** Book Review ** BEAUTY AND THE BULL RIDER by Victoria Vane


3 1/2 STARS!

A story about finding love where you least expect it, and about taking a second chance even after heartache.

Zac McDaniel is thinking about retiring from bull riding when he runs into his friend Ty and finds out a little info about the gal he’s had a crush on for years … Ty’s ex-wife!

Delaney McCall has been working hard on the ranch that she got half stake in from Ty to make a reputable bull breeding business.  She’s surprised when Zac shows up in her neck of the woods at a stock auction.

Zac knows Delaney wants to have a baby, and he offers his services, but expects to do it the old fashioned way.  Will Delaney see that he’s different from her ex and really give him a chance to show her how much she means to him?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **

** Blog Tour / Book Review / Giveaway ** HIS KIND OF COWGIRL by Karen Rock


4 1/2 STARS!

Such an emotional book!  I cried for her loss, I felt sorry for her having so much thrust on her at once, I felt angry at her attitude towards Tanner, and most of all, I felt joy that they were all getting a second chance.

Claire Shelton has moved back to her Dad’s place to get things settled after he suffers a stroke.  She’s discovered that he’s been hiding mountains of debt from her and the only option is to sell to get out from under it.

Tanner Hayes broke Claire’s heart 10 years ago to follow the rodeo.  She’s very unhappy to see him because she’s afraid he’ll find out her secret … and once she hears the plans he and her father have to save the place, she’s even more angry.

Will Tanner be able to heal her broken heart and earn a second chance with her?  And when he finds out what she’s been keeping secret all these years, will he be able to forgive her?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



His Kind of Cowgirl
By: Karen Rock

Releasing March 1, 2016
Harlequin: Heartwarming


 Would he still love her…if he knew?

Tanner Hayes smashed Claire’s life to pieces when he chose the rodeo over her ten years ago. And now he’d wrecked her truck! Fantastic. She’d lost her husband, the family ranch was mired in debt, her father was recuperating from a stroke and her son was being bullied. Why not throw a reckless bull rider into the mix?

All she’d wanted was a safe, stable life. But with Tanner back in town—and staying on her ranch—nothing was safe, or under control. Not the feelings she’d fought so hard to forget. Not the son she was determined to protect. And certainly not her long-held secret…


Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2016/01/his-kind-of-cowgirl-by-karen-rock.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28397519-his-kind-of-cowgirl


Buy Links:  Amazon | B & N | Google Play | iTunes | Kobo

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/His-Kind-Cowgirl-Karen-Rock/dp/0373367791/ref=tmm_mmp_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1452090269&sr=8-1

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/his-kind-of-cowgirl-karen-rock/1122567968?ean=9780373367795

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Karen_Rock_

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/his-kind-of-cowgirl/id1033214472?mt=11

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/his-kind-of-cowgirl



Everything happened at once and in slow motion.

A crushing jolt shuddered through the truck. Her wheels skidded sideways. She smacked against the window when her pickup rolled down an embankment, as if punched by something large and lethal. Glass rained deadly sharp. The earth tumbled around her, her truck in spin cycle. When a massive tree loomed, the Chevy slammed into it then stilled.

Winded and stunned, she hung upside-down in her lap belt, blood, metallic and warm, on her tongue, a rushing sound whistling in her ears. Her heartbeat changed and grew slow and rolling in darkness. Something hurt, a long way away. Then nothing.

“Ma’am. Ma’am. Are you all right?” A man’s voice shouted, rousing her. She tried turning her head but pain held it in place. When she opened her mouth, silent panic flew out.

“Hold on. I’m getting you out of there.”

Acrid smoke pierced her consciousness. She closed her eyes against the billowing grit.

This wasn’t happening. It was a dream. No. A nightmare.

A tugging motion jerked her right and left, followed by a ripping sound. Large hands halted her sudden fall.

“Got you.”

Her rescuer cradled her against his chest, his breaths heaving beneath her ear. After carrying her some distance, he lowered her slowly to the ground. Grass scraped against her stinging cheeks and she opened her eyes.

“What?” she croaked, then swiped at the trickle leaking from her mouth. A man wearing a cowboy hat hunched over her, his features blurred.

“You’ve been in an accident. We have. Our trucks collided in the intersection.”

“My truck!” She bolted upright and clutched the swirling ground.

An arm snaked around her back and eased her down. “I called the dispatcher. The fire department’s on the way.”

A wail sounded in the distance and Claire wanted to shriek with it.

Her special day. Her anniversary. Ruined. No. Demolished by this…this…

She squinted upward and focused. A dark swirl of hair brushed across the tall man’s forehead; a light scar zigzagged down his square jaw. Recognition zapped through her.

It couldn’t be…


“Hello, Claire.” His mouth went up, just a fraction—the same ready-for-anything smile that had once undone her.

She closed her eyes, heart thudding. Ten years since she’d vowed never to see him again…and now here he stood, two for two in wrecking her life.


Karen Rock



Karen Rock is an award-winning YA and adult contemporary romance author. She holds a master’s degree in English and was an ELA instructor before becoming a full-time writer. Currently she writes for Harlequin Blaze and Harlequin Heartwarming. Her novel, A LEAGUE OF HER OWN, won the 2015 National Excellence in Romance Fiction award in contemporary romance series and the 2015 Bookseller’s Best award for contemporary romance, long.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

Website:  http://www.karenrock.com/

Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/karenrockwrites

Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/karenrock5

GoodReads:  http://www.goodreads.com/karenrockauthor



A $50 Amazon Gift Card, and autographed print copies of HIS HOMETOWN GIRL, RAISING THE STAKES and WISH ME TOMORROW

a Rafflecopter giveaway

** Blog Tour / Book Review / Giveaway ** HIS SECRETARY’S SURPRISE FIANCE by Joanne Rock



A great friends-to-lovers story!  I enjoyed getting to dig into the life of the 2nd Reynaud brother and follow him on his journey to discovering what was right under his nose for years. 🙂

Adelaide Thibodeaux grew up with Dempsey Reynaud and they have remained friends for what seems like forever.  She has been his assistant for years, and now that he’s settled in as Head Coach of the New Orleans Hurricanes, she’s ready to spread her wings and do her own thing … only Dempsey doesn’t want to let her go.

To stop Addy from resigning, Dempsey announces their engagement to the press … only they aren’t engaged and have never been anything but friends and boss/employee.  She doesn’t call his bluff because she doesn’t want to cause a scandal, so Dempsey takes advantage of that and moves her into his home for a few weeks.  Will the crush she’s had on him rear it’s head again?  And when Dempsey feels a hit of attraction when he touches her, will he decide to act on it?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **



His Secretary’s Surprise Fiancé
Bayou Billionaires #2
By: Joanne Rock

Releasing March 1st (Digital), March 8th (Print)
Harlequin Desire


 Her boss wants her in his office—and as his bride!

Adelaide Thibodeaux grew up with Dempsey Reynaud, and she’s worked for him for years. But when the billionaire football coach springs a surprise engagement to keep her from resigning, it’s a low blow. Just as she’s ready to strike out on her own, she’s stuck in a fake relationship with her boss, biding her time…

But soon Adelaide faces a second blow: she’s actually falling for the man! Can a relationship founded on a lie become the real deal? Or will they fumble before the end zone—and stay in the friend zone?


Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2016/01/his-secretarys-surprise-fiance-bayou.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26891443-his-secretary-s-surprise-fianc

Goodreads Series Link: https://www.goodreads.com/series/168229-bayou-billionaires

Buy Links:  Amazon | B & N | Google | iTunes | Kobo

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Secretarys-Surprise-Fianc-Bayou-Billionaires/dp/0373734492/ref=tmm_mmp_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/his-secretarys-surprise-fiance-joanne-rock/1122651876?ean=9780373734498

Google Play: https://books.google.com/books/about/His_Secretary_s_Surprise_Fianc%C3%A9_Mills_B.html?id=Nr_PCgAAQBAJ

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/his-secretarys-surprise-fianc/id1044193759?mt=11

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/his-secretary-s-surprise-fiance





“You can’t leave now.” He didn’t have time to hash this out. And he would damn well have his way.

“I’m going after the press conference. I told you I would come back for the pre-season, and now it’s done.” Frowning, she twisted the bracelet round and round on her wrist. “I shouldn’t have returned this year at all, especially if this ends up causing hard feelings between us. But I can send your next assistant all my files.”

How kind. He clamped his mouth shut against the scathing responses that simmered, close to boiling over. He deserved better from her and she knew it.

But if she was going to see him through the press conference, he still had forty minutes to change her mind. Forty minutes to figure out a way to force her hand. A way to make her stay by his side through the season.

All he needed was the right play call.

“In that case, I appreciate the heads-up,” he said, planting his hands on her waist and shuffling her away from the door. “But I’d better get this press conference started now.”

Her eyes widened as he touched her, but she stepped aside, hectic color rising in her cheeks even though they’d always been just friends. He’d protected that friendship because it was special. She was special. He’d never wanted to sacrifice that relationship to something as fickle as attraction even though there’d definitely been moments over the years when he’d been tempted. But logic and reason—and respect for Adelaide—had always won out in the past. Then again, he’d never touched her the way he had today and it was messing with his head. Seeing that awareness on her face now, feeling the answering kick of it in his blood, made him wonder if—

“Of course we need to get to the conference.” She grabbed her earpiece and shoved it into place as she bit her lip. “Let’s go.”

He held the door for her, watching as she hurried up the hallway ahead of him, the subtle sway of her hips making his hands itch for a better feel of her. No doubt about it, she was going to be angry with him. In time, she would see he had her best interests at heart.

But he had the perfect plan to keep her close and the ideal venue—a captive audience full of media members—to execute it. As much as he regretted hurting a friend, he also knew she would understand at a gut level if she knew him half as well as he thought she did.

His game was on the line. And this was for the win.






Three-time RITA nominee Joanne Rock has never met a romance sub-genre she didn’t like. The author of over seventy novels enjoys writing contemporary romance and medieval historicals alike, recently exploring Young Adult romance under a pseudonym. An optimist by nature and perpetual seeker of silver linings, Joanne finds romance–in all its forms– fits her life outlook perfectly. When she’s not writing, Joanne enjoys travel, especially to see her favorite sports teams play with her former sports editor husband and three athletic-minded sons.

 Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Website:  http://www.joannerock.com/
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/JoanneRockAuthor
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/JoanneRock6
GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/93455.Joanne_Rock





Grand prize of Heart of Cooking recipes from authors, Vera Bradley pen, notebook and backlist book by Joanne Rock and a Second Prize – Downloads of two Runaway Bride stories by Catherine Mann & Joanne Rock

a Rafflecopter giveaway

** Book Review ** FIGHTING FOR IT by Jennifer Fusco


3 1/2 STARS!

A sexy match up of old flames, showing that believing in something will get you far!

Jack Brady’s career has fallen apart.  He lost his last fight, his trainer died, and he’s drowning himself in booze.

Daniella Chambers shows up back in town and tells him it’s time to straighten up and get back to work because she needs him to save her Dad’s gym from the shape it’s in.  Dani & Jack were a thing back in high school, but split up when he pushed her to go to college.  Now, ten years have passed, but it all seems like yesterday when they look into each other’s eyes.

Will she be able to get him back on track with his training enough to win another fight?  Is there hope that she can forgive him for hurting her in the past and act on the attraction they still feel for each other?

** Book Review ** HUNTED by Elizabeth Heiter



I’ve had the first couple of the books in this series on my “To Be Read” pile for a few months, and I finally got an opportunity to pick the first one up today, and I’m so happy I did!  It was hard to put down and I kept hurrying to get back to it anytime I did have to take a break.  The main character is a tough chick and I really enjoyed seeing her work.  Can’t wait to read the next two that I have waiting and will eagerly await the 4th one being released!

Evelyn Baine is an FBI profiler and is sent to a small town in Virginia called Bakersville when they find a couple of women murdered and partially buried in a remote wooded area.  She sets out to do a profile on the murderer and find out as much info as she can to help track him down.

The killer is behind the scenes watching them try to find him.  He sets his sights on Evelyn and plans a special punishment for her.

** Book Review ** PUSHING THE LIMITS by Jennifer Snow


3 1/2 STARS!

I have read this entire series, and loved it dearly.  I wasn’t as taken with Dean’s story as I was with Walker’s and Tyson’s.  I didn’t feel the connection between him and Colby nearly as strongly as the previous two match ups, possible because she was keeping secrets so much.  I also missed the passionate training and fighting details that were in the previous two books.  I enjoyed hearing Dean’s story, but I would recommend you go back and start from the beginning with Breaking Her Rules and Fighting the Fall if you haven’t already read them, so you get the full passion of the series at a whole when reading this one.

Dean Hardy was a rising MMA fighter a year ago when tragedy struck and an opponent died after a kick he delivered in a fight.  Dean stopped fighting and totally withdrew from that part of his life.  He started working security at a casino, and tried to ignore everything about his past life.

Colby Edwards is a reporter trying to land an anchor position, when she meets Dean by accident one night.  She decides to work undercover as a ring girl to get an inside story of the inner workings of MMA.  She makes sure she runs into Dean to attempt to get info from him, and soon they are getting involved.  She encourages him to get back into the game again when a fight opportunity comes up.  Will she make the mistake of not telling him the truth before he learns it from someone else?  Will Dean be able to move forward and fight again?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **

** Book Review ** UNEXPECTEDLY YOURS by Coleen Kwan



I really enjoyed Derek & Hannah!

Derek Carmichael has returned to Pine Falls to check on his cranky Grandpa.  On his first day back, he runs into Hannah Willmett.  She’s the older sister of his best friend Caleb, and Derek has had a crush on her since he was 15 years old.

Hannah is newly divorced and has moved back home to set up a new life.  She’s blown away at how grown-up Derek is when she runs into him and can’t deny she’s attracted.  When they decide to have a temporary fling while he’s in town, it’s supposed to stay just between them.  That all changes when they end up expecting a baby.

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **

** Book Review ** THE CEO’S UNEXPECTED CHILD by Andrea Laurence



A great story that pulls at your heartstrings and makes you long for the magic that Luca and Claire stumbled upon.  A reminder that dreams do come true, and that disappointment doesn’t mean the end to all happiness.  Really enjoyed reading!

Luca Moretti can’t believe it when a fertility clinic mix-up results in him fathering a baby girl, but he will let nothing get in the way of him getting to be a father to her.

Claire Douglas thought she had it all, until the world exploded around her.  She was finally pregnant after years of fertility issues, then her husband is killed before she has the baby, and shortly afterward, she finds out he wasn’t even the father.

Luca wants visitation with his daughter, but Claire is fighting handing her over to a stranger, so Luca comes up with a plan to make her more comfortable while they get to know each other.  Will she eventually agree to sharing this precious bundle?  And as they get to know each other, will they act on the attraction they feel?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review **

** Blog Tour / Book Review / Giveaway ** SEASIDE EMBRACE by Melissa Foster



It’s always a pleasure to see the old gang and fall in love with the newest love match going on in the Seaside Summers series!

Hunter Lacroux works hard designing metal sculptures all day with his brother, and likes to have a good time at night.  He’s always been one who likes the fun, but not the commitment.

Jana Garner is a busy lady.  She acts, she dances, she teaches, she works at her brother’s bar, she boxes … and at the end of the day, she parties and has all the fun she wants.

Hunter and Jana are like oil and water.  They disagree and tempers flare … but that flaring leads to passion they haven’t been able to ignore.  They hook up for a night, then walk away and swear it won’t happen again … but it does.

When Hunter starts to see that it’s something different with Jana, will he decide he wants to take a chance on a real relationship for a change?  And if he does, will Jana run scared?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **




Seaside Embrace
Seaside Summers #6
By: Melissa Foster

Releasing February 17, 2016
World Literary Press


After working hard all day creating his beautiful metal sculptures, sinfully sexy Hunter Lacroux likes to unwind with a hot, sexy babe–or two. But after spending a handful of naughty nights with seductive and beautiful Jana Garner, the woman who challenges everything he does and says, Hunter wants more.

As a dancer, boxer, actress, and waitress, Jana is tough, organized, and as dedicated as she is committed. She has to be to maintain her crazy schedule. But when it comes to men, Jana’s had a string of bad relationships, and there’s only thing she’ll commit to–not committing.

White-hot passion ignites every time Jana and Hunter are together, but the closer Hunter gets, the faster Jana runs. When Hunter lays on the charm, Jana throws out a challenge she’s sure he can’t meet, and Hunter steps up to the plate, forcing her to face her hurtful past or let go of him forever.


Link to Follow Tour:  http://www.tastybooktours.com/2015/12/seaside-embrace-seaside-summers-6-by.html

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23655987-seaside-embrace?ac=1

Goodreads Series Link: https://www.goodreads.com/series/130906-seaside-summers

Buy Links:  Amazon | B & NGoogle Play | iTunes | Kobo

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Seaside-Embrace-Love-Bloom-Summers-ebook/dp/B0145T671W/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1446253703&sr=1-1&keywords=seaside+embrace

B&N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/seaside-embrace-melissa-foster/1122947236?ean=9781941480281

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=JFNjCgAAQBAJ

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/seaside-embrace/id1032044867?mt=11

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/seaside-embrace-love-in-bloom-seaside-summers



Melissa (2)


Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes contemporary romance, new adult, contemporary women’s fiction, suspense, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Her books have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the World Literary Café and Fostering Success. When she’s not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on Fostering Success. Melissa has been published in Calgary’s Child Magazine, the Huffington Post, and Women Business Owners magazine.

Melissa hosts an Aspiring Authors contest for children and has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Melissa lives in Maryland with her family.

Visit Melissa on social media. Melissa enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups, and welcomes an invitation to your event.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Website:  http://www.melissafoster.com/

Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/MelissaFosterAuthor

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Melissa_Foster

GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3023973.Melissa_Foster





Two Winners will receive their choice Seaside Summers Romance (Books 1-5) in digital format
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** Book Review ** BIDDING ON THE BILLIONAIRE by JM Stewart



I must admit, I took a walk down memory lane reading this book!  I met my now husband through a Chat Room/Instant Message on AOL over 18 years ago, so the nerves and excitement they felt hearing the voice for the first time and meeting in person after talking for months via messages felt so familiar.  They are a sexy couple, and going along on their hot adventure was a thrill!  A fast, fun read.

Hannah Miller has given up on dating men, but she sure is enjoying her online fling with “bikerboy357”!  Being able to hide behind a monitor, helps her to shed her insecurities and be the sexy vixen that she has buried deep inside.

Cade McKenzie is a gorgeous billionaire who has been played by women just wanting his money and prestige one too many times.  He’s happy to relax and just plain enjoy time with a woman who has no clue who he is for a change … until temptation gets the best of him and he decides he just has to meet her.

Will Hannah and Cade be disappointed by the “real” people they meet when they get together for coffee in Seattle?  Will the hot chemistry still flare between them?

**  Received free in exchange for an honest review  **