairs, and she froze. A flat path was easy. Going up stairs was awkward but doable. But going down threw her weight forward, and she didn’t have the strength or balance to keep from pitching headfirst down the flight.

“We’re doing great,” he said. “There are only six.”

We’re doing fine,” he’d said. She didn’t know this man from any random person, and yet he knew how to speak as if they’d been doing this forever.

“I really should have a body on the other side, too,” she admitted reluctantly. “I suck at stairs.”

“Here’s the deal.” He removed her hand from his elbow and held it, then wrapped his right arm loosely around her waist. “It’s your balance that’s got you spooked. You haven’t practiced with it, but your left leg is strong enough. Trust yourself. You know the drill: bad leg—”

“First,” she finished. “Yes. But it doesn’t hold my weight.”

“Eventually it will, but for now we’ll step together, and you lean into me when you’re using that leg.”

How did he know so effortlessly what to do? He’d probably had plenty of bangs and bruises when he’d been on the rodeo circuit—maybe this was second nature for him.

They navigated the stairs like they’d been doing it for years. She’d never have made it on her own, and such an exercise had been clunky at best with a physical therapist. When she stood at the bottom without aid of a crutch or two side walkers, her satisfaction had to rival that of any successful mountain climber’s.

“Wow,” she said, unable to keep the pleasure from her voice.

“Why are you surprised? You’re a ranch girl; you’re tough.”





Lizbeth Selvig lives in Minnesota with her best friend (aka her husband), and a gray Arabian gelding. After working as a newspaper journalist and magazine editor, and raising an equine veterinarian daughter and a talented musician son, she won RWA’s prestigious Golden Heart® Contest in 2010 with her contemporary romance The Rancher and the Rock Star. In her spare time, she loves to hike, quilt, read, horseback ride, and spend time with her new granddaughter. She also has four-legged grandchildren—more than twenty—including a wallaby, two alpacas, a donkey, a pig, a sugar glider, and many dogs, cats, and horses (pics of all appear on her website www.lizbethselvig.com). She loves connecting with readers—contact her any time!


Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

Website:  http://www.lizbethselvig.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/LizbethSelvigAuthor

Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/lizbethselvig




A Digital Download copy of THE BRIDE WORE DENIM and THE BRIDE WORE RED BOOTS, books 1 & 2 in the Seven Brides for Seven Cowboys Series

a Rafflecopter giveaway

** Blog Tour / Book Review / Giveaway ** A FAMILY LIKE HANNAH’S by Carol Ross



This story takes you deep into a small town filled with kind people and history.  People who embrace newcomers and shower a timid little boy with love and understanding.  A place where people come to heal after loss and a place where people are able to dream of a bright future.

Hannah James had her professional skiing career torn out from under her after being in a horrible accident.  She suffers with the loss of those dreams, but she has forged through and created a new dream.  Snowy Sky Resort is set to open soon, and she hopes will create a magical place for families to make memories.

Tate Addison, a newly retired pro-snowboarder is brought in by the Board to consult on the resort to give recommendations before opening.  He’s recently received custody of his 6 year old nephew and is desperate to give him the life that he deserves after an early childhood filled with turmoil that a little one shouldn’t have to live through.

Tate and Hannah’s ideas for the resort don’t line up very well, so there is tension between them, but there’s also attraction … a lot of it!

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

A Family Like Hannah'sA Family Like Hannah’s

(Seasons of Alaska #4)

by Carol Ross

Adult Contemporary Romance

Paperback & ebook, 384 pages

February 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Starting over is serious business

With her professional skiing career cut short by an accident, Hannah James is putting all her energy into transforming Snowy Sky Resort into something special. There’s only one obstacle. Famous pro-snowboarder-turned-consultant Tate Addison has his own ideas about taking the Rankins, Alaska, lodge to the next level. But Hannah won’t compromise her dreams. She gets that Tate is trying to create a stable home for his orphaned six-year-old nephew—a boy Hannah already adores. And if she isn’t careful, she could also fall for the boy’s too-attractive uncle. Is she risking heartbreak? Or do she and Tate really want the same things out of life?

The Other Books in the Series

Mountains ApartA Case for ForgivenessIf Not for a Bee

Carol Ross is the author of three books for the Seasons of Alaska series for the Harlequin Heartwarming line. She lives with her husband and one loveable miscreant of a dachshund in a small town in Washington close to both the ocean and the mountains. For a complete list of her books, giveaways, and other fun stuff stop by and visit her new website: carolrossauthor.com.


Website – Goodreads – Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest
Tour Schedule



Tour Giveaway

$50 Amazon eGift Card and an ebook of A Family Like Hannah’s (open internationally)

Rankins’ Alaska Prize Pack: signed copy of A Family Like Hannah’s, an infinity scarf, gray fluffy mittens, a tin of Starbucks hot chocolate, a coffee mug, and a sterling silver snowflake necklace. (US only)

Copy of A Family Like Hannah’s (print if in the US, ebook if outside the US)

Ends February 26tha Rafflecopter giveaway

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** Book Review ** CRAVING HER EX-ARMY DOC by Amy Ruttan


4 1/2 STARS!

I thought my heart had been won by Dr. Carson Ralston in the last book of this series … until we dug into the life of his brother Dr. Luke Ralston in this book, and I love him even more! 🙂

Luke Ralston left the life that he loved as an Army doctor to come back home to the wife he had waiting at home.  Only she found someone she wanted more in his best friend while he was away and divorced him.  Now he spends lots of time in the mountains that he loves and hides away from the world as much as possible.

Dr. Sarah Ledet has moved to Crater Lake to be the doctor for the new ski lodge that’s about to open up.  She’s trying to do something that’s all her own for once and find out who she really wants to be.

She and Luke love to bicker with each other, but have great respect for the other as well.  He sets out to acclimate her to this wicked winter type of life she’s walking into so she will be ready when rescues are needed.  The more time they spend together, the more they can’t resist their attraction that flares when the other is near.  Will they both be able to overcome their baggage and see what’s in front of them before it passes them by?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **

** Book Review ** CLAIMING HER SEAL by Kat Cantrell


4 1/2 STARS!

A team of former SEAL’s getting together to run a business in the Caribbean makes for a sexy, hot read!  It’s a fast and fun story with a super cute connection between these two even though they deal with a lot of seriousness in their conversations. The only thing that would have made me enjoy it even slightly more is a little more of a background behind them leaving the Navy and settling there with their business and their side jobs.  I really enjoyed getting to know Dex and Emma and can’t wait to continue with Evan and Rachel’s story next!

Emma Richardson is trying to get over a traumatic experience, so she decides to get away from it all and go on vacation with her best friend Rachel. Not long after arriving, she runs into Dex on the beach and strikes up a flirtation.

Dex Riley escaped the real world of the States after his several tours with his SEAL team was over and now is running an island adventure company with several of the guys. He’s attracted to Emma but isn’t looking for the type of straight and narrow type of gal that he thinks she is. When he finds out she has a history of her own, will he decide to throw caution to the wind and have that fling?

** Received free in exchange for an honest review **


** Book Review ** HUSBAND SIT by Louise Cusack



I  must admit, I thought this story sounded too wacky to be any good … and yes, it was quirky … but it had a depth of emotion to it that surprised me.  Not only in the main couple of characters, but also in the friends surrounding them.  I ended up enjoying it quit a bit.  Be ready for lots of HOT sex!

Jill Wilson has just ended a 10 years relationship with a nice, boring guy when her sister Brittany gets herself into trouble and needs money desperately … A LOT of money.  Jill doesn’t know what to do when she can’t get a loan for it, but while talking with someone she’s house sitting for, comes up with a plan.  She’s going to offer her services as a husband sitter.  For a weekly fee, she will keep husbands “happy” at home while their wives are off on vacation.

Finn Walters is an easy going businessman, who’s wife wants him to have company while she’s off doing her thing.  Finn is just humoring her and doesn’t plan in partaking in Jill’s services … until they spend time together and the attraction starts to fly.

When her time with Finn is up and she’s feeling too much, she flits from client to client trying to get him off her mind.  Finn can’t stop thinking about her either, and contacts her several times.  Will she decide to see him?  What kind of future could it bring?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **

** Book Review ** THE SEAL’S SECRET HEIRS by Kat Cantrell



Loved this book!  I read Cat Schield’s earlier book when Liam first got Maddie, so it was great to see how it played out once Kyle finally made it home.  Important lessons are learned about how communicating can save lots of heartache, and also how important family can turn out to be.

Kyle Wade’s life was complete when he became a Navy SEAL .. or so he thought.  When he arrives back home to Royal, Texas after being gone ten years and finds that he’s the father of infant twin daughters, he realizes he hasn’t lived through anything yet.  Injured overseas and no longer able to be a SEAL, Kyle doesn’t know where he will fit in on the family ranch, but the second he lays eyes on his daughters, he knows he’ll figure it out.

Grace Haines was Kyle’s high school sweetheart, and neither of them have put the other out of their minds over the years.  As soon as they are in the same room together, sparks are flying … but she’s the caseworker assigned to his daughters.  Can they overcome their past and have a future?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **

** Blog Tour / Book Review ** THE MASTER by Tara Sue Me




The continuation of The Submissive Series is a sexy read that showcases the aftermath of what can happen after a scene goes horribly wrong.  Sasha proved that she could blame the person, not the lifestyle for what happened to her.

Sasha Blake had been playing in the BDSM lifestyle for several years when she made the mistake of being far too trusting with an inexperienced Dominate.  She was injured .. both physically and mentally.  Several months have passed and she really wants to be able to rejoin her friends in the Partners in Play community, but she keeps suffering panic attacks.  It’s decided that she will be re-trained, and the Dom doing it will be Cole Johnson.

Cole has recently gotten out of a long term relationship and is willing to help Sasha learn to trust again, but only if sex isn’t involved.  He does’t believe his style and hers can match, but he knows he can guide her back to being able to trust again.

Thing go well, and move along quicker than he projected, but how long can Cole really fight the sexy attraction on display in front of him?  Can there actually be a future for him and Sasha?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



The Master by Tara Sue Me

Date of Publication: February 2, 2016


Tara Sue Me’s New York Times bestselling Submissive series continues with a delicious new story that explores the thin line between pleasure and pain. . . .

She’s ready to try again. . . .

Sasha Blake is scarred from a BDSM session gone wrong, but she can’t deny how much a strong Master turns her on. Determined to overcome her fears and rejoin the Partners in Play community, she asks Abby and Nathaniel West to set her up with a Dom who can help her feel safe again as a sub. They know the very experienced Cole is exactly the kind of man who can push all of Sasha’s buttons—and she soon wants to go much faster than she had planned. . . .

Cole knows that Sasha is not the kind of submissive he needs. He wants someone who will serve him 24-7, not a part-time partner. Still, the further they go into their play, the more Cole begins to wish he could make Sasha his all the time. . . .

When forbidden desires turn into scorching action, Sasha and Cole come face-to-face with their demons—and realize their scorching relationship might be too dangerous to last. . . .

Available From

About Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me wrote her first novel at the age of twelve. It would be twenty years before she picked up her pen to write the second.

After completing several clean romances, she decided to try her hand at something spicier and started The Submissive. What began as a writing exercise quickly took on a life of its own. An avid reader of all types of fiction, she soon discovered she enjoyed writing a variety as well.

Tara lives in the Southeastern United States with her family, two dogs, and a cat.

Find Tara Sue Me Online


During a lull in the conversation, he leaned forward and lowered his voice. “There’s a play party next weekend.”

She froze and he could see her process his words and their meaning before she relaxed. “Yes.”

“Good job, Sasha. You did what I told you to do earlier, didn’t you?” She’d remembered he wouldn’t touch her without telling her where and how.

“Yes, Sir.”

He nodded. “A fast learner. I like that. I would like for you to attend the party with me.”

He paused, gauging her reaction. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement. “I would like that,” she said.

“Since the party will be held at Master Greene’s house and I don’t know if he has granite countertops, I won’t have you wear the black lingerie.”

Her voice was calm when she asked, “What will you have me wear, Sir?”

“I’ll have it sent to you this week.” Let her think about it for a while.

“I look forward to it.”

“We won’t formally participate in any scenes, but you will serve as my submissive.”

Her lips parted and she nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Master Greene has asked me if he can apologize for Peter’s actions.” He watched her carefully, looking for any hint of panic.

“Will Peter be there?” she asked quietly.

“No, in fact I understand that as a result of the phone call, there’s to be a meeting to determine if he should be allowed to remain in the group.”

Her eyes widened in shock. She hadn’t heard that. He was surprised Julie hadn’t told her, but then again, Daniel might not have told Julie.

She straightened her shoulders. “In that case, I’m good with Master Greene apologizing.”

“That’s what I told him, but I also said I wanted to check with you

She nodded, but then her gaze grew distant and she looked over his shoulder.

“Everything okay?” he asked. “Are you having second thoughts?”

She slowly returned her focus to him. “No, I’m just thinking about Peter. Now that I can think about him and not risk an episode, I often find myself wondering if I missed something, some sign.”

“I understand why you’d do that, but your time would be better spent asking yourself what qualities you’re looking for in a Dom.” He reached into his pocket and took a twenty dollar bill out. “Do you know how they train people to recognize counterfeit money?”

Her forehead wrinkled and she frowned in puzzlement. “Sir?”

He passed her the twenty. “They don’t give them the counterfeit bills to study. They only touch and hold the real thing. They become so accustomed to the real money that they immediately recognize the fraud.”

“I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say, Sir.”

“Focus on what you want from a Dom, how you want him to treat you. Think through the characteristics of a Dom you’d like to play with. That way when you meet someone and you get to know him, you’ll recognize if he’s a fraud or not.”

She nodded.

“To make sure you understand, I want you to make a list of your top ten requirements from a Dom. We’ll go over it next time we meet.”

Her gaze grew wistful again, but she smiled and replied with a soft, “Yes, Sir.”

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** Book Review ** SUBMISSIVE SEDUCTIONS by Christine d’Abo




This book definitely had some exciting scenes in it, and the characters grabbed your attention but it felt somewhat empty.  I would have liked to have seen their relationship develop more and bring more substance to the plot.

Liz Coghlan has had secret fantasies for years about being dominated in the bedroom.  Her friend is into the BDSM scene and takes her along to a charity auction at the club she’s a member of.  Liz is going to Buy a Dom for a night to see if this is something she’s truly into.

Gareth Baxter is intrigued when Liz bids and wins him for the night and shows her some beginner fun.  When they hit it off, she wants to continue to play with him, but he feels like she needs someone who is in the frame of mind to mentor a newbie to the scene.  When she finally convinces him to give them a chance, will they find a common ground and enjoy a relationship, or will her doubts of whether she can truly commit to this type of lifestyle end their relationship before it even gets started?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **